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A New Assignment

Posted on 07 Feb 2020 @ 12:16pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers
Edited on on 08 Feb 2020 @ 3:59pm

2,556 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various/SB51
Timeline: Earth Date 11/11/2393 - 2394


- Earth - The Wall of the Fallen -

Stardate 239311.11

As she did every year since that fateful mission Alex visited first the wall of the fallen and then onto her old friends final resting place to pay tribute, as Alex stood at the wall of the fallen in uniform she used old-world prayer with head bowed as she stood there. From there she took a transporter to a graveyard in the Eurasian Hills of what was once known as South Wales UK, now it is simply Eurasian Territories. She stopped off at a local florist and obtained some flowers a bouquet of Snowdrop flowers her late friends favourite flower and walked to the final resting place of Annabel Graves.

As she approached she saw other families at other gravestones, most of those in this cemetery were fallen heroes of the last Dominion War, shame that most of the plots were empty and just headstones. Her friend was lucky they were able to return with her friend's body, now she placed the flowers on the grave and stood there for some time "Oh Annie! I wish you could have been here to see how I am now, I still sometimes have to think before I say oh look Annie, just for a moment I still think you are next to me, then I realise you are not then the pain of that day comes flooding back" she said to the headstone when she was done she always ended up in a Klingon Bar and had a few Bloodwines then she stumbled home.

- Earth - Somers Residence -

Stardate: 239401.15

Early morning in the Welsh valleys and the day looked like it was going to be a good one, the Somers residence was large and sat on a large open plot of land. To put a 20th Century description, the grounds of the house we large and that was the front of the house, the rear of the house was used for special functions and was bigger than the front. If any currency was still used, the Somers family would be very rich, but as currency was no longer in use they were simply influential.

At 0600 on a Monday morning Alex got a call from SFHQ to get in for an urgent mission briefing, after signing off she grumbled, not only did she miss her husband, Starfleet was now calling her early morning.

"I am getting too soft, must start getting used to the early mornings again," Alex said to herself as she got up and got ready, passing her father "hi Pappy *yawns*

"How come you are up so early Alex?" Samuel Somers her father asked.

"I got a call from SFHQ, they want me to go in for some briefing, they have not said what *yawn* so this is why I am up this early, why are you?" Alex responded.

"I got a meeting with Starfleet Intelligence External Operations" Sam responded.

Alex nodded and went into the bathroom to freshen up. When she came out a half-hour later her hair was brushed but currently up in a ponytail, she returned to her room and put a uniform on. then applied her makeup and arrange her hair, which was a simple style but she had been told it enhanced her beauty and she did want to look her best for her appointment.

oO when did I start caring about the way I look? Oo she asked herself oO I was never this proper when I was away on the frontier, got to get a posting out on the border, I am getting too soft and pampered here Oo came another thought.

- Starfleet HQ -239401.16 -

At 0700 hours on the dot, Alex entered Starfleet Headquarters in Paris and walked up to the reception desk "Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers, I was requested to be here!" She said to the receptionist.

He looked on his Padd "ah, yes Rear Admiral Green the new CinC Starfleet Intelligence is the one you will be speaking to Colonel if you wait one moment please I will let him know you have arrived" he said. Alex looked around the lobby while she waited.

"I see they have redecorated the lobby recently" she commented.

The receptionist studied her, "you may go on up Colonel twentieth floor room 15 if you need directions there is a security station on that floor, here are your visitors pass" he said handing her a temporary ID badge.

Alex nodded her thanks and headed deeper into the building and to the first turbo lift...

- Intelligence Office -

After a lengthy lift ride, Alex steps out onto the 20th floor and walked down the corridor after showing her ID badge to the security by the lift, she took the directed route to the Commander in Chief of intelligence's office. It was thirty minutes past seven when she arrived outside her meeting office and announced herself to the Aide, who nodded and entered the inner office. She had come to terms with the screw up that intel has done to her team all those years ago which cost her the life of a very close friend, coming to the Intelligence section of SFHQ always made her spine tingle.

A moment later the Aide comes back out "you can go in Colonel" the Ensign said.

Alex nodded her thanks and entered the office, automatically she came to attention and saluted, training counted for everything, the Admiral indicated that he accepted the salute "please have a seat Colonel" he began.

*Pause* "I suppose you are wondering why you were called here, I know what you think of Intelligence and I know of your mission, so I can appreciate what it took for you to come here, despite it being a request," he said.

"No problem Sir, I mainly came to terms with that a year or so ago, so back to the current time, what task has SFI got for me?" She asked.

"I have read the transcript and performance reports from your temporary command of the Avant-Garde and the actual CO spoke highly of your abilities and grasp of Fleet policy. So now we have another mission, should you choose to accept it" he said and Alex could not help herself she laughed.

*a moment of hysterical laughter*

"Ahem... Sorry, Sir, I am a fan of old movies and you used a partial phrase from the film Mission Impossible, I would recommend you watch all the films, you might enjoy them. *more seriously* "so where am I going?" She asked.

oO I thought that might loosen things up a little, she seems a little more at ease now Oo the Admiral thought to himself, it was planned that way, he looks at her "Here is the mission file for you to read en-route, but initial briefing is you are being assigned on a temporary basis as MCO on the USS Tomcat, Fleet Captain Somers has been notified. But there is a situation on Galen IV about a week back the Cardassian Embassy there was bombed and all Cardassians killed, we got this footage from one of our stealth probes at the scene, hint, take notice of the people and the backs of their necks" he said and showed her the visuals, which ended on a shadowed figure watching from a safe distance and as they turn a spike is showing where the Admiral said, the visual ended.

She looked at him "why does that strike a familiar chord?" she asked.

"Do you remember the Parasite infestation back in the 2360s Colonel, where some symbiotic parasites tried to take over Starfleet?"

"Yes Sir, did not the crew of the Enterprise D foil their plans and kill the host of the Hive queen?" She asked.

"Yes, since then we have heard nothing from them, until now, we think that they are trying to gain a foothold in our outer territories, so your assignment is to take command of the Tomcats Marines, sorry Rifles and assist the Captain in sorting the mess out at Galen IV if you have any further questions you can take them up with your new CO," he said as she took the encrypted Padd.

"When do I leave Sir?" Alex asked.

"As soon as possible, your new CO is expecting you" the Admiral replied.

Alex took this as her dismissal, so she stood up, walked to the door, about-faced and saluted until the Admiral accepted it and only then did she leave when she had left and the door was closed the Admiral went back to work.

- 0900 - SFHQ San Francisco Shuttle pan -

Alex bags and all arrived on the flight pan and was directed to a modified Delta Flyer class shuttle, that was modified for courier duties she would fly there and the Delta Flyer shuttle would remain on the Starbase until she was ready to return and she was checked out on the shuttle anyway. So while the flight crew load her bags and such she goes through all the flight safety checks, she gets done as the ground crew Chief enters.

"All good Colonel?" He asked

*Smiling* "yes thanks Chief and do not worry I will bring her back in one piece," she said with a teasing wink, the Crew Chief shot her a dirty look, she simply smiled sweetly as he grumbled and left the shuttle.

Shortly after getting clearance to leave the shuttle ramp and door closes and the Delta Flyer class shuttle lifts off and heads into space, where Alex would get permission to leave the system and then go to warp.

- Mira Sector - 239402.05 -

The trip out was long but uneventful, except for the occasional need to avoid Pirates, one even tried to give chase, but she lost it in a nebula and exited out of it on thrusters, the other ship an Orion Slaver Corvette was a lot slower on the turn. Eventually, Starbase 51 was in sight, she jumped when her Comms came to life as she entered the flight control zone.

=/\= SB51 Flight Control to the unidentified shuttle, switch on your IFF and announce yourself =/\= came the challenge.

Alex was glad no one could see her, as her face went red, she had the IFF off to deter any hostiles and forgot to put it back on when she got into friendly space. So she activated it. =/\= SB 51 Flight Control this is Flyer 2167 out of Sol system, Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers I am the new acting MCO on the Tomcat, permission to dock, sending clearance codes now =/\= she responded and was greeted with a longer than normal silence.

=/\= Clearance code confirmed Colonel welcome to the Mira Sector, stand by for auto-guidance into the shuttle bay =/\= the controller said.

=/\= Not happening control I will bring her in manually and I promise to scratch your paint =/\= Alex said with humour in her voice, she was greeting by grumbles that sounded a lot like "goddamn pilots" comment.

=/\= Acknowledged Flyer 2167, follow glide path, into the main shuttle bay, send landing confirmation when secured from the flight, control out =/\= the voice said and signed off.

Alex sighed heavily and took the shuttle in as directed and as she closed in she kept her straight and steady as she entered the bay, a crew hand with some glowing sticks guided her down to her assigned spot when she switched to RCS thrusters and as she promised she landed it so gentle it to the crew hand a moment to realise the ship was on its landing gear when she secured from flight she sent the all-clear to flight control, picked up her flight Padd and opened the door and ramp as the deck Chief entered and took the offered flight Padd and nodded his thanks. She arranged to have her stuff delivered to her quarters, while she went to see the Captain.

- Various - CRR USS Tomcat -

Exiting the shuttle she headed straight for the Tomcat, she really wanted to get some rest, but she figured that she should at least let the Captain know she was finally here. So after two turbo lift rides up and across, she exits onto the Arrival and Departure level and headed straight for the airlock where the Tomcat was docked at. She entered the gangway and headed towards the ship itself, even after all these years being this close still made her look up in awe, there was no one to greet her as she entered she headed straight for Deck One from the rear, so she would not need to enter the bridge.

After half an hour she arrived outside and the small desk that was outside was new, it was obviously for her Yeoman, but currently, the Aide was not here, she heard movement in the room, so she pressed the buzzer.

Jasmine was engrossed in the work she was doing and jumped a mile when the buzzer sounded "ENTER" she said wondering who would disturb her at this time. She looked up and gave a big genuine smile as her cousin entered, who was also smiling.

"Alex! I did not expect you so soon" she exclaimed and stood up and hugged her kin who returned the hug, when both stepped back Jasmine directed them to sit on the more comfy sofa in the room as she went over to the replicator.

"I take it you were told that I was you temporary MCO for the upcoming missions, I have also more information on what happened on Galen IV than what was in your brief, so I will need to be introduced to your crew in the briefing, speaking of, when are you planning to hold said briefing?" Alex asked as Jasmine replicated them some tea and brought it over, she handed Alex hers as she sat.

"In the next couple of days with luck," she saw a concerned look on the other woman's face "what is it, Alex?" she asked.

"How will S'arila take the news?" Alex asked.

Now understanding the look "I do not think so, I think initially she will be happy, our last MCO had to drop out due to personal issues, so I think she was unprepared for such a position" Jasmine answered.

Alex nodded and took a sip of her beverage as she thought about what she had to do "How did the inhabitants of the Thorion system end after?" Alex asked.

"We might see the Prelate be the ambassador for them and I think he might want to open up trading with us, the rogue Orion slaver Captain is still out there, so I expect she will show up at some point to make a nuisance of herself, her type usually does" Jasmine responded and Alex simply nodded.

They talked about other things for some time catching up on events and such, they did not see each other that often these days so both women enjoyed the catch-up, soon Alex had to get some shut-eye and finishing her drink she thanks her cousin for it and bid her a see you later and left the ready room, she was in there for an hour.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer

Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting MCO


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