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"Best Man?"

Posted on 29 Apr 2020 @ 10:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant JG K'Rin "Tiger" C'Tinu

794 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Lounge
Timeline: TBD


John had realized he had no best man for the wedding. Who could he ask without feeling like a complete fool? He couldn't ask just anyone, oh no it had to be some one he knew. Yet he was uncertain because he really hadn't made to many friends just yet. Tapping his combadge =/\= Lt. Parker, Lt. Martinson here, can I meet you in the lounge? I need to speak with you. It is important=/\= John said.

=/\=Sure, Lieutenant Martinson, I'll be right there=/\=
Cody had been walking through the ship checking on the regular security watches throughout the ship. He had seen the Lieutenant at some meetings, but was curious to see why he was requested to meet the man in the lounge.

John walked into the lounge amd found a table amd sat down. Ordering his drink, he sat there thinking about the wedding and wether or not Cody would be his best man.

Cody entered a few minutes later and ordered a glass of milk and chocolate chip cookie. His duties were over for the day and he planned to enjoy himself before turning in for the night. He took a seat at the table with the Lieutenant. “Hey Martinson, what can I do for ya?”

"Hey Lt. Parker how you doing? Listen I was wondering if maybe you wouldn't mind being my best man at my wedding? I mean, look I spend most of my time fooling around with the pilots and hanger crew so I really don't get to the upper decks, but the few times I have, I've heard people talking and hear your a cool guy. So what about it? Would you honor me by being my best man?," John said.

Cody was shocked he hadn’t expected this at all,”I can, I am honored that you’ve asked me. You know if I’m going to be the best man I reckon we’d better celebrate with a drink.

"Wow! This is so cool.......great but can we call each other by our first names? It sounds more friendly. Just call me John! And you are quite right let's celebrate. What's your poison?", John asked Cody.

“I’m Cody and I’m a whiskey guy myself. So of all of the degenerate Lieutenants on this ship why ask me?” Cody said as he looked at John

Getting Cody his whiskey and handing it to him, " I asked you not because your a Lieuy but because I like you man", John said slapping him gently on the shoulder before he himself sat down. "You look like a sensible guy, if Serina decides to wear a wedding gown, you think I should wear something fancy or just a tuxedo?"

"Don't ask me brother I'm single and I like to mingle," Cody said sarcastically, "Seriously though I would probably talk to the bride, the last thing you want to do is screw up on your wedding day, she'd never let you live that down. man."

"You know brother, your absolutely right! She never WOULD let me live it down. Have another drink man?", John said, finishing his own.

“Just one more, I have the early watch tomorrow and will be finalizing details for the away teams, there’s never a dull moment around here,” Cody said as he refilled his glass.

"Sure thing Cody. If I know Serina she will have my guts for garters if I am late for muster", John said laughing. "Yeah never a dull moment here on the Tomcat " he added.

"Ain't that the truth, the Skipper is taking the upcoming away mission pretty seriously, I haven't seen her this intense in a long time, maybe she needs a drink too," he teased.

"You know you may be right. Maybe we should get her a drink ya think? I bet she would enjoy it", he said clearly the drinks were getting to John already. "One more for the road? Brotha", John said draining his glass.

"I think she could use one, but I haven't seen her drink since the awards ceremony, she is more of a social drinker when the occasion permits. I think I'm gonna pass on one more, I have watch in the morning and want to wake up without the hangover" Cody said with a sheepish grin.

"Well maybe you're right Cody. Serina was a bit tight with the flight reports on the fighters and I need a clear head in the morning to deal with her orders. So let's call it a night and keep your head down ok!," John said laughing as they both got up to leave together.


Lt. Jg. John "Sickle" Martinson
Wing Commander Raider 2
USS Tomcat


Lt. Parker
Chief of Security
USS Tomcat


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