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[BACK POST] Amethyst distraction

Posted on 01 May 2020 @ 2:46am by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Edited on on 01 May 2020 @ 2:24pm

1,819 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: various
Timeline: End of shift after Briefing series of posts


- Dodd, Walon's quarters -

Iria walked around the room humming softly as she waited for Remy to get back from his office, and any possible things he might have had come up since she saw him in the general briefing with Colonel Somers. Shee was still concerned about Winchester's attitude from the briefing but since he was currently in the brig, Iria wasn't really supposed to interfere unless there was just cause. If it was urgent she would get a notification from Doctor Cahill. So, for now, Iria was trying to focus on having some fun while spending time with her fiance. She had checked on Rocky, Remy's ever-growing carnivorous plant, and was glad it seemed to be okay with her presence in Remy's life. Plus it was fun casing around the mice that Remy fed Rocky. It was silly to admit but Iria wasn't afraid of being completely herself around Remy and was getting used to Rocky as well, the plant didn't try to grab for her in her feline form. She was wearing the new amethyst dress she had bought recently it had lace and ribbons all over beside the fact it showed off her curves. Her hair was loose falling down around her hips in curling waves. Dinner was ready a chicken pot pie with fried eggplant parmesan on the side. Dessert was a double chocolate cheesecake and some strawberries on the side.

Dodd had finished his duties for the day and completed working with Taggert to get the shifts in Engineering adjusted to allow assistance to all other departments for this mission. He thought he would surprise Iria with a token of his mood, and managed to slip in the second entry to their now expanded quarters. As an engineer, he left the doors in place but had them secured from regular use by others but his access code would open them. He slipped in and managed to change out of his uniform. He then only put on a new pair of royal purple silk shorts he obtained on Starbase 51. Then he replicated a long stem red rose and emerged from the bedroom to surprise Iria.

"Surprise, my love!" Remy stated as he stepped out of the bedroom to see his beloved Iria in her Amethyst dress waiting for him.

Iria jumped and spun around seeing him she shook her head laughing softly, "I was watching the front door the whole time but how did you get past?" She walked over to him, taking the rose carefully and leaning u on her tiptoes to kiss him, ~~You used that sealed doorway didn't you?~~ she sent to him amused by his spontaneity yet again, she hoped that their children would be as spontaneous as him.

~~ I try to be sneaky when I can be but it is hard to channel my thoughts at a level you don't sense them. ~~ Remy thought to Iria. ~~ I am always thinking of you and so I have to be careful not to let every thought be of you. But tonight, we need to feel our flesh mesh in ways it has not in a long time. We need to be engaged in one another and forget the rest of the ship. ~~ Then Remy picked her up and carried her to the bed and kissed her so passionately that she melted in his embrace. The glimmer of the stars outside the portal shimmered on his moist skin as the heat of the moment and the temperature of their quarters made him bead up with sweat.

Iria didn't argue, his kiss and his thoughts held her full attention, she wiggled against him and ran her hands over him gently, ~~ You always have my attention, and I get distracted by thoughts of you too,~~

Iria wrapped her arms around his neck kisses him fervently, ~~ Remy you bring out the playful part of me more than I usually let out, it's fun being free with you and knowing you are here with me.~~

~~ You are my whole reason for being now. I can't live without you. I want nothing more in my life than to love you and enjoy what our future holds. ~~ He then rolled over so she was on top and he began to caress her and get her prepared to have her world rocked.

Iria caressed him with light traces of her fingertips and playful trails of her nails along his sides before she kissed him and purred playfully against his mouth.

Remy so hungered for Iria's flesh against any and all parts of his own flesh. He loved her and he felt the temperature of her body rise as was his. Soon his blood would be boiling over unless he was able to ravage her until they both had satiated their desires of love and lust.

~~ I want to have you know how much I truly love you. You are my soul and reason for living. I want you to have all of me in as physical a form I can share with you. ~~ Remy thought to Iria as he began to love her as only he could.

