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Tactical Brainstorming

Posted on 21 Mar 2020 @ 8:15pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan

1,210 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Tactical Lab USS Tomcat
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 01.3 - 1300 hrs


----Tactical Lab----

Maia Sterling had a lot of problems with there current mission. If a bluegill invasion had taken over an entire planet and they didn't know who or what the host was how could they hope to get to the queen when the bluegills controlled an entire planet and their defensive systems. The Tomcat could be destroyed on the initial approach. The Bluegills had already demonstrated tactics by killing all the Cardassian's on the planet. The Tomcat couldn't even get within transporter range without being destroyed.

She had invited Lt Donovan their resident CAG to discuss tactics.

Serina walked into the tactical lab. Curious as to what this could be about, she saw the XO, "Cmdr. Sterling what can I do to help?"

"Hi Serina, thanks for being prompt.

I'm concerned about our upcoming mission and I need your help to come up with a plan to ingress in and egress out. The problem is that the Bluegills control the planetary defence grid of Galen IV. The Tomcat couldn't get within transporter range to make a landing party feasible. This is a fracking bug hunt. I'm just not sure how to approach this mission with the intelligence we have."

"Well if the ship had cloak it would be easy. But we don't so we have to come up with a different approach. "I once had to fly behind enemy lines. It was a similar situation and we had to figure out a way to fly without being detected. The chief engineer and I sat down with security and we brainstormed a solution", Serina said.

"Perhaps we could design a ship that had a greatly reduced signature that might escape detection or maybe there is another way to confuse their sensors, That is precisely why I asked you to brainstorm with me," Maia said.

"Well, we came up with the idea of using holo-emitters that would project the illusion of space and flood the area with ion particles to confuse the sensors. It worked too!", Serina said.

"Could we do something like that to get into transporter range like use holographic transporter relay boosters? we could launch several probes into the area both with particle scatterers and the relays, could that work?" Maia asked.

"It might but we would need help from engineering. I would suggest we bring this to the captain regarding our theories," Serina said thinking.

"Perhaps your right".

=/\= Lieutenant Dodd please report to the Tactical Lab=/\=

=/\= Dodd here, I will be there in just a few minutes. =/\= Dodd replied and he exited his office and started to make his way to the tactical lab.

With Mr Dodd on the way, Maia and Donovan continued working on the plan. It called for 6 holographic generators that could relay a transporter signal that way they could send an away team far outside of the range of the planetary defence system. It also called for the construction of a device to deliver low levels of Delta radiation for that landing party as that was a proven way to separate a parasite from a host. By the time they finalized the plan Mr Dodd showed up.

Maia explained what they needed in detail and waited for Mr Dodd to absorb it.

A delta ray is characterized by very fast electrons produced in quantity by alpha particles or other fast energetic charged particles knocking orbiting electrons out of atoms. Collectively, these electrons are defined as delta radiation when they have sufficient energy to ionize further atoms through subsequent interactions on their own. Delta rays appear as branches in the main track of a cloud chamber. These branches will appear nearer the start of the track of a heavy charged particle, where more energy is imparted to the ionized electrons. If we can regulate the reaction we can send out pulses which should free the bluegills from the host.

"If I am understanding things, we can device a way to send in some drones that could relay holographic generators for the relay system for the transporter signal and thus making the drones adapt to the space around them as well," Dodd replied. "I bet that would work, but as for the Delta radiation, will have to see what sort of device we could see about a low-level emitter embedded in a boot or such of the away team that would give off just enough to repel but not be harmful with limited exposure. I would have to work with medical on that but I feel it could be done within guidelines for safety." Dodd said.

"Very good, between my crazy ideas and your technical wizardry we just might be able to complete this mission successfully. How long do you think it will take to fabricate the drones?" Maia asked.

"As a matter of fact, we have four drones in engineering now, that we use for scanning outside the ship for micro fractures. They could easily be converted in about four hours while four new drones are fabricated. This will put us ahead of the time needed if we needed to make all eight drones." Dodd chimed in. "Do you think we need more than eight?"

"Are they stealthy, like the shuttle?" Maia asked.

Serina had absorbed all of what was said. In her mind the idea of drones had merit but as far as stealth, "Lt. Dodd, wouldn't it a better idea to just equip the shuttles with the stealth panels? I think.....well wouldn't the drones get picked up by the scans?", she asked. She was not an engineer but she did know about hiding her fighter and how to hide a ship.

"The shuttles would be equipped with the stealth panels and shields, but the drones would also be equipped with the same stealth panels and shields but also with the holographic transporter systems to relay the transporter signal to Galen IV with less chance of detection that a shuttle would have. It is a two in one plan." Dodd replied.

"Perfect exactly what I asked for. How long will it take to fabricate the equipment Mr Dodd?" Maia asked.

"Ma'am, it will take four hours to fabricate the panels and the drones." Dodd replied. "Then I will assign two team to work on the installation of panels on the shuttles. Each shuttle will have it's own team to make that process go faster."

"Sounds good to me. I think I might end up being a shuttle pilot this trip unless the captain tells me other wise," Serina said thinking about her fighter and stealth mode.

"Great, I will get to the engineering lab and over see the panel replication and will keep you apprised of the progress." Dodd replied. "I hope I can be dismissed to proceed with that?"

"Yes, I need to get back to the bridge and then to the hanger bay. I think we are done here aren't we Cmdr. Sterling?", Serina asked *looking at the First Officer*

"I believe we are. I would like updates every two hours until we are finished. Good job ...Dismissed." Maia said.


A post by:

Commander Maia A. Sterling
XO/Chief Science Officer
USS Tomcat

Lt. Jg. Serina "Reaper" Donavan
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer
USS Tomcat


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