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Posted on 01 Nov 2020 @ 3:14am by Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 01 Nov 2020 @ 9:28am

467 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck


Parker was on the holodeck, simulating an intruder on the lower decks of the Tomcat. He wasn't as familiar with the lower decks as he was the security spaces and the bridge areas. The simulation was set up with a team of bandits aboard trying to get to the mainframe to steal information.

The three bandits had him pinned down in a hallway and were circling around to attempt to outflank him, with a combat roll he maneuvered behind one of the support beams to try to gain a little cover.

it had been two weeks now since Captain Somers had moved Paul into Security as the Assistant chief of Security, now he had to have a meeting with his boss Lieutenant Parker who he had been informed was in Holodeck one doing some weapons training, as he thought to himself oO no time like the present to show what I can do with my own skills Oo as the doors to the holodeck opened and dived into cover, He asked " Mind if I join you Lieutenant ?"

“Feel free to join in Lieutenant, take cover,” Parker replied. “Computer continue simulation,” the sound of phaser fire was immediately heard. “We’re pinned down Winchester, what do you recommend?”

"Whats the situation Sir?" asked Paul as he needed all the information required before he could make any recommendations to the Lieutenant as he knew once he had all the facts he could as he had done when he was CAG.

"We've got six intruders, we're pinned down here outside engineering, there are three in front of us and I think the others may be trying to make a flanking maneuver. Their phasers are set to low stun, you'll know when you've been hit, but it won't be debilitating," Parker explained.

Paul thought for a minute and then asked ," Do you want me to go take some of the men and go after those that are flanking us ?" as he knew that if both were trapped then it would be difficult to defend, but he also knew that leaving Parker alone he could get captured or worse still killed.

“This isn’t a defensible position, I would suggest we make a tactical rear movement, we never retreat, but for training purposes let’s try it your way,” Parker said with a grin relishing a good fight. “On your mark I will supply cover fire while you move.”

Parker nodded, then moved and fired, before finding cover, he was about to fire again when his comm nudge beeped,

=/\=Lieutenant Parker, to the bridge=/\=

Parker replied quickly, "On my way." Turning to Winchester he said,"Thats some lousy timing just when it was getting good," before leaving the holodeck.


Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief of Security

Lieutenant JG Paul Winchester


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