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Intelligence transfers

Posted on 02 Apr 2020 @ 4:30am by Lieutenant Paul Winchester

2,265 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Intelligence office
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 01.1 (after Intelligent Engineering.


Iria looked around the new office and sat down she tapped out her new code into the console and waited to be recognized by the system. She knew that the previous head had been Winchester after Swiftpaws had left the Tomcat. She figured while she was getting settled it was best to see if Winchester had any additional information she would need.

=/\= Walon to Winchester can you please come to the intelligence office?=/\=

=/\= Sure, I'm on my way, =/\= replied Paul as he hated how once again he had been moved, although the first time was due to the loss of his arm, And now he had been moved into an assistant role in Security and was feeling like his Career was going backwards instead of forwards. this didn't please him one bit although the Captain had stated that it was her mistake. He thought to himself oO Could I have remained as CAG without the flying? Oo as he started to wonder about that possibility before he had been moved into intelligence, but he knew there was one thing Walon was not getting her hands on was the stuff that he had gained from Swiftpaws after she had left and that was the downloadable virus that he could install.

Iria walked around the office and stopped by the replicator, she pondered it a moment and decided to get a hot chocolate with peppermint sprinkles across the top, as she waited for Winchester to arrive. Her previous encounters with him had been at best standoffish because he hadn't wanted to do the sessions for counselling after having lost his arm in the fighter accident, she figured it was likely to be a more tense encounter since he had been moved out of the position she now found herself in as the Chief of Intelligence and still keeping her position of Chief Counsellor. It was going to be a challenge to see this as a transfer of information without analysis of his behaviours. Iria sat down and picked up a PaDD where she had started compiling the data from the data rod, that the Captain had given her. She left the data rod itself in a safe place separate from the office, the PaDD held what she had started on this far. It looked like several years worth of various types of computer codes.

- Corridor -

As Paul walked along the corridor towards his old office that now Walon inhabited, he thought oO Damn, is this her way of getting me into counselling sessions? Oo as he mused as he continued to stride towards the office. as he remembered after his accident he hadn't been that forthcoming about going to see her the thing was he didn't like talking about how he felt with his prosthesis. As he turned the corner and found himself outside the door that he had been able to just walk past the door, but now he had to stand there and press the door chime, which of course he did and waited to be called to enter what he still considered his.

"Come in." Iria retorted lightly as she set down her cup of hot chocolate and the PaDD she had been reading over while waiting for him to arrive. She turned her attention to face the doorway.

As the door slid open and Paul entered the room, he said through gritted teeth, "So Counsellor, you called me here?" as he stood now in the yellow of Security instead that of the purple of intelligence, as he looked back at her, He continued, "Am I here for you to gloat, that you got this Office?" as he continued to show his anger towards her, he finished, "Do us all a favour, go back to being a shrink,"

Iria blinked at him as his words and tone startled her, "I was going to ask you to sit down, so we could discuss the changes in this department. I will instead formally request all data, reports and mission notes that you were to have access to from Swiftpaws, I am also formally requesting any mission updates you got from your latest meetings with Intelligence." Iria said as she stood glaring up at him, "In this office I am the Chief of Intelligence, when I call you to the counselling offices, then you can call me Counsellor as you are currently not in a pleasant frame of mind. I am withdrawing my previous permission giving you permission to call me Iria instead." She paused still standing straight glaring up at him, "If you can be civil you can sit down otherwise we can stand here while you debrief." Iria said firmly as she eyed him.

"What I got from those meetings is above your pay grade Counsellor," replied Paul looking back at Walon "and I was told not to speak with anyone outside that room," he stated still looking at her he finished. "And as for the stuff from Swiftpaws that is being transferred to SFI," as he knew the stuff that he had kept was not going to be given over to her.

Iria shook her head, "If you refuse to turn over the data, assignments, and reports, which you are to have no further access to, it will be considered an act of obstruction in allowing me to fully take over the department. It makes you look unprofessional and petty but if you would rather I make a report detailing your refusal to be cooperative in the changes of the department. The choice is yours." Iria said firmly. If she had to go and gather it all herself from Starfleet Intelligence instead of his being professional and recognizing that he was no longer in charge here, Iria would do what was needed including pointing out his conduct.

"Fine, I'll get you that information," Replied Paul looking back at Iria, he continued, "However; should I get into trouble, you take the blame," as he knew that by following orders from those in intelligence and handing it over to Walon might get him into deep water. He finished, "Computer, Access secure files Alpha through Delta," He continued, "Winchester Delta Charlie -4,"

The computer replied " Working,"

Iria stood still watching him and waiting as the computer sorted through the databases he had requested. "That's all of it from Swiftpaws transition to you and now to me?" She figured it would be a lot more than that.

"Right there you go, Nine files," replied Paul as he glanced over at Iria, he continued, "that's everything," except the secret stuff that he was supposed to have destroyed but kept hold of which was the code-breaking software and the data retrieval and there was no way was Iria going to have that. Paul finished "Enjoy,"

Iria nodded, "Thank you, though keep in mind if you did keep any of the files that you're no longer allowed to access, you'll be jeopardizing your career." She said lightly as she regarded him. With the amount of time he had been in charge of Intelligence and for his access to Swiftpaws' files, there should have been more than just nine files for him to transfer over. Though maybe he had just lumped all of Swiftpaws' data into one large file and the rest were his own. She wouldn't know for certain until she started reading, and also finished her compilation from the data rod Captain Somers had given her of Swiftpaws' data.

Paul looked back at Iria and said "Look Swiftpaws and I never did this when I was made Chief," as he knew that if he had then he would have known more than he did as he knew Swiftpaws had taken most of what she knew with her when she left. He continued," all I know is that she disappeared just before I became CIO,"

"You still had training sessions and I know that the transfer of orders and data is part of the orientation if you didn't do all the training and procedures details of protocol there's no help for it now." She shook her head softly, "If you're sure you have given everything over that you had, then you're free to go." Iria said evenly.

"Look, I had no training with Swiftpaws what so ever," replied Paul looking at Iria, he continued, " All I ever did was use the holodeck with my James Bond Holonovels that's it," he finished," There was never any of this handing over like we are doing," as he knew the best way to prove it was to ask the Computer. He said," Computer, is there any interaction between Lieutenant Paul Winchester and Lieutenant Swiftpaws in this Office before Lieutenant Swiftpaws departure?"

"Working," came the voice of the Computer as both waited for the response. within the next few minutes, the Computer responded, "There was no interaction in this office between Lieutenant Paul Winchester and Lieutenant Swiftpaws,"

Paul responded," See, what did I tell you, Lieutenant," as he turned towards the exit, He said," Now I have work to do, Enjoy," as he started to head back to the Main Security area, he knew that this was not a good idea to take it out on those around him, but he had to release his anger somehow.

"Lieutenant Winchester you know full well that you were supposed to use the holo-deck to use the Star fleet intelligence training, you said you couldn't come to counseling sessions because of that training. If you had only ran your own programs instead that makes it a false use of time." Iria retorted in shocked surprise, by his words, "Did you do any of the Fleet issue assignments over the holo-deck?" If he hadn't there was a lot of explanation needed for his part.

"Of course I did, I just incorporated it in a setting that I was comfortable with," replied Paul, as he spun round to face her, he continued, "Look I lost my god dam arm in that acceident and talking about it would not change the fact would it?" as he looked at the new CIO.

Iria glared at him, "You said and I quote, All I ever did was use the holodeck with my James Bond Holonovels that's it," she paused, adding "That doesn't imply any fleet issue assignments, and they can't be incorporated into regular programs that way, it takes serious rewriting skills and programming knowledge." Iria paused once more, "Every loss whether physical or emotional requires therapy and time to heal and talking about it does help but you have refused numerous times, citing you were doing fleet assignment training, to late now to fix that; but don't expect me to just take your word at face value any longer."

"I didn't say I merged them, I just read the assignment which was stealth and practised the stealth part of the story." replied Paul looking back at her, he looked back at her "and what do you mean its to late for that?" he continued as he sat down onto the chair in front of her, he finished, " Do you mean the counselling sessions?" as he knew that he had been rude with her over that and had been wanting to make amends but didn't know how to approach Iria on the subject.

Iria shook her head, "The fact that you lied about the training sessions taking place and that you only used your own programs instead of the fleet training programs is what I meant by too late for it now." She took a breath and motioned to the doorway, "Go on Lieutenant Winchester, I obviously have a mess to sort through, as for your future counseling sessions you better show up and don't give your Counselor any trouble." Iria wasn't looking forward to having to sort through the files but she would make certain that everything was sorted properly and in detailed order before she got back to her counseling duties.

"And I thought you were my Counsellor," replied Paul looking back at her, He continued," at the time I was not ready to talk about the accident and I needed time," as he knew that again was true, he hadn't been in the right frame of mind at the time after getting the prosthisis and the accident itself.

Iria looked at him, "I will talk with the other counselors and we will decide whom will take your sessions from now on. If you can be civil I will consider doing it myself but if you're going to continue to be evasive and not willing to work with me, it will be best to let another take over." She said it firmly then nodded towards the doorway, "You can leave now. I will send word when your next session is and with whom."

As Paul rose from his chair and began to head towards the door once more, he turned back to face Iria and said, "Iria, I'm sorry if I upset you," as he turned back around and headed out of the door and back to his quarters to have a meal and relax.

Iria shook her head as he left it was confusing that he had been hostile and deflected a lot then the sudden out of place apology as he left. She would have to deal with it at a later time as she started going over the files he transferred to her...


Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical
USS Tomcat


Lieutenant j.g. Iria Walon
Chief Counselor, Chief Intelligence officer
USS Tomcat


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