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[BACK POST]Testing the attitude

Posted on 11 Aug 2020 @ 2:15am by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Edited on on 11 Aug 2020 @ 6:00pm

2,648 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Holo-deck 3, Dodd-Walon's quarters
Timeline: Off Duty hours, after the Dismissed jp

N.B. the following joint post has some descriptive sexual interaction if you don't wish to read such things.

Stop reading here...


- Holodeck 2 -

Iria walked around the room quietly, she was trying very hard to not smile or play as she would normally be doing with Remy around. He was currently 'pretending' to be a prisoner who had information she was supposed to find out. He was being an amazing sport about the whole thing, even sitting in a chair with, his hands 'secured' to the armrests with slightly loose shackles.

Iria turned around and gave him a long look in his eyes and then she sat down very slowly in her own seat, Iria leaned forward slightly and spoke softly, "Do you know who that crate was intended for?"

"It is for dogs, like you Starfleet scum," Remy replied as he was attempting to keep in character. He had volunteered to assist Iria in learning interrogation techniques. He dressed in dirty and tattered clothing for his role was that of a space pirate. He was finding it hard to not react to any thoughts Walon was having. But he had to keep in character and not communicate via telepathy as well.

He also attempted to lunge at Iria while still pretending to be bound to a chair. He really wanted to make it as rough for her as possible, so she would be ready for anything in reality.

Iria had been surprised by the lunge, flinching very slightly but it enough that she was certain he would have noticed the muscle movement no matter how micro it had been. She shook her head, slightly, she was definitely going to have to toughen up for this kind of thing. She took a quiet breath then she glared at him, "Let me rephrase that question so it's clear," she paused and added in a firmer tone than she would normally. She wasn't supposed to think like a counsellor right now, she was supposed to be an intelligence officer, trying to get information. "What was that crate for and why did you think we wouldn't notice it wasn't supposed to be in the shipment?"

He noticed her flinching but yet he thought she handled it better than some. He also noticed the intensity of her voice shifted after the flinching. He thinks she shifted how she viewed the situation, so his tactics to helping her were started to help her shift away from counselling into interrogating.

"You filthy Federation Fleabag, I know nothing of a crate nor a shipment. I demand my freedom from this false imprisonment based upon the Khitomer Accords." Dodd replied while keeping to his character.

Iria shook her head softly, "You know more than you're telling but I can wait as long as needed." She got up in a smooth motion and walked over to a table and picked up some sandwiches and set them on a plate before him, without a word and sat down again in her own chair.

"I know nothing and will share nothing with you, Federation Fleabag," Dodd replied in character. While Walon thought the sandwiches would temp the prisoner, but Dodd was in the middle of a fast and thus could keep that part of reality in check and thus ignore the sandwiches. "You feel you can bribe me to spill the unknown. I am strong and will not break to your tactics, fleabag!"

Iria just smiled and waited, patience in the face of his ranting. The sandwiches were meant to stimulate the senses, and add distraction, even if a person was strong the smell of something delicious would eventually affect the scenes of sight, smell, taste when breathing in, eventually it would make the mind react making stomach growling in response. Iria would wait and see if the ploy worked. If not, she would try something else. Iria knew that under normal circumstances Remy would be picking up on her thoughts, but for this training session, she had asked he ignore whatever he might hear.

While Dodd was aware of all of her mental activity, he had to continue without acting upon that knowledge. That in itself was hard but what was harder for Dodd was the fact that he was sort of enjoying being in bondage with his lover torturing him. Maybe he could get her to do her role-playing in their quarters sometime?

"Federation Fleabags always try to mess with my people and yet you are beneath us. Which is why we plunder your ships and take what is due us. We sell what we can to fund our missions and yet you accuse me of knowledge I know nothing about." Dodd added to his comments as he was attempting to get back into character even though visions of his lover were making him slightly aroused while unable to do anything about it.

Iria got up from her seat in a smooth motion and walked over to him, she smiled as she spoke, "Computer pause program," she grinned cheekily at Remy, as she leaned down right next to his ear, "I think I have learned enough for today," she turned her head slightly and gave his left ear a gentle nip with her teeth, ~~Race you home.~~ she sent to him as she stood up, loosened the cuffs from his wrists but hadn't completely removed them. "Computer end program in ten seconds!" Iria called out as she raced for the archway.

Though Remy could very easily negate her head start, by using his codes to lock their quarters and he knew ways through the ship that she didn't. It was still the idea of fun to try and reach their quarters before him, that had Iria giggling as she ran down the corridor towards the lift.

Remy allowed her the head start but he had something else up his sleeve so to speak. "Computer, site to site transport Dodd 2 1 3." The computer then beamed him directly to their quarters with the whole contraption he was held in on the holodeck. This would allow Iria to continue to play with him in bondage but it would greatly surprise her to see him already there when she walked through the door.

Iria raced down the corridor and had made it to the lift without being caught or accidentally tripped by anyone else as she had dashed by.

She was still giggling softly but was surprised that Remy hadn't caught up with her yet. Iria bit the inside of her bottom lip as the lift moved between the decks, once it stopped Iria braced for a possible meeting as the doorway hissed open, only to be met with no one standing there.

Iria paused hesitating a moment, had she hurt Remy's feelings with the training? She stepped out of the lift and watched the corridor a moment then broke into a run if he wasn't behind her, maybe he had already arrived at their quarters.

Iria dashed through the corridor and around the corners, she slid to a stop outside of the doorway, taking a second to catch her breath and then she raised her hand to see if the door would part...

- Dodd, Walon's quarters -

Iria blinked at him sitting bound as she had left him in the holo-deck, how had he managed that? Baffled and curious Iria walked into their quarters, she walked right to him and leaned down, "Are you okay?" She wanted to be certain of that before anything else.

"I am staying in character for the torture you plan to give me," Remy replied. "Federation psychobabble will get you nowhere, you, flea-bitten excuse for bipedal species." He was doing what he could to get back into character as he was enjoying her having him at a disadvantage as he always had a dark fantasy of being made love to while in bondage. He was starting to get aroused once more as Iria moved around him in their quarters.

Iria looked at him a moment then gave him a slow smile flashing her dimples at him, "Guess we will try something else then." She tossed her jacket across the room and stood back in her bra top and pants. Iria tapped her bottom lip in thought a moment and then turned around and walked to their bedroom, she came back a few moments later with some long bands of silk in a royal blue hue, she removed the cuffs from his wrists but tied them with the silken bands instead, Iria sat on his lap and wiggled against him. "Close your eyes." As much as she wanted to play this with him, she didn't want to accidentally hurt him.

Remy was fully aroused as the silk bound him to the chair contraption. He was eager to do what she asked of him in anticipation of the release of the sexual desires building within him as she made him throb in heated bliss. His pulsing manhood was very much noticeable to Iria as she sat on his lap. He was wondering what torture she would let him experience in their playtime together.

After his eyes closed, she used another silk band and tied it over his eyes, just enough to be felt against his closed eyelids but no real pressure was applied. She wiggled against him again rubbing herself firmly over him as he was bound by silk to the chair, she smiled though he couldn't see it, as she leaned forward to nip his bottom lip lightly before she pulled back slow dragging her teeth over his lip gently. Then she backed up away from him, before he reacted...

Remy was now quivering with every move Iria made which aided the fun they were having.

Iria moved around him as quiet as she could only reaching out to run her fingers through his hair, or over his collar bone. After a few moments of random teasing touches she kneeled between his legs and ran her hands over his thighs and then stopped, ~~Is this still okay?~~ she didn't want to have him uncomfortable or have a backlash from their recent imprisonment.

~~ You really know how to work a guy up. ~~ Remy replied.

Iria stepped back and the sounds of rustling fabric let him know with his ears she was removing the rest of her clothes. She paced around him quietly as she untied his wrists from the chair and tugged the silken bands firmly, "Stand up and follow the direction I pull you in." She said softly as she watched him carefully.

She pulled him carefully through their quarters into their bedroom and over to a new desk she had placed earlier in the day, it was a match for his desk in his office. She sat down on the desktop and pulled Remy toward herself until he stood in front of her, she released the silken bands and untied his wrists first then took off his shirt and the band she used as a blindfold as well. She smiled at him as she reached for his pants.

Remy trembled at the touch of her silky skin against his flesh as he was now only in his boxers as he stood in front of his Imzadi. He was enjoying this role play and ready to fulfil the mission that she put in place.

Soon they were both heavy in the act of lovemaking. But their bodies craved fuel for continuing the fun. As she was trembling in Remy’s embrace, she gave him a weak smile, "Are you okay?" ~~Do you want to try something else in the bed or are you hungry for some real food?~~ She almost did not recognize her own voice.

~~ I am always satisfied with you in my life that you are the only real food I need to survive. ~~ Remy thought to Iria. ~~ However, to keep up the energy to satisfy you, I guess my body does need some fuel to allow me to repeat the session we just had. ~~

Iria laughed softly and tenderly kissed him, "Come on let's see what random menu has for us today." Whatever else it was she intended to enjoy the meal with her lover, fiancé and best friend.

Dodd shifted his position to the bed as Iria created the random menu options for their refuelling meal. He could not take his eyes off of his lover and he knew that finding her was the best thing to even have her in his life.

Iria brought over some bowls of stew and plate of small triangle cut sandwiches, she smiled and then stuck her tongue out at him before she winked and got settled on the bed beside him with their tray of food to settle over their laps.

With the lovely Iria was sitting beside him and the tray over their laps, they were joined in a union that was symbolic of things to come. He ate of his stew and knew that the silence that settled over them was only temporary as they ate. Soon there would be more wild escapades between them and it would be far from silent.

~~ This is so enjoyable, the time we can be here sharing our feelings and our bodies, I can't think of anything I would rather be doing in my downtime than spending it with you. ~~ Remy thought over a mouth full of stew.

Iria hmmm'd as she chewed, ~~ Spending time with you is the best part of my day. ~~ she sent back to him. It wasn't just the physical part it was the complete understanding of each other. She feared nothing when they were together, well almost nothing, she still wasn't fond of spiders, but he had taken that in stride too.

~~ So you know you complete me as no other soul has ever been able to. I want to be one with you and spend forever loving you mentally, spiritually, and physically. ~~ and with that thought, Remy wondered if Iria felt anything mounting for another round.

Iria finished her stew and eyed her fiancé before she set aside her bowl and leaned over to nip his left earlobe gently. ~~ There's more silk ribbons and it's your turn to do the tying up. I am yours however you want me. ~~

~~ I will enjoy this, but the only bonds I ever expect would be holding you in my arms as you squirm to my tickling of you. ~~ And then Remy reached for the ribbons. He then manoeuvred Iria to the bed and lightly looped the ribbon around her wrist and then the headboard. He then took a second ribbon and gently slid it across Iria's bare skin as he went to secure her other wrist. Once that wrist was lightly tied up, he then moved down her body with a third ribbon with it barely touching her exposed flesh as she started to show goosebumps and Iria laughed softly. He just stopped short of her exposed breasts and he started to kiss them. Iria twitched as his moist lips caressed her nipples, which is when he stopped kissing and started more playful lovemaking…..

After about an hour, Iria looked at Remy, her hair a tangled mess but she didn't care in the least, she was exhausted but in an amazing way, she gave him a gentle kiss, before she laid her head on his bare chest, her fingers running lightly over his skin.

Soon Remy was starting to doze off to the gentleness of her fingers running over his bare skin and the purring of Iria's breathing. All that he knew was the sweet bliss that Iria made him feel and that he was fulfilled from the pleasure they just shared with one another.


Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor


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