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Intelligent Engineering

Posted on 28 Feb 2020 @ 4:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Edited on on 08 Mar 2020 @ 5:54pm

1,444 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various
Timeline: After A Sideways Move


Iria had taken a moment to let it sink in that she had accepted the Captain's offer of her taking on the role of Chief of intelligence as well as her counselling duties. She tapped her combadge, =/\= Walon to Dodd how's your report going? If you're not too busy can I stop by for a few minutes without getting you into trouble? =/\=

=/\= Dodd here, I always have time for you. Feel free to drop in when you want to. =/\= Dodd replied.

Dodd was in his office reviewing the shift logs and notes from his time out. He was always amazed by his team of engineers as they never seem to let him down.

- Engineering, CEO office -

Iria walked through engineering smiling as she passed by a few of the engineers as she headed for Remy's office. She rang the chime and watched the doorway with a playful cheeky grin o her face that showed off her dimples.

Dodd commanded the door to open and smiled as he saw who was awaiting him on the other side.

"Come on in," Dodd stated as he stood up from behind his desk. "What brings you to my neck of the woods?"

Iria walked into his office looking directly in his eyes, after the doorway hissed shut behind her she spoke softly, "The Captain has asked that I take on the position of Chief of Intelligence and still keeping my position of Chief Counselor." Iria paused adding quietly but the mixture of caution, curiosity and excitement feelings flooded her words, "She suggested that I gather folks to help me and I want to know if you want to be a part of a possible team? As an engineer you have skills I lack," she winked playfully, "You are already high in my view of those I trust." Iria looked up at him, "What do you think?"

"Wow, the captain asked you to be the Chief of Intelligence. That is great." Dodd replied. "Imzadi, I would be honoured to help you out on the side of standard duties. I am always willing to help you out of other things." Dodd had a slightly naughty smirk on his face with that remark. "I am always willing to do what I can to help you succeed in all that you do. That is why I am your biggest fan and want you as my wife."

Dodd then moved around the desk and up to Walon and he took her in his arms and kissed her and hugged her. He was happy to see her and he was also happy with her new assignment. He could feel her uncertainty of the change and felt the hug and kiss would help her feel more at ease.

Iria had been about ready to jump over his desk to give him a hug and kiss but he had beaten her to the idea not that she was going to complain ~~Remy, you're amazing to thank you for this!~~ she sent the thought to him as she returned his kiss relishing the moment for what it was a rare pause before things had to move forward again. "I have to go get another set of uniforms in Intelligence colours and to be safe I will get my dress uniform redone in intelligence colours as well, though I would much rather have access to the skirted version." She gave him a playful wink and a cheeky smile, "Captain Somers said she wants me to take care of Intelligence before my counselling duties, so I will have to move our sessions around unless you want to try talking with the others?"

"I don't need to worry about our sessions, as they will happen when we are together as your presence is all the therapy I need. I find it interesting that you will still be a counsellor while dealing with intelligence issues. But you will rock this and I am here to support you in the change." Dodd replied while still holding her in his arms and spinning about to sit her up on his desk.

Iria smiled up at him and let lose a surprised laugh at finding herself now sitting on the top of his desk, "What are you doing now?" Iria loved his spontaneousness, but there were times he surprised her by being deviously playful or even sneaky, he was always romantic in it never anything that would ever be a danger to the ship or those around them.

Dodd just smiled and let his hands do the walking around Walon's being and he leaned in to kiss her as his hands caressed her hips and pulled her forward a little towards the edge of the desk. Then he started to rub his body against her and he was still kissing her and holding her hips in place. He was so horned up that he wished they were off duty but he knew a little deviant play would help break the funk they were both in having to return to work and such. He could sense Walon starting to get in the mood and her body temperature was rising as was his. But he knew he needed to keep it in check as he did not lock his office and they both had to get back to work.

Iria bit back a moan, as Remy heated things between them with his kiss and wandering hands, motions that brushed sensitive parts together, uniform or not it was still felt. She bit his lower lip gently and then pulled back looking at him with wide eyes, "We will continue this later, tonight. I love you even if you are being the most devious and distracting." She didn't want to behave but she was going to because she didn't want to have the Captain decide to separate them now that they had larger joined quarters.

~~ Sweet Iria, I needed this interruption. You bet we will finish this therapy session later. ~~ Dodd thought to Walon.

Dodd then stood up straight and readjusted his uniform then offered his hand to help Walon off the desk.

"Well, I am happy you have a new opportunity on this ship and I know you will do a great job in intelligence. You just need to be aware of more sinister things in people when you are on a case. Just know that I am here for you and willing to help when and where I can. If the captain approves I am willing to assist when interrogations as I can reach deeper into the minds of others and after your assistance, I can do so without harming their minds or even without them knowing I am in there." Dodd added.

Iria took his hand and hopped off of his desk, she leaned up on her tiptoes to brush his mouth with a whisper-soft kiss, "I will be careful, and I will see you later tonight, if not at lunchtime beforehand." she winked playfully and then gave him a cheeky grin before she started to back towards the doorway before either of them decided to throw caution to the winds and started something they really shouldn't.

When that cheeky grin appeared on Iria's face, Remy suddenly felt a rise and was wishing that he did not stop what he teased.

"Hope you can do some review of intelligence data before the briefing later today," Dodd stated as he kept his hands clasped in front of his waist to hide any appearance of how he felt.

Iria gave him a genuine smile that showed off her dimples and she nodded her head, "That is the plan once I get a uniform change and try to meet with Lieutenant Winchester so I can get anything he didn't get to finish from Swiftpaws time and his own." She added a playful thought to him, as she stood on the other side of the doorway before it hissed closed, ~~I got a new dress that I plan to model for you tonight.~~ The only thing she added was the colour of it, a pale amethyst hue.

The door closed after Walon left. Dodd was hot and bothered by the thought of his Imzadi in an amethyst blue dress and due to him already being aroused, he was having a hard time, so to speak. He went to the replicator and got a glass of cold water and poured it over his head, then took a seat to continue reviewing the reports and logs from his absence.


LT. J.G. Iria Walon
Chief of Intelligence / Chief Counselor

LT. Remington Dodd
Chief of Engineering


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