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Meeting Casually

Posted on 19 Apr 2020 @ 5:01pm by Lieutenant Karyn Somers & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan

1,329 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: Before the briefing


Serina walked onto the station's promenade smiling. It was a year ago that she was here to get her orientation before she joined the Tomcat and she wanted to visit the Warrant Officer that did her orientation. It was the captain's cousin, Warrant Officer Karyn Somers, that she hoped to see. Stopping a Marine Officer she inquired where her office was as she had forgotten exactly where her office was. Finally getting there she hit the door chime and waited to be admitted. Serina hoped she was there.

Currently in the Security Office on the Starbase Karyn was working away on some files when she heard the doors open, she looked up and a genuine smile appeared upon her face "Lieutenant Donovan, a pleasure to see you again so soon, so how has your time on the Tomcat been to date?" She asked standing up and walking over to Serina.

"Incredible and thankyou so much. Your cousin is a wonderful person. I am indebted to her. It is most agreeable to see you again as well", Serina said smiling widely. "CWO Somers, a lot has happened since I left. My crazy boyfriend wound up on the same ship and.....well we are going to get married! Both of us want you to be a witness while your cousin performs the ceremony", Serina asked Karyn chuckling.

*looking surprised* "let's go use the Chief office she will not mind and there are comfier seats in there," Karyn said and led them into the CoS SB51's office when both were in she closed the door and sat indicating Serina to do the same too. "so you are marrying a pilot, why am I not surprised, but congratulations and call me Karyn. I, of course, will accept your invite" Karyn said giving Serina a hug probably catching the woman off guard, Marines had a rep for not being congenial.

The hug was unexpected for sure. "Karyn, I met your friend Kildare on the Tomcat. He and Lamia are currently going out with each other. I hope they get hitched as well. I have asked Lamia to be my bridesmaid. Hope she accepts!" said Serina.

"I am sure she will, ah! Chris, yes a real gentleman, if I was so inclined I would have snapped him up myself, but he is the wrong gender for my tastes, still, he has a smile that still makes my knees go week especially when it is genuine" Karyn responded. "So how you finding the new fighters the Valkyrie variants on the Tomcat?" Karyn asked.

Serina's eyes lit up! "I love them. Fast, accurate, deadly, and agile all in one fighter", she said excitedly. "Both John and I fly training flights as he is my right-hand man. The majority of my pilots have become a force to be reckoned with when we fly CAP", she added.

*smiles* "Always wanted to fly a fighter, but sadly I do not have the aptitude, the most I can fly is a shuttle, when I see the Starbases fighter launch on a CAP I think it is freeing to be out there in space in a flimsy fighter!" Karyn said as she stared at nothing.

"Flimsy? Oh no, there is nothing flimsy about them. I find shuttles lumbering buffalos. Slow, ill-equipped, and their defences suck", Serina said. Serina had a thought...."Karyn, how would you like to fly "Phanthom" with me?"

"I meant flimsy as in metal and shields being the only thing between the pilot and space, but shuttles have their uses, especially the sleeker ones," Karyn said with a smile. Karyn looks at Serina as her face lights up like it was Christmas. "You are offering to take me up in the fighter!?" She asked hope tinged with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Smiling, "Well sure Karyn, why do you think I asked you? I can tell when the excitement is there," Serina said. "When I first came to you, you remember how excited I was to fly the fighters? Well, you just showed me the same thing. How about 1900 tomorrow?", she asked.

"Let me check my schedule!" Karyn said and she pulled up her duty roster for the next day at seven in the evening, she had to hide a smile as she looked up "yes I can be there for that, what will I need to bring with me for the flight?" Karyn asked.

Laughing, "Karyn just brings yourself and your helmet. Oh, and a flight suit, wouldn't want you to be out of uniform now would we?", Serina said smiling. She was happy that Karyn was going to get her first ride in a fighter. It kinda made it all worthwhile.

"I can replicate a helmet and a flight suit, no problem, what time do I need to be there?" Karyn asked.

"Well let's say 0900. I have a CAP flight scheduled so it is sanctioned so it will be just fine for you to come along", Serina said smiling at her friend Karyn. "It will be good to have you in the second seat. Its gonna be fun," Serina chuckled.

*still with a smile on her face* "I will be there, always wanted to go in a fighter" she said sounded like an excited child, chances like this did not come along often and she Karyn Lynne Somers was not one to miss an opportunity like this.

Smiling as she could see the excitement in Karyn's eyes, "If I didn't know better I would think you were a small girl who just got her first doll. I can read your excitement in your eyes Karyn", Serina said.

"You are right, but I never played with dolls as a little girl I was a Tomboy and I did mainly male interests much to the despair of my parents, but I am excited" Karyn responded still not believing that she was going to have a flight in a fighter *looks at Donovan* "El-tee you might want to take some upchuck bags with you, just in case!" Karyn warned.

"Karyn, barf bags? Your get space sick??", Serina said.

*Smiles and mock innocently plays with her Commbadge* "Umm... Yeah, a shuttle is one thing a fighter another *looks up with an apologetic look* I may not upchuck, but I do not want to end up cleaning out your fighter should it happen, as I said never been in a fighter!" Karyn said.

Serina was laughing, "Don't worry Karyn *looking at her friend* I promise it will be a smoother ride. I am not planning on doing any fancy flying. I have a CAP to run while we are out there", she said.

*gives her a sceptical look* "A fighter jock not wanting to do fancy flying! Why do I still feel nervous despite what you said" Karyn responded.

"I promise Karyn. No fancy flying. Not this time around. Straight forward level flying, promise", Serina said *looking straight-faced at Karyn*

*Looking at the pilot, doubt on her face* "right, a fleet pilot not wanting to scare a marine in a fighter" Karyn added with a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"Oh come on Karyn I am a woman of my word. No fancy stuff. Straight flying", Serina said smiling.

"Riiiiight!" Karyn said mock seriously, well I better go grab some flight gear, what time am I to be back here?" Karyn asked.

"0730 is when the flight is scheduled", Serina said smiling broadly.

"Excellent will see you then," she said all cheery as she stood and walked off.

Serina thought she would jump and down like a giddy school girl. So happy to be taking Karyn out in her fighter she nearly forgot to double-check her gear. Happily skipping off to check her gear she hummed a little tune.


Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer
USS Tomcat

CWO1 Karyn Somers [P: Somers]
Station Warrant Officer 95th Rifles
Starbase 51


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