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Dealing with Insurbordination

Posted on 30 Apr 2020 @ 2:20pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Major S'arila Donovan & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

4,166 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: CRR USS Tomcat/Various
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 Day 02.2


- Bridge -

It had been some time since Winchester was arrested and the ship was en route to Galen IV and his restricted duty had not yet started as he was still in the brig, deciding it was time the Captain tapped her Commbadge.

=/\= Captain Somers to Major Donovan report to my Ready Room and bring Lieutenant Winchester with you =/\= she said.

Tapping her Commbadge =/\= On my way Captain =/\= Donovan said and signed off.

Looking at Parker "Cody with me" Captain Somers said.

“Yes ma’am,” Cody replied as he fell in step with the Captain.

*looks at Maia* "You have the bridge Commander!" she said.

"Aye Captain," Maia said taking the centre seat.

- Security Detention area Tomcat -

After she signed off Donovan went into the detention area, she was already there preparing things for when Winchester got out when the call came in, so she was close. With that, she entered the main brig area and walked up to Winchester's cell.

"Lieutenant Winchester stand up and put your arms out and together," she said pulling out some cuffs when he had done what he was told, she lowered the barrier and had to duck slightly as she was a tad too tall and placed the cuffs on Winchester "the Captain wants to see you," Donovan said.

"S'arilla, you don't need to do that," replied Paul looking back at the Major as he knew that he had screwed up big time as he called the Captian's Cousin a liar in front of everyone in the meeting, he continued, " Until I get my arm fixed you will get an electric shock," giving her fair warning that it could happen.

"It is Major Donovan to you Lieutenant Winchester and yes we need to do it, these are standard handcuffs no electronics in them," S'arila said as another Security officer entered "as for grabbing you by the arm, that will not be an issue, Lieutenant Winchester, you will be walking between myself and the officer, it is time to face the music," Donovan said.

"But my arm is Major," replied Paul looking at her as he held his arms out in front of him as he flexed his Prosthetic hand, he continued," I just don't want you getting a shock that is all." as he felt embarrassed being taken through the corridor in cuffs.

As the trio left Security, strange looks were given, one very tall marine and two in yellow, only one of those in yellow cuffed, those near gave the trio a wide berth as they entered lift.

"Captain's Ready Room," Donovan said and then under her breath "damn ship is too short" she quipped as she could not stand to her full height in the turbo lift.

Paul looked at the Major for a minute and then said "Major, I'd like to apologize for any offence caused in the meeting when I said Greenie," he continued "It was unbecoming of me and I hope you will forgive me?"

"Apology accepted, but you might want to do a more humble apology to Colonel Somers, she was ready to roast you alive in the briefing, also, a good tip is NEVER upset a senior officer or accuse them of things, especially if you are trying for a promotion," Donovan said.

"All I wanted to do was double-check her information as Contacts can be bought," replied Paul as they continued to walk along the Corridor, He continued," What is wrong with double checking everything?" as he posed the question as he finished, "And I was not calling her a liar, she just pissed me off,"

"It was not what you asked, it was how you asked it and the Colonel got upset with you because you questioned a senior officer from another branch of Starfleet, you were adversarial, you need to learn tact and how to ask a question Lieutenant, but for now I advise that should you see the Colonel next time you apologise to her for rudeness and your tone, she was raised from the ranks and as such has had to fight very hard to gain respectability in Starfleet, she may be a Diplomats daughter, but all her achievements she acquired on her own, so I think she is due respect even from those who went to the Academy full time. Also, she has been at the Academy learning the finer points of commanding a Starship so if needed she can take a ship command, you may not like her Lieutenant, but you owe her due respect for someone of her rank and while the possibility of getting to know her off duty is seriously diminished for you, you do not really know her, just be mindful of that" Donovan said in heavily accented basic.

"Next time I see the Colonel I will apologize to her, " replied Paul as he continued on walking next to Donovan, he continued, " You have my word, Major," as he knew now that he had made himself look a fool in front of his crewmates.

"I will take your word on that" S'arila responded.

"I used to be the CAG here until my accident and then moved to intelligence," replied Paul as he looked back at Donovan, he continued," and now Captain Somers has moved me into Security as an Assistant department head," as he tried to defend himself, "I do hope she will forgive me,"

"I remember, I am sure the Captain thought you could handle the next department, but have you thought about how it affected her! After all, she made a mistake and tried to rectify it, you may be hurt and upset at the move, imagine how she feels then remember you still have your rank still her embarrassment will last for the remaining time of life. As for her forgiveness, I cannot answer that one, but she is not her cousin, out of the both of them it is Colonel Somers who you should never upset as you found out" S'arila answered in her heavily accented English.

