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Reporting to Parker

Posted on 24 Apr 2020 @ 5:35pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Major S'arila Donovan

1,230 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Security Office- USS Tomcat
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 03.5


After spending another night in the brig, Paul stood waiting for his nine a clock shadow in the form of Major S'arila Donovan who had been ordered to keep tabs on him whilst he was on restricted duties, as the Brig door slid open, Paul stood up from the bunk that he had been occupying. He said politely, "Good morning S'arila, and how are you this morning?" he knew that he was in trouble with his boss Lieutenant Parker, but before he met up with him, Paul needed to get back to his quarters and have a shower and a change of uniform and also retrieve his sidearm and then head off for his telling off.

*gives him a dirty look* "good morning Lieutenant Winchester and it is Major Donovan" S'arila said "you will not need your sidearm Lieutenant, not yet" She added as she followed him to the armoury.

"Why not?" asked Paul as he looked back at her, "am I not the Assistant Chief of Security?" he continued as they walked towards the armoury, he finished speaking "and am I not supposed to be armed at all times?" as he had been reading up on the regulations for a Security officer.

"We are currently not in a situation that requires you to be armed, as for a weapon, well that is up to either the Captain or Lieutenant Parker, remember you are essentially under house arrest" Donovan answered.

"But my personal sidearm is in the locker," replied Paul as he knew that once he had retrieved it then he would continue on to see Cody, he also knew that things were not going right for him lately and being under house arrest was not one of them.

"It can remain in your locker, for now, Lieutenant, understood?" Donovan said with authority. "There are reasons for those on restricted duty Lieutenant Winchester, you need to realise that, I do not know if you realize this, but it was not what you said or asked it was the tone in which it was done, I do not know what was said, only that you really upset Colonel Somers, in a sense you questioned the integrity of a senior officer from a different branch of Starfleet, talk about a Faux Pas" Donovan added.

"I know I did, but I was looking at the possible outcomes in case this information was false," replied Paul, he continued, "think of the reputation of the Captain if we were to lose her to hostile forces," as they continued to walk down the corridor, He finished," and as I said in the meeting sources can be brought for a price to give fake information,"

"In the process of doing so, you accused a superior Officer of being inept and you insulted another officer from another branch of the service, you like the humans say committed a faux pas and humans also say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, you Lieutenant screwed up royally and should you ever make Lieutenant Commander remember this lesson and learn from it" the Major said.

After a short walk, they entered the Security Chiefs office "Lieutenant Parker, here is Lieutenant Winchester as requested" Donovan announced.

"Thank you, Major, your assistance is much appreciated, Cody waited a moment for Donovan to leave before speaking to Winchester.

Major Donovan left the inner office and waited in the outer office, she recalled what "her" Alex Somers from her reality would have done with the Lieutenant if he had done such a thing in her reality and shuddered her reality the Federation lost a galactic war and earth was nuked by Anti-matter bombs and the Dominion ruled supreme.

"Lieutenant, I'm going to be candid with you, you really shit the bed, the Captain is pissed off still and her cousin isn't too happy either. I noticed you are not wearing your sidearm, you will continue to not wear it unless there is an emergency or you have been removed from restriction. Your first order of business is going to be training with the Ensigns to learn the security console, that way you can stand the bridge watch. There is a lot going on and some of it I can't reveal yet, but I will be leading one of the away teams in a few days, and I'd like you to take my place on the bridge. It will you give you a chance to redeem yourself in the eyes of the Captain as well as your fellow officers. Do not screw this chance up or else you may find yourself re-designated as a ship's crew ensign and assigned of waste management duties with the engineers. You're a smart guy just use your head before you speak" Parker said as he sat on his desk.

"I understand that Sir and again I am sorry for my actions in the meeting," replied Paul as he knew that he had lost faith within the Tomcat's command team, and also the Having upset the captain, he knew that he had to earn the trust once more and hopefully the Colonel. He stated, "I will do my best and hope that I can earn your trust once more," as he hoped that this didn't affect his chance at promotion.

"Keep your nose clean, the Captain saw a lot of potential in you when he moved you from CAG to the bridge team. Now you just have to prove yourself. As for now, your responsibility will be handling the watch schedule for the bridge and patrols through the ship. I also want your training and getting qualified to stand watches also," Parker explained.

*looking over to Parker and back to Winchester* "yes, you will be in your new post for some time so start to familiarize yourself with all security procedures and the like, you will have plenty of time to learn" the Captain said "Major, come on in, we are done here" she added more loudly and a moment later the tall Major entered.

"yes, Captain, escort the lieutenant back to his quarters, then up to the bridge in the morning for the day shift, then you are free until his shift ends," the Captain said.

"Yes, Sir, c'mon Lieutenant Winchester, we go now," Donovan said.

Paul knew that he now had a lot to prove and prove he would and show the Colonel, Lieutenant Parker and the Captain that he could be trusted once more and lose his shadow, although it had been nice talking with the Major, this was not the way he wanted to be, as he missed going to the mess hall, as he thought to himself oO I wonder what the gossip is about lately?Oo as he said "Aye Sirs," as he turned to follow the Major out of the office.

*nods* With that both marine and Lieutenant leave the CRR when they had gone she turned to Parker "thank you, Cody, dismissed" she said and watched her Chief of Security exit the room, she sighed heavily and turned to see what paperwork she had left, things were currently quiet and the DO would call her if the need arose.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander


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