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A Sideways move

Posted on 18 Feb 2020 @ 12:47am by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage
Edited on on 20 Mar 2020 @ 12:31pm

1,099 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: Current


After dealing with Winchester and his move, she called up another file jacket, she checked the officer's file and found her ability to change form humanoid to feline and back, this was a useful trait, and she could listen and Jasmine had confidence in this officer. So with her choice made she tapped her Commbadge.

=/\= Somers to Walon report to my Ready Room=/\= she started.

=/\= On my way, Captain =/\= Iria's voice retorted lightly over the communication channel. Iria herself was curious about the summons but she wasn't going to question it over the communication channel.

Instead, she set down her PaDD and left her office, crossed a corridor and caught a lift and after arriving at the proper deck, she walked out and paused by the reception desk where the Captain's yeoman Lucy usually was in residence.

Lucy looked up from her small desk with a cheery smile "Hello Lieutenant, go right in, the Captain is expecting you." Armitage said.

Iria nodded and smiled at Lucy, "Thank you, later if you have a moment maybe we can talk?" She said before she headed into the Captain's Ready Room.

"By all means Sir, she is expecting you, go right in" Armitage responded with a smile and watched the Chief Counsellor enter the CRR.

Iria smiled at Captain Somers, as she paused in front of Somers' desk, she never sat down until she was invited to do so. If Somers had any idea of the curiosity filled thoughts running rampant in Iria's mind it would have been funny. "You wanted to see me, Captain?" Iria asked lightly.

*looks up* "please be seated Iria," she said being informal and only began when she was sitting. "I would like to offer you the post of Chief intelligence officer, it is a faster promotion track, your secondary post will remain Chief Counsellor as information can come from anywhere and it is good to have a cover for your Intelligence post if you have to counsel a stranger, think of the information you can garner in polite interaction, there is also the fact you can change shape to a feline and on most planets, such an animal would be overlooked and will speak a little loosely if they see a cute and seemingly harmless feline near them, I have also read your file, you have the smarts for the job Lieutenant so after a settling in period I think you would adapt quite well to the post, so what say you, Lieutenant, will accept?" Somers asked.

Iria blinked fast clearly surprised by the Captain's comments, as she sat down in the offered chair. She was completely speechless, a loss for words. Iria sat back a moment thinking over what Captain Somers said about her counselling and shifting abilities that would have advantages in the Intelligence department. It was a big jump from what she was used to. Iria nodded after a moment, "I will have to get some official training but I think I can do it, Captain."

*Smiling* "I think you will find the ship's databanks will have all the material you will need, some are holodeck files if you need some help with the Security aspect of Intelligence do not be afraid to speak to Lieutenant Parker. So in your own response Iria what do you think the Chief Intelligence Officer has to do? And what duties Intelligence does?" Somers asked.

Iria frowned softly, as she spoke, "Well from what I remember from an academy course introduction it's usually those with a security clearance level four, they're supposed to organize reports of possible threats from mutiny or piracy. Making sure that nothing that is needed to know goes beyond those that are supposed to know. Beyond that, I think I am supposed to make sure that folks we send out to gather the information we lack without their getting caught, and making sure you get the results of anything that might affect our mission."

"Exactly, but on the Tomcat, you will at some point be expected to do hands-on work, what I can advise is that you create and cultivate sources of information and contacts and make a secure file to keep details in," the Captain said and held out to her an isolinear optical data rod "This is a one-use data rod, it is the Starfleet Intelligence version of a Cardassian data rod, it holds all the files that Commander Swiftpaws had when she was CIO, she thought she could circumvent my knowing stuff. I have seen what is on there, but understand little on it, perhaps you can study the files and make use of them?" the Captain added.

Iria nodded as she took the data rod in her hands, she enjoyed puzzles and unravelling the mysteries from this was likely going to be a long time project. "I will get started on it, but before I do get started, do I need to change my uniform or anything?" She paused adding as she looked at Somers, "Do I keep my office in counselling or do I need to move to the Intelligence department or go back and forth between as needed?"

"Yes, you need to change to grey, but keep the blue uniform too, as you will also remain as my Chief Counsellor, who knows there may come a point where I ask you to Counsel someone who could be full of valuable information and they are more likely to talk to a Counsellor than an Intelligence officer, so think of the Counselor job as a Cover when it is needed," Somers answered.

Iria nodded and got to her feet, "I guess I should get started then unless there's something else I need to know?" She wasn't just going to walk out before she was certain that the Captain was ready to dismiss her.

*smiling* "I have nothing further Lieutenant, the ship's databanks will have all the materials you need to get acquainted with your new duties, but for now, CIO duties take point over Counselling duties, understood?" The Captain asked.

Iria nodded her head, "Understood Captain," she was going to have to shunt a lot of counselling department shifts around if she wasn't going to be there herself.

"Excellent, Lieutenant, you are dismissed" Somers added and watched her leave her Ready Room.

Iria walked out gave Lucy a wry grin in passing, as she headed down the corridor. Things were going to be very different it seemed...


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor

MCPO Lucy Armitage [P: Somers]
Captain's Yeoman


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