Iria wiggled free of the amethyst dress as she rained kisses against his neck, chest, and more, adding in playful nips of her teeth against his skin, she arched against him moaning his name as their passion glared to the point of making clear thought coherent all that was left was the need to be with him and show him how much he meant to her with each caress and losing herself in their love.

Remy was fully aware of her desire to be with him and his desire to be with her. His bare flesh was her play toy as she caressed him and after her dress was removed he was certain she was lost in his love as much as he was lost in hers. His manhood was really being tested as he was spending a lot of time in her company and he had to be sure to never let her down. He was in the best shape of his life with Iria. She kept him physically fit in more ways than he ever thought. He was able to perform for her and make it exciting and new every time as if they had never done it before but every time and touch seemed like for the very first time when it comes to making love. He knew that she didn't expect it to be that way, but he enjoyed it as it added to the overall experience for both of them.

Their passion and love blocked out the rest of the ship beyond their quarters, by the time the two had worn themselves out in blissful sated afterglow Iria rested her head on Remy's chest her fingers running butterfly winds soft over his sweat-slick skin, ~~I think our dinner might still be edible if you're hungry? ~~ Iria sent to him as she turned to look at him her expression playful and curious. It was obvious she was thinking of something but trying to keep him guessing by the distraction of food.

Remy was hungry and dinner sounded like something that he could go for. However, the real hunger he craved was more devious than delicious. He picked up on her attempt to distract him and that made him rise to the idea once more. The afterglow was just starting to wane when her idea reignited the afterburner in his love drive.

Iria gave him a light kiss against his mouth and moved to get up from their bed, fully intending to bring some of the food to him in bed along with her own ideas.

Remy watched his lover arise to go fetch some nourishment. He loved how she moved and the curves of her naked flesh glistened in the pale lighting. He was tired but he felt that he could keep going as he loved her so much that he wanted nothing more to make her fully satisfied mentally and sexually.

Iria picked up the food and paused by the deeply cushioned chairs to pick up the gift she had intended to give him before. She kept it under the platter of food as she walked back into the bedroom and she smiled brightly at her soulmate, lover and fiance, as she set down their meal and pulled it up slowly, it unfolded into an oddly shaped rectangular blanket crocheted from silk spun yarn, in cerulean blue and royal blue with gold and silver lettering

It read

Remy and Iria Dodd's blanket of first memories. It was eventually going to get longer as they had their adventures through life together. Like a patchwork quilt but she was crocheting it.

It had a rose and ring on one square just under the line of their names, marking the night he had proposed so romantically.

Remy was surprised she was able to keep the secret as he could read her like an open book. The revelation made Remy frisky once again. He leaned in to kiss Iria and he could feel she was touched by his emotional release. Since he was already naked and hungry for the love of his Imzadi, he moved his arms around her and pulled her in for more of his love. He could not wait for their official wedding to be complete so their life together could be completely official.

Iria melted against him, he hadn't laughed at her poor attempt of crocheting blanket in progress or the lopsidedness or the few gaping holes. He just pulled her to him showing her his love. She purred playfully against his mouth and let him lead their dance of passion, she would follow him anywhere everywhere, for the rest of their lives.

Remy proved how much he loved her, faults and all. He was almost immediately primed and started to initiate a new session of lovemaking. He did, however, want to have some fun, so he hoisted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to the shower that had been modified for two people. He was going to make love to her under the stream of water (which he had been rationing by only using the sonic shower option most of the time.)

~~ Devious spontaneous and romantic how did I get so lucky to meet you? ~~ Iria sent to him in delight as he showered her in love with him and in the shower.

~~ It was destiny that united us. I never thought that I would have a physical embodiment of love but yet I found you and knew I was to make you my wife. ~~ Dodd thought as his mouth was doing more than talking to Iria in the shower.


Lieutenant j.g. Iria Walon
Chief Intelligence officer/Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Remington S. Dodd
Chief Engineer


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