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Seperate Mission Part #1

Posted on 26 Apr 2020 @ 6:08pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

1,197 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: CRR/Tomcat/Various
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 04.1


After sorting things out the Captain left a junior officer in command, her XO and CoS was organising Away Teams, the ship was now stationary behind the Galen IV moon, so taking this time she decided to give her new CIO an individual task and would send another as a backup, sitting back in her chair she pressed the button on her desk.

=/\= Captain Somers to Lieutenant Walon, please report to the CRR, I have a task for you =/\= she began,

Iria glanced at one of the new ID's she had been working on for the forming away teams and tapped her com badge, =/\=I will be there in a few moments Captain I am nearly finished with the ID's for the away teams.=/\=

Iria set the ID down and moved to the next to make certain it showed the relevant information to give the carrier a proper cover if it was requested by planetary security. She repeated the process a few more times before she was finally finished with her task she picked up the ID's and brought them with her to the Captain's ready room. She walked out of the intelligence office and down the corridor and took the lift up the bridge. After a quick walk across the bridge, she rang the chime and waited for permission to enter.

In her Ready Room while she waited for her new CIO she pressed the communications button =/\= Somers to Dodd, please report to my Ready Room pronto, I have a task for you =/\= Somers said.

=/\= Dodd here, I am on my way ma'am. =/\= Dodd replied and exited engineering for the ready room.

When the Lieutenant had signed off her door buzzer sounded "Enter Lieutenant" she said and in walked her Isisian CIO, she smiled at Iria, "please have a seat Iria, would you like a drink?" the Captain asked.

Iria walked in and smiled cheekily at Somers, "You wanted to see me, Captain?" She had stopped in front of Somers' desk but after the Captain had said she could sit down she did so in a smooth motion, "Just some water would be fine thank you, Captain." She had already had a few cups of hot chocolate and cappuccino today if she had more it might head for her hips, though she didn't doubt that she could work it off eventually if it did happen. "Did you want to look over the ID's for the away teams?"

*smiling she stood up and went to the replicator* "computer one glass of water cold, one mug of tea white two sweeteners" she said and when the items appeared, she picked them up and took them over to the desk and handed Iria hers, before she continued. "let me have a look" she said holding her hand out.

Iria handed over the ID's and sat back to take a small sip from the water, she was certain of her work and had faith that the ID's would help in keeping them away team members safer.

Dodd arrived outