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A Request Made

Posted on 02 Apr 2020 @ 4:31am by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 12 Apr 2020 @ 5:55pm

1,303 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Intelligence office
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 03.3

Iria frowned softly as she read over another report, she was definitely going to have to expand her circle of those she trusted and she figured she could ask and see what Lamia thought. =/\= Walon to Arderne can you please come down to the Intelligence department for a few minutes? =/\=

Lamia was surprised to get a call from Iria, especially as it concerned the intelligence department. Oo I wonder what it's about? oO =/\= On my way Lieutenant. =/\=

Making her way to the Intelligence department and offices she was soon there. Walking inside the Intelligence department she looked around, seeing an open door she walked over and peered inside. "Knock, knock" She smiled warmly at Iria. "You wanted to see me?"

Iria gave Lamia a genuine smile of welcome, "I do need to see you yes, please come in and help yourself to the replicator if you like, and have a seat." She paused adding lightly, "I have a few things to talk with you about but I would rather you be comfortable before I start."

Lamia nodded and headed over to the replicator, grabbing herself a hot chocolate she walked back over to a seat and made herself comfortable. "So, what can I help you with?"

Iria gave a wry grin, "Well the Captain wants me to focus on intelligence over counseling, I'm the now the Chief of two separate departments, and I figured that if you are interested you can help out in either department, as Operations you have some skills I don't but you have also been a counselor before too, so basically I want to see what you think and we can go from there."

Lamia stood looking shocked and surprised. "Wow! I wasn't expecting that when I came here." She paused to think for a moment. "Well I'm already Chief of Ops, but given your offer I would very much like to help out in the Counselling department. It's always been a love of mine and it gives me the chance to help others."

Iria nodded her head softly, "I will see if Aldana and Dr. Cahill mind if you join in on the counseling department as additional help." Iria paused and added with a small sheepish smile, "I might pick your brain for help in Intelligence once in a while too, if I don't ask out right for you to join a team if really needed, would that be okay with you?"

Lamia nodded. “It’s more than alright!” She smiled. “After everything that’s happened to us of late, I want to be able to move on. If you need me then I’ll be there.”

Iria nodded her head, "I also wanted to ask as a side note, when would you and Chris be able to join Remy and I for dinner?"

"Just give me a day and time and I'll organise it with Chris." Lamia smiled. "I'm good whenever."

Iria nodded her head lightly, "I will send you an invite soon."

“Iria, did you....get to mention to the Captain about the possibility of having families aboard ship?” She looked at Iria curiously. “You did mention the idea during our counselling session.”

Iria shook her head softly, "Not yet no, I was about caught up on Counseling reports and was getting a list of reasons to allow it, when the Captain asked me to go to her office on the Station and gave me this opportunity, and trying to cover my bases here before bringing it up to her." Iria wasn't going to suggest it without proof of how much it affected crew moral and stress. She had most of it done but with the interruption she hadn't finished compiling the list of reasons yet.

Lamia nodded. " That's fair enough, I can't see it being allowed anyway. As much as I want children I can't have a baby and leave that baby behind, it would practically kill me!" She sighed. "I guess if it happened I'd have to leave the ship."

Iria shook her head softly, "Never know for sure until we try, when I am ready to talk to the Captain about the subject of children on the ship,do you want to come along and offer your opinion r do you just want me to try to get permission about it for the crew on my own?" If she couldn't convince Captain Somers Iria was pretty certain that Lamia wouldn't be the only one to relocate to be close to her children.

“No, it’s only fair that you have some company. You’re asking on behalf of others it’s only fair at least one of us is there with you.” She offered a smile. “To be honest, I can’t see the Captain saying yes to allowing children onboard the ship.”

"We won't know for sure until we ask though, besides with what I found so far we might have a good chance," she gave a smile, "There's several reasons to allow it, the main one is the overall moral of the parents is higher knowing their children are nearby, they're usually more productive and professional since they don't wish to give reason to have their children moved to a base or sent to relatives," the other points varied but all were positive.

"I'm guessing the Captain will bring up the fact that this is a ship built to go out on dangerous missions." Lamia hung her head. "That means that children wouldn't be allowed onboard because it's too dangerous."

"Shipboard life is no more dangerous than aboard station's or starbase. Our mission isn't solely war, and if it was none of us would be here as we joined Starfleet to explore and discover not fight in continuing wars."

“That’s true I guess” Lamia nodded. “Anyway, I’m not going to dwell on it now or I’ll end up back in Counselling again!” She offered a smile. “Although at least I’m talking to the right person.”

Iria smiled as she nodded, "Too true! I will get back with you on it later. For now, thanks for coming down here and I will catch up with you soon. Do you have any questions or concerns before you leave?"

Lamia paused. “Just the obvious I guess, does this mean I’d officially have a second position as ship’s Counsellor, or would it just be an ‘only if required’ kind of position?” It was a grey area that she needed to check about.

"Well for now I think it will be only as needed but if you want me to make a formal request to the Captain to have you added to the counseling department?" Iria said lightly, as she looked at Lamia.

“Only if it’s not going to cause any problems” Lamia smiled warmly.

Iria grinned softly, "Let's see how it goes and if you want me to make a formal request just let me know." She was certainly glad to have Lamia agreeing to join in the counseling department even if only now and again.

“You can make it formal anyway” Lamia smiled warmly. “After everything I’ve been through lately I’d like to give something back. If I can help others then I’m happy to do so. Right now however, I have some Ops reports to go over and supplies to double check.”

Iria nodded, "Let's see how it goes first, and I will let you get back to your work, I have a lot to finish sorting out here." She got to her feet to walk Lamia out.

Lamia nodded. “Thank you for asking me Iria, I appreciate it.” She smiled before heading on her way.


Lieutenant Lamia Arderne
Chief Ops Officer

Lieutenant J.g. Iria Walon
Chief of Intelligence, Chief Counselor


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