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Posted on 25 Mar 2020 @ 5:59am by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan
Edited on on 01 Apr 2020 @ 4:34pm

912 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Lounge
Timeline: Right After Ceremonies of Light Pt.3


Serina had wondered who to ask to be her bridesmaid for her wedding. She wanted one of her friends, but she really couldn't decide so she did an eeny-meeny-miny-mo and came up with the one person who joined the Tomcat with her, Lamia Arderne. They hadn't spoken much lately but none the less they were still friends so Serina tapped her combadge. =/\= Lt. Arderne, Lt. Donovan here, you busy? I wonder if we could talk for a few. I have something I want to ask you=/\=, Serina said.

Lamia was surprised when Serina's voice came over the comms. They hadn't spoken much since events with the slavers, she tapped her comm badge. =/\= I'm on my way Lieutenant.=/\=

A few minutes later Lamia joined Serina in the lounge, smiling as she approached her. "Hi Serina, what can I do for you?"

"Hi Lamia, sit, I have something to ask you and I hope you say yes....", she said. Serina was practically giddy like a schoolgirl. Bubbling in excitement, "I'm getting married!!!", Serina said.

Lamia grinned, it felt good to ‘feel’ such joy after everything they’d all been through. “That’s fantastic! Congratulations!!” She hugged Serina, hoping she wouldn’t mind the gesture of support. So, what can I do to help?”

"I was wondering if you would be my bridesmaid?", Serina said. I'm inviting a select few people, individual's who would be witnesses. Plus I am not sure though, what to wear. My dress whites or an actual wedding dress. It's going to be small and, oh do you remember our orientation on the SB? Well, I have invited CWO Karyn Somers to attend. You should bring your bow, Kildare is it? with you as well" Serina said smiling like a Cheshire cat.

Lamia sat open-mouthed at the request before snapping herself out of it. “Serina I...I’d love to! Thank you for asking me!” She gave Serina a brief hug before sitting back. “ it depends on how special you want your day to be. If you want to wear a wedding dress then wear one, it’s all the fun going and choosing one!” Isabelle grinned. “I’ll need to know what you want me to wear as well. I’ll let Chris know later and thank you for inviting him.”

Serina was so happy that Lamia said yes, she was at a loss for words! It took several minutes for Serina to find her voice, " Light sky blue gown with dark blue trim and bow around the waist for you Lamia", she said finally. "I'm gonna need a gown white...", she said as a tear fell. She believed in her heart that she should not be wearing white. She had been violated and it still stung.

Lamia reached for a nearby box of tissues offering them to Serina. “Are you alright? Do you need to talk?” She gave Serina an understanding smile. “We both went through hell Serina, I’m here to listen if you want to talk about it?”

"I'm just not sure if I should wear a white gown. I was violated and I still feel dirty", Serina said trembling slightly. "White is for women who are....pure and clean that have no children. Maybe I should wear something like a simple dress in a bone colour but not a white gown", she added still upset.

“You will do nothing of the sort!” Lamia gently took hold of Serina’s hand in a gesture of support. “You went through hell, we both did. What happened wasn’t either of our faults and you were not to blame for what happened to you! You’re a mother now and that’s something I wish I could have had.” She paused for a moment to take a deep breath. “You deserve to wear white, to be a beautiful bride for the man who loves you. Don’t let the slavers win Serina move on with your life and be happy.”

Hugging Lamia tightly, "You are such a good friend, Lamia and I thank you for being here. Yes! I will wear white", Serina stated finally. "Can we go and pick my gown out together?", she asked Lamia

“Of course!” Lamia grinned. “Besides you need to choose what you want me to wear as your bridesmaid. It’ll need to be something that compliments the bride but doesn’t take the limelight away from you.”

"Well, I like purple and lavender. It would make the white stand out", Serina said laughing. "Ok so when should we go shopping?", she asked.

"Whenever it suits you!" Lamia smiled warmly. "I think Lavendar sounds lovely, it would complement your dress."

"First I think I should tell John I have decided to go with a gown. It would be awkward if I had on a gown and him a uniform. He would never let me forget it", Serina said chuckling.

Lamia nodded. “Of course. Just give me a call when you’re ready and we’ll go wedding shopping.”

Hugging Lamia tightly, "Thank you so much!! This is going to be an affair to remember!," Serina said as both walked out of the lounge.

Lamia grinned. "My pleasure Serina, it will be something to enjoy and celebrate after all we've been through."

"Yes, Lamia we will celebrate. Well see you later!", Serina said and went her way.


Lt. Jg. Serina "Reaper" Donavan

Lt Lamia Arderne
Chief Ops


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