" I was never given much of a chance S'rilla," replied Paul looking at the Major as they continued walking down the corridor, He continued, " I know that she feels that she made a mistake moving me there, But what about my feelings," as he knew that he had upset Captain Somers and he knew that he had to make it right.

"Well I cannot answer specifically for the Captain or Colonel, but I do know the Captain is more forgiving than her Cousin the Colonel, so expect a chilly reception from the Colonel, the Captain will be the Captain.

"Thanks for the understanding S'arila," responded Paul as he knew that he had to apologize to Walon as well for how he had reacted to his move even after their last meeting. but he hoped that the Colonel would forgive him.

"It is Major Donovan, Lieutenant," Donovan said as they arrived at their destination on deck one adjacent to the bridge.

- CRR -

The Captain was behind her desk with Parker sitting the other side of it she turned to the CoS "So Cody, what do you think of Winchesters actions in the briefing?" the Captain asked.

“I think it was conduct unbecoming of an officer, Captain. I understand the logic behind his question especially after my mission advisory training which is basically to think the worst of everyone in the room and find a counter to move, but that does not give one the right to disrespect the rank of a senior officer. I have no defence for his actions I believe they speak for himself. I hope a few days in the brig May have cooled the temper and the sharp tongue, but as the Chief of Security ma’am, I’m a bit sceptical of the aggression that was shown. May I recommend he visit the Counselor before being cleared for a full return to duty status?”

"So far he has only spent one day, I am having him brought here, he knows that when he is released that he is on restricted duty, Major Donovan will be his shadow on that, but I will be handing his repentance to you, I would like him to spend more time in the brig but operational needs negate this, so while on duty he will be your responsibility off duty he will be confined to quarters and have limited replicator rights, do you have any restrictions to put on him?" The Captain asked.

“I’m aware he was only there one day but I don’t think a second one would hurt Captain. We do have operational needs ma’am but as your chief of security, I think it would send a message to the crew that if we are mid-mission they act how they wish without fear of brig time. As far as restrictions go I think we will lower his access to restricted areas and he will be doing grunt work in the department until he earns the right to be called the assistant chief.” Parker stated respectfully but with a tinge of suppressed anger, he was upset that someone from his department would act in such a disrespectful manner.

"Well, I will be handing his punishment over to you, but he is on restricted duty until further notice after another day in the brig, then on duty he is all yours," the Captain said.

"I understand Captain, I think that will be sufficient," Cody replied as his thoughts shifted towards the duty assignments.

- Outside the CRR -

Sitting at her small decks MCPO Lucy Armitage looks up as a tall female marine Major arrived escorting Lieutenant Winchester, both women shared a private look before Lucy became all business.

"The Captain and Security Chief Parker are waiting for you inside if you will wait for a moment I will let her know you have arrived," Armitage said as she gave Winchester a disapproving look, she had heard what had gone on, but it was not her place to do anything about it, it still did not stop the disgust she felt at Winchesters actions, she pressed a buzzer.

"Thank you, Master Chief" Donovan responded.

- Inside CRR -

The Captain sat up straighter as her desk light lit up and, she activated the visual sensor and saw it was who they were expecting she looks at Cody "well time to put our game faces on Cody" she said.

“Yes ma’am,” Parker said as his expression turned stern. He had an excellent poker face through his previous security training.

With that Donovan who had to practically double over to enter the CRR as she followed Winchester into the office, she had found that if she stooped her shoulders a little the height of the room was bearable, the corridors were taller she did not have to crouch a little.

"Thank you, Major, you can wait outside," the Captain said and the tall hybrid nodded thankfully for being allowed to leave the room when she had gone the Captain looked directly at Winchester "So Lieutenant do you have any idea as to why you have been pulled from the brig?" She asked.

Having been escorted into the Captain's ready room, Paul stood there as he looked at the captain who was not in the best of moods as it was and had quickly glanced over at Lieutenant Parker who was looking slightly angry himself, Paul responded, " For my outburst in the meeting for which I am truly sorry Captain," as he bowed his head towards her. he finished," And to you as well Lieutenant,"

"Apology accepted Lieutenant Winchester, but you were still out of line and you insulted Colonel Somers more than myself, but you did embarrass yourself and your Department I am not above my officers asking questions and being aware, it was the tone and the audible disrespect you showed Colonel Somers is former Special Operations, she has contacts that would make Intelligence envious. You must also realise that all intelligence comes from outside sources and trust me when I say Colonel Somers resources are credible. But I digress back to the matter at hand, you and your conduct unbecoming an officer. I have explained why I moved you and that it was not your fault, I also know you are upset, but there are ways to ask things and as an officer, you must keep things professional and not let anger colour your tone when speaking to others, with only a few stipulations I will be leaving your punishment duty in the hands of Lieutenant Parker, you have anything to say before I continue?

"No Captain, I will speak with Winchester afterwards," Cody said firmly.

"All I ask is for permission to apologize to the Colonel for my outburst," replied Paul as he looked back up at the Captain, "I know I should have shut up when I was told to," as he knew what Paula was going to say when he next spoke with his sister, she was going to blow her own temper at him.

"Best advice there is wait for a few days give the Colonel a chance to cool down, she may have a temper, but when calm she will hear you out, but now back to you. Your immediate punishment is another day in the brig, it would be longer but operational matters will not allow things. So the restricted duty is still in effect until further notice, you will not go on any Away missions, your duties will be ship-side, Major Donovan will be your shadow when off duty, your replicator privileges will be restricted to foodstuffs and beverages only nothing else. You will also be permitted to have Commander Cahill visit you to tend to your arm and I will assign Doctor Aldana to be your Counsellor, the Lieutenant is a Counsellor so that is okay Lieutenant Walon will be too busy settling into her new duty as CIO and will be unable to take any sessions, this incident will go on your permanent record as a demerit. *looks over at Parker* You have anything Lieutenant Parker?" She asked.

"Lieutenant Winchester, I believe your actions were unbecoming of a Starfleet Officer. Once you have been released from the brig, report to me directly so we can discuss your duties and restrictions. I feel we have taken enough of the Captain's time, so I will digress and we will continue this conversation upon your release."

"Lieutenant, I would like to apologize to you for my actions in the meeting," replied Paul looking back at Cody, " I know that I have let you both down and my family and I know my sister will roast me for this," he continued, as he knew how Paula would react.

The Captain remained silent, it was time to see if Cody knew his job, other than security or firing the weapons.

“Your apology is accepted, Lieutenant, but your actions in the future will display whether you have learned from this incident,” Parker stated. “Your security access will be limited until you have proven yourself worthy of the Captain’s trust as well as mine. You have potential Lieutenant Winchester, let’s see it put to good use.”

"Okay, now we get onto your duties" the Captain Began "as you are on restricted duty, this means when not on duty you will be escorted from your place of work to your quarters and vice versa when your shift starts. You will be on an Alpha shift like all my Senior Staff, your replicator rights will be limited to food items, drinks and clothing and personal hygiene items UNTIL further notice, Major Donovan or another Rifleman will be your shadow and there will be a guard outside your quarters at all times. The only time you will carry a weapon is on duty at the end of every shift you will return it to the armoury and pick it up from there when you report for duty. You will not be assigned to any Away Team, instead, your duty will either be on the bridge or in Security before I let Lieutenant Parker continue, do you have anything to say Lieutenant Winchester?" the Captain asked.

"No Ma'am, But I do feel that my career has gone sideways lately since I lost my arm," as he curled the fingers of the spare arm that he had attached, he asked," and on that subject Ma'am, any word on why my Primary one failed?"

"That one was primitive it had a remote for heaven's sake, this one is state of the art, sadly Starfleet R&D have yet to Master the tech enough so as to make the appendage work like the real thing if you were a synthetic then there would be no problem, but you are human and so there is a slight reaction variance in its agility. Not enough for most jobs, flying this ship or a shuttle or some other non-flying tasks, but for a fighter jock it is a pain as it has a possibility to slow down one's reflexes at the nor critical time. And Lieutenant Winchester, while you may be in trouble, you are one of my crew and as such it is my job to keep my crew safe *looks over at Parker* your turn Cody" she finished.

"I know that Ma'am and I know I never went to see Counsellor Walon like I was supposed to," replied Paul, as he looked back at the Captain, "But at the time I was not ready to talk about it," as he knew that his last meeting with Iria had not gone down to well with both of them yelling at each other.

*rubs eyes with index finger and thumb* "Okay, set a session up with Lieutenant Walon at the end of this mission and for all that is holy talk to each other not shout, if you speak calmly and with some decency and respect Lieutenant Walon will accept it, remember she may be CIO now but she is also Chief Counsellor, so be nice when you make a new appointment and if you need to speak about the side-ways move, then calmly approach the subject with her by asking for her thoughts as you are having trouble with the move, do not give her attitude and she will listen. Making an appointment with her is an order Lieutenant Winchester, understood?" the Captain said.

"Understood sir," replied Paul looking at his commanding officer, he continued," and I already have spoken with Lieutenant Walon on that subject when I handed her the keys to intelligence," as he knew that he had to keep said appointment this time and talk it out. Paul thought oO I do hope this does not go against me, Oo as he asked: "When can I speak with the Colonel?"

*looks at Parker with a raised eyebrow, then to Winchester* "huh! Are you suicidal Lieutenant? I will speak with Colonel Somers first, she is still outraged at the moment and has locked herself in holodeck two, I have seen her enraged, but not to this extent. Just thought you might want to know, that the Colonel is in line for taking over command of the Tomcat at some point, so until I can get you to speak to her, practice what you are going to say, as she can smell bullshit a mile away and your goal is to get back into her good books, so make sure what you want to say is sincere and respectful and most of all truth" the Captain said.

"Take over the Tomcat," replied Paul shocked at the news that he had called out his future Commanding Officer in a meeting as he gulped in the air at the news, He thought to himself oO Oh shit, I have done it now, Oo as he knew that he had to do everything he could to show the Colonel that he was worthy of being kept around.

*Jasmine saw the realization of Winchesters actions finally sink home* oO I think he has suddenly learned his lesson Oo she thought to herself "So I think you finally see your error, but you need not worry I am not ready to step aside just yet so you have time to breath" the Captain said.

"Thank god for that," replied Paul with a deep breath, as he knew that he had dug himself a hole to which he needed to get himself out of, he concluded," May I ask when will I be returning to full duty Ma'am?" as he hated being on restricted duty as he knew that it was his own fault for being on the sidelines.

"You will be returned to such duties when I deem you have done enough penance for your bad conduct in the meeting *and then her demeanour changes* what the hell were you thinking Lieutenant! mouthing off at a Senior Officer from another branch of the service! I thought despite things you would know better? In old naval parlance what you did would be classed as Bad Form one branch of the service challenging another without cause! I just got to know why did you anger your future CO Lieutenant?" She said hopelessly.

"Ma'am, if I may," replied Paul looking back at his commanding officer, he continued," I know she is your Cousin and such, but, as I said in the meeting Contacts, can be bought and the intelligence needs to be checked and verified by SFI before we head out," as he looked at her again and knowing that she might flip, he finished," It is better to be safe than sorry,"

*composing herself* "Lieutenant Winchester, it is not what you said, it is how you said it and the tone used, all marines, especially combat vets like the Colonel have an Alpha Female type personality or Alpha Male if they are males my cousin is no different. Perhaps if you put some thought into what you wanted to say instead of just blurting it out as you did, then the Colonel would not be so upset with you. Remember Lieutenant while the Marines are not Fleet Officers, they are part of Starfleet, but another branch of it, just because she is not fleet you speak and show the same respect to a marine or Rifleman as you would a senior ranked Fleet Officer, this you did not do, so learn from your mistakes and accept what is coming to you" the Captain said.

"I know that I should have worded it better ma'am, "replied Paul looking back at the Captain, he continued, "as a Former Intelligence officer, it is what I would have done and had all the information verified before the meeting," as he knew that by moving to Security he could no longer do the very thing he had said.

"Captain, if I may, I suggest we let him have one more night in the brig then dispatch him into my custody in the morning. With the away missions we are gearing up for I'm already behind on the squad drills for the emergency response teams, and I know you have a lot on your plate as well," Parker responded doing his best not to let his anger show at the frustration of the absurdity of the situation.

*nodding* "I agree on that Cody, Major" she called out and the hybrid Major returned into the CRR and looked at her Captain "Major escort Lieutenant Winchester back to the brig, then in the morning he is to be released on Restricted privileges, you will be his shadow until otherwise told, when not on duty he is confined to his quarters, you are too if the situation permits it to escort to his duty post then return at the end of it until further notice, any questions?" The Captain asked the Major.

"None Captain" S'arila simply answered.

"Okay, both of you dismissed," Somers said and watched both the Major and Winchester leave the room, she then turned to Cody, "thanks Cody, I will let you return to your duties and let you do your duty," Somers said.

Cody simply nodded in respect and left the Ready Room and returned to his duties, with a huge sigh JAsmine stood up and straightened her tunic and returned to the bridge oO it comes to something when one of your officers give lip to a senior officer from a different branch of the service Oo she thought to herself ruefully shaking her heads as she stepped onto the bridge.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security

Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief of Security

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander

MCPO1 Lucy Armitage [P: Somers]
Captain's Yeoman


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