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Posted on 06 Mar 2020 @ 2:17pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers

1,573 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various
Timeline: After the Mission Briefing


With the meeting over Lamia had hung about outside to wait for Colonel Somers. She was curious as to what Somers wanted to talk to her about.

As Alex exited the briefing room she was approached by the attractive Chief of Operations Lieutenant Arderne, stopping and looking at her "hello El-tee, I guess you are wondering to my comment about both of us having someone we know?" the Colonel asked.

“I am somewhat curious Colonel.” Lamia smiled warmly.

"Let's get a drink in the ship's lounge and chat!" Alex said and led them to the ship's lounge via a turbo lift and a short walk they entered and took a seat at one of the windows as the bartender approached them "Raktijino please *looks at Arderne* you Lieutenant?" Alex asked she noted how all the junior officer were staring or glancing at her, she did not know if it was her unusually red hair or the fact, that until now they had only ever seen a Major, not a Lieutenant Colonel.

"Sorry!" Lamia looked to the bartender. "A cola please." She turned back to Alex. "I didn't mean to stare, I'm just wondering what I could possibly have in common with a Lieutenant Colonel." She grinned.

"A certain Sergeant Major!" I do believe, I used to run with him back in the old days, he was the alkali to my acid to use an analogy" Alex answered.

"Really?!" Lamia smiled warmly. "Chris captured my heart the minute I hit here, but more so when he took me out to dinner. He's a man who knows how to treat a woman." She blushed as she politely picked up her drink.

*mysterious smile* "he always was, he never rushes things, but he does have an eye for beauty I must give him that," Alex said "so how has he been with you since you two started dating? " She asked.

"Chris has been there for me through everything, with what happened recently I've really needed him!" Her smile faded a little.

*sad smile* "yes I heard, I am sorry you had to go through such an ordeal, it might interest you to know that an RRT unit was despatched to that particular Orion Slaver cell and it was wiped out, but you never heard that from me" Alex responded. "onto a brighter note when Chris and I used to roll back in the day we were teamed up because my hobby is making micro explosives and Chris was demolitions, so if needed he could defuse my mistakes to this day I am the only female he is scared of, I honestly have no idea why!" she said with an innocent look.

Lamia couldn’t help but grin. “It sounds like the two of you were quite a match. To be honest the thought of Chris going off the ship to deal with something like that scares the hell out of me! I know we have to separate our personal lives from our duties, but I’m honestly not sure how I’ll react when that time comes.”

"Steel yourself, Lamia, he will likely be the first to go and investigate the bombing debris on Galen IV, but he is also a combat vet too and it is his job, so how you finding the post of Chief of Operations? Also, congratulations on the promotion" Alex responded.

“Thank you” Lamia smiled warmly. “I actually quite enjoy being in Ops, I relish a challenge and being Ops Chief is certainly that. I’m also a trained Counsellor, Psychology was my other speciality at the Academy.” She paused taking in what Alex had said about Chris. She already had butterflies in her stomach just thinking about it.

"Maybe one day I will tell you what I can about my late friend who I lost in a classified mission was like, maybe even tell you how I became an officer," Alex said as a melancholy look briefly passed over her face before it was replaced with a genuine smile "but I can freely speak of my family and their duties, but we are here to talk about Chris, perhaps I might be able to answer some queries you might have about him?" Alex said.

“I wouldn’t know where to start!” Lamia offered a more relaxed smile. “Just tell me anything and everything! I want to know it all!!” Her eyes practically lit up.

*looks at her deciding how to get her going* "well he did attend a few classes at the Academy, but he started off as basic demolitions and was somewhat of a swot in class, a real teacher's pet" Alex begun as their drinks were placed in front of them, she looked up and nodded her thanks to the bartender.

*raises eyebrows* “Chris a teacher's pet! I never would have believed that one.” Lamia grinned as she picked up her glass, she took a sip before putting it down again. “I’m guessing he was pretty popular with the girls?”

*Mischievous smile* "actually he was, well so he told me. He did his advanced demolitions course at Starfleet Academy, he said the Upper Classmen started to bully him, but when he makes realistic fake explosives which just produced smoke, they gave him a wide berth, let's just say I taught him how to make those joke ones, so you must have questions about Chris?" Alex asked.

Lamia gave Alexandria a thoughtful look. "To be honest I'm not sure what to ask! I don't want him to think I've been prying." She paused. "I guess I would like to know if Chris has had any serious relationships before?"

*thinks a moment* "none that he told me off if he has opened up to you in such a manner, then you have done well, in all the years I have known him he has never really opened up with me, but while I am a married woman, he has one of the most disarming smiles that makes a woman go weak at the knees, I am not unaffected by it. But he tries not to do it in front of me as for some reason I am the only woman who scares him, usually, when he does smile, I know he has done or will be doing something wrong, but I wait till my legs are not jelly before I act" Alex said.

Lamia grinned. "That's what made me fall for him, that and the absolutely amazing evening out he gave me! I consider myself to be a very lucky woman. I'd be lost without Chris now."

*knowing smile* "is that so, apart from the smile, you know more about Chris than I do it would seem, but then again I was never interested in him romantically. If you met him out of uniform you would never suspect he was enlisted, when he does dress to impress he can make himself look like he has a commission *sighs* but the illusion is a good weapon" Alex responded and took a mouthful of her drink.

Lamia nodded. "Would you say Chris is a family man?" She didn't even know if Alex would know the answer. "After what I went through I've come to realise how much having a family means to me. Obviously not straight away, if I had a family I'd have to transfer back to the Starbase as I'd never cope with leaving my baby behind. To be honest I don't know how Serina copes without hers!"

"As for the family man, I cannot answer that one, I do know he likes kids, I would suppose if that day came you could always ask if some members of your family could live aboard the Starbase to babysit while you were on a mission. I do know the Akira class is not equipped for families and that the Captain will not allow children. Serina, that is the CAG, right? I heard that she has a family on the starbase so I suppose she has found a way to cope with that, but Chris does like children, but if he is a family man I cannot answer that one" Alex responded.

Lamia nodded. "I guess it was kind of an awkward question. I guess there is always the possibility of having someone on the station." She hadn't thought of that it was something she really needed to be thinking about. "I'm not planning on having children anytime soon, as much as recent events may make me want to. I don't want to ruin what Chris and I have together." She smiled as she thought about him.

*knowing smile* "ah! The honeymoon phase of a relationship, always a good time, I have married my childhood sweetheart and have been in that phase for years, but everyone is different so as for how long you two will last I cannot say" Alex said with a smile.

Lamia smiled. “I don’t think it’ll ever wear off for me! Anyway, I should be going, I have to report to Commander Sterling. It’s been nice talking to you, Colonel.”

"You to Lamia, give my best to Chris when you see him," Alex said as the Lieutenant stood.

“I will I promise!” Lamia smiled warmly before heading on her way. She had an away team to join.


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting MCO

Lieutenant Lamia Arderne
Chief of Operations


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