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A Note for Duty

Posted on 29 Mar 2020 @ 6:09pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill
Edited on on 01 Apr 2020 @ 4:38pm

3,433 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various/Intel Office
Timeline: After Intelligent Engineering, and after Intelligence transfers


The Intelligence office was quiet mostly, only the gentle tone of fingers tapping on the console sounded, at the desk, Iria read a few more lines and sat back. She stretched and got to her feet, tapping her commbadge, =/\= Walon to Lt.Cmdr, Cahill and Lt.j.g. Aldana, I need to see you both at your earliest convenience in the Intelligence office please and thank you. =/\=

Doctor Cahill heard Walon call her, =/\= On my way Walon.=/\=

Doctor Cahill went to Walon’s office and pressed the door chime and waited. After a few minutes, the door opened to let her in. “Hi, Lt. Walon, what’s up?” As she stopped by the replicator for a large cup of coffee.

Iria watched as Cahill walked into her office and helped herself to the replicator without her given the chance to offer, she frowned softly and shook her head, “I will explain the reason I asked you and Doctor Aldana to come once s/he arrives, but please make yourself at home though next time it would be greatly appreciated if you would let me offer before you march straight to my replicator, Lieutenant Commander Cahill.” Iria said calmly as she regarded the taller woman.

“My apologies Lt. Walon. You are right it is your office.” Cahill apologized.

Iria nodded her head, at Cahill’s words.

Doctor Aldana acknowledged the call, =/\=Be there in a flash…=/\= The hybrid doctor gazed at hir companion nervously. ~What do you suppose this could all be about.~

~Know, not. Find? Only go, know. Go.~

“You’re right. The only way we’re going to find out is to go. Do you suppose we should put your…” Amiri was going to say, ‘vest on,’ since they’d never been to this part of the ship yet, nor met very many intelligence officers. However, Sombra must have read Alpha’s mind, as his vestiges were already dangling loosely from his maw.

It wasn’t long before Sombra was decked out in all his best service vest and identification. The pair headed out and were soon arriving at the intel. offices. Aldana opted to knock on the door.

“Come on in Aldana,” Iria replied as she got her a French vanilla cappuccino with peppermint sprinkles across the top of it from the replicator, “Would you like something to drink while I am by the replicator, Aldana or something for your companion?”

“I was reading up on something called dragon fruit that might help me with the issue we’ve discussed… maybe some sort of tea derived from the plant?” S/he glanced at Sombra for a brief exchange.

~Snack? Peanut, snack?~

“…and a peanut butter ‘pupsicle’?”

Iria ordered the dragon fruits infused tea and a peanut butter 'pupsicle' and brought them over along with her cappuccino.

Once everyone was settled in a seat Iria looked at the two of them, “I wanted to let the two of you know that I accepted the position of CIO as well as still keeping my position as Chief Counselor, but the Captain wants me to focus first on intelligence so I wanted to make sure you are both aware of this development.” Iria paused and added lightly, “If you have something that needs my immediate attention as far as counselling goes, I will get to it as soon as possible. In the meantime, I wanted to know how you would feel about having Lamia help out in counselling since she’s been a counsellor in the past, but if you have further suggestions or requests regarding the counselling department let’s discuss it now.”

Doctor Cahill smiles, “I am so happy for you Walon. It is a big jump in responsibilities and also a huge help should you be promoted as well. I am very happy for you. As CMO I can take care of counselling if it is needed as well. Then when you are free you can help out.

Iria nodded, her head softly, though it sounded as if Cahill, though she was giving up her positions as Chief Counselor, that was not it at all. She was just following the Captain’s request that she focuses first on intelligence over Counseling in her duties.

“While I feel that I was just getting comfortable with opening up to you, I’m certainly happy you’re advancing in your career.” Aldana couldn’t help but wonder how this wasn’t a conflict of interests, but s/he kept that to hirself since evidently Captain Somers approved to a lateral move. S/he thought about Lamia and tried to recall which one they were. “I look forward to working with Lamia and getting to know them and beginning to work with them. I’m sure they may have a unique insight into the things we’ve touched on in the session.”

Cahill smiled, “Also Lt. Walon, you are welcome to continue your duties as a counsellor as well if you wish too. I know a lot of the crew already trust you with what you are doing for them.”

Iria looked at both of them, “I am not stepping down as Chief Counselor, I am just doing as the Captain asked by focusing my energy first on Intelligence,” she paused as she met, Aldana’s gaze gently, “I will certainly keep with the more delicate sessions myself but, the general mental health of the rest of the crew will need to be seen to by, Aldana, and Lamia, at least until we get more counsellors to aid in this.”

Doctor Cahill responded, “I am glad you will continue as ship’s counsellor. You are the best one I have ever worked with, and the crew trusts you too.” Cahill paused before adding, “I know Aldana trusts you as well Lt. Walon.”

Deciding to see how the meeting was going the Captain entered the Intelligence Office “hello people, how goes the meeting?” Somers asked.

Doctor Cahill heard a familiar voice come in and stood up. “Captain on the deck!!!!”

Aldana winced at the loud yelling. S/he wasn’t sure that was called for in this situation; after all, while still a professional meeting, it was a little casual.

At hir feet, Sombra was startled and accidentally knocked over his treat. He winced and folded his ears back as well; silently mourning his snack and nuzzling it to try and get it upright again.

Iria stood up at Cahill’s announcement of the Captain being in the office. She turned to look up at Somers with a smile.

Following suit Aldana stood, though not before uprighting Sombra’s pupsicle.

*raises left hand* “as you were, I am only here to see how things are going!” The Captain responded.

Cahill responded, “Aye Captain.” As she sat back down. “I had just told Walon she could continue her duties as ship’s counsellor if she wished. Along with her new duties as well as Captian.”

“Thank you, Commander, but I think the Lieutenant knows,” *friendly smile,* “of course, her new position and duties will have her interacting with more… How shall I say… adversarial personalities, as Chief Counselor she only had to sit, listen and ask the occasional question; as CIO she will need to be able to hold her own against such people. Meaning at some point she too will have to be adversarial as CIO is not a job for the faint of heart,” the Captain responded.

Iria offered the Captain her seat, “Captain would you like to sit down?” she offered aloud before she paused and added in response to the Captain’s words before her offer of the seat. “I am not afraid of confrontation I just don’t seek it out normally.”

*nods her thanks as she sits* “Well now you are CIO, you will find that you will have to. Do not worry about Lieutenant Winchester he will get over the move, I apologize for his attitude, I moved him from CAG when he crashed his ship, then I misjudged his ability as CIO so I moved him to ACoS under Lt. Parker, so his attitude is my doing and for that, I apologize” the Captain said.

Doctor Cahill responded, “Not a problem Captain. Sometimes the best-laid plans go to hash when the future is revealed. Mistakes happen. No apology necessary.”

Iria nodded her head softly, “Well I am going to do my best as for his attitude, he will either cool off eventually or do something that will need a stronger response.” She didn’t think it was the Captain’s fault it was Winchester who needed to show he was a better officer than his current attitude diminished. She felt once he found a place, he could prove his worth; he would be happy.

“Some people need to vent, his actions in the briefing were a result of said move, while you may not blame me, I thought Winchester could do the CIO job and I was wrong. I should have left him as CAG after he lost his arm, he would never fly a fighter again, but as CAG he would not need to. I hope Cody can whip him into shape” the Captain said.

“What Winchester did was unacceptable. There is a line you do not cross, and he crossed it. When you become argumentative with superiors in from another group – whether they are officers or enlisted – the superior must take action to protect their integrity. Also, their command ability. He would have been more professional if he had saved it till private,” Cahill said.

Doctor Aldana squirmed. S/he wasn’t sure why they were talking about another officer at length behind their backs, and s/he was beginning to feel uncomfortable. S/he remained silent resorting to listening.

Sombra took a break from licking at his treat and took it gently into his maw. He sat up to check on Alpha and offered it to hir. Perhaps if s/he helped him hold it, so he could eat it more efficiently, he’d distract her away from whatever was bothering hir.

“I know and if I am honest Colonel Somers was lenient with him, I do not know if it was due to her mellowing in her old-age or the fact that he is fleet and she is a marine, but I do know she came from the ranks and she knows the more – how shall I say – unsavoury forms of punishment. The day she takes over from me I will feel sorry for Winchester, she has a long memory, so back to the subject at hand. What were you all discussing before I intruded?” she asked.

Doctor Cahill smiled, “Lt. Walon had just informed us that she is the new CIO and we were discussing it. I had told her she was welcome to continue duties as a counsellor in sickbay if she wanted, and she was responding.”

“Excellent, yes I said that Iria could retain her post as Chief Counselor as a secondary job as it is a useful cover for her if she needs to go undercover and what cements that belief is she is a qualified counsellor, plus there is her shape-changing ability, I mean who would think a feline is dangerous?” The Captain asked with a mischievous smile.

Iria blinked fast, surprised that the Captain had just told Doctor Cahill and Aldana about her ability to shift her form. She frowned softly but decided to wait and see how they reacted before she added any additional information.

That Captain noted Iria’s look “oh Sorry Iria, did you want to keep your ability secret?! Apologies, but as CMO Doctor Cahill is bound by her oath as a Starfleet Officer and CMO to keep what she hears private – same for everyone outside of this room – from this moment on only those of us will know” *looks at Iria* “with the two Medical Officers knowing this, should anything medical arise one of them can attend to you; that sound okay to you Iria?” the Captain asked and looked at Aldana “no one outside this room Lieutenant, I slipped up as I did not realize Iria wanted it kept quiet, so none of us must speak of this outside of this room” *looks at Iria* “look at it this way Iria at least you will have essentially our medical staff to attend to any injuries you may have” Somers added.

Dr Cahill smiled, “my oath as a doctor prevents me from releasing any information about any patients to anyone Ira. I can only release information if you give me permission.”

“Nice,” the Captain simply said.

“Actually, I think Luuna may have figured it out; something about ‘lady-cat from the hall,’” Aldana chimed in, “but yeah, helps me out, especially since there can be hazards to a feline that isn’t so much for a humanoid. My lips are sealed.” S/he glanced at Sombra, who thumped his tail on the floor with understanding.

Iria nodded, there was no denying the logic behind the Captain’s words but it was still a knee jerk reaction to be nervous on her part before she had joined the Tomcat, her previous encounters hadn’t gone very smoothly, so now both officially, and unofficially, five folks knew: Captain Somers, Major S'Arila Donovan, Remington Dodd, and now Doctor Cahill and Doctor Aldana.

Iria looked at both Doctors and gave a wry grin, "Well thanks for the support and willingness to keep the between us and the walls."

I will only release any information if you give me permission to Iria. What I know stays in this room" Commander Cahill responded.

Amiri had noticed how the captain had seemed to slip into more familiar terms with Walon since she’d started to use her given name. S/he squirmed, a little uncomfortable at that, s/he hadn’t received that right, so when s/he looked at her, s/he addressed her more formally, “Lieutenant, if you’d like, since my first degree is in non-humanoid quadruped-care, I can give you an exam in that form.”

Iria sat still a moment very quiet, she then blushed slightly, "That's definitely something we can discuss another time, in the meantime if there's anything else we need to talk about?" Iria asked looking from one person to the next.

*thinks a moment* "I currently do not have anything else to input" the Captain said.

The hybrid doctor had a question, so since there seemed to be a lull in the conversation, s/he quietly spoke up. “Didn’t I hear or read somewhere that we have a new Staff Sergeant in the Counseling department too?”

Doctor Cahill replied, “I placed Doctor Aldana in charge of physicals for all personnel except for the Captain, and XO. I will be in charge of those due to Starfleet regulations. Also, Lt. Colonel Somers will be my responsibility too. Doctor Aldana will do all other crew physicals as needed. To include my physicals.”

“To ask Doctor Aldana’s question is there a new Staff Sergeant in the Counselling Department? As nothing has crossed my desk?” The Captain asked.

Iria shrugged “I have no idea if anyone new has been added, I put out a request when Tamara and the others left but I have received no notice as of yet.”

The Captain simply shrugged “I will need confirmation eventually” she said.

Dr Cahill replied, “Odd normally Starfleet Marines are good about reporting to the Commander of the ship. In this case you Captain. Is it possible she may have reported to Lt. Col. Somers, and thought that was all that was needed? They normally report to sickbay for their medical exams as well” the doctor responded.

“Well get it sorted out, as Department Heads you should be able to keep your houses in order, as long as things run smoothly you will get no trouble from me,” the Captain said.

Dr Cahill responded, “I'll do my best with my running the sickbay duties and also my other duties as 2XO. Plus, I check the environmental controls several times a day as well. If you hear any problems from the crew let me know and I can adjust it if it is possible. Also, can give special environmental devices to crew members that need them to aid them and not cause problems with others as well. I was checking – other than the new crew members – most physicals are up to date. Aldana took care of mine when in spacedock, and I took care of hirs for hir. The Captain and Commander Sterling are in great shape and health”

*looks at Cahill* "Commander, your duty as CMO comes before your duty as 2XO, so please concentrate upon your department as a priority" Somers responded.

Aldana looked between the captain and the doctor as they hashed some things out.

"I understand that Captain and I do prioritize my duties." Cahill responded, and continued, "I have been working on Sickbay and have been working on my duties here. Actually, on our downtime, I spent a lot of it right here on the Tomcat taking care of business."

Cahill went on, "I have become a workaholic so to speak and was working while others were playing and relaxing. I pulled extra shifts in Sickbay to allow other doctors time to go on shore leave or to have a longer shore leave to relax.

*Looks at the CMO* "when we have docked with he Starbase you were entitled to downtime Commander, if you did not take it you carry the blame for that, I appreciate the hard work, but everyone needs some downtime" the Captain intoned

I will get some rest in route Captain. I am good, you know I am on top of my game even when at my worst. I always come through.

*nods* “Good to know,” *looks at Iria* “Iria, when we are done here, I would like to speak to you in person, I have a task for you and it is something” *pauses* “that suits your talents and it is an Intelligence mission too; something to get your feet wet with,” the Captain said.

“We have all just come off of R&R; perhaps the Staff Sargent just hasn’t had the time to check in yet.” The hybrid doctor speculated.

Dr Cahill smiles, "That is true, but we do need her medical information and DNA on our computer files before she can leave the Tomcat when we arrive. Part of our ship security requires the DNA to prevent the Bluegills from getting on the Tomcat. If they gain access to a ship it will make it impossible to stop them."

"Sadly the DNA aspect of Security will not work on the Bluegill hosts, the symbiote is inside the host so they use their hosts DNA not their own, there may be something in the Peptides or other chemical tests, but DNA is of no use with the Bluegills" Somers added.

Cahill looked at the others in the room "I know this and am in the process of making changes in the computers to allow for this testing. Also, changes in the atmospheric conditions can make it less appealing to be on the Tomcat from research done on them by Starfleet. Along with some experiment suggestions made by Starfleet Medical and scientific research done as well," she said.

"As long as the work gets done, that is all I care about" the Captain added.

Aldana felt confused, s/he tried to recall when exactly hir and Doctor Cahill had performed their respective physicals. S/he decided it best not to confront her in front of everyone and possibly embarrass her. S/he made a mental note to ask the senior doctor about it later in private.

Iria nodded, “I can look after we finish up here before I get back to getting things sorted.” she wondered what the Captain had in mind for her first intelligence mission but would ask more when she and the Captain were alone.

With that, they broke up and went back to their duties the Captain back to the bridge.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M., M.D
Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Counsellor

CWO Sombra C.G.CA/U, PSAC.ESA [P: Aldana]
Counsellors aide/Morale Officer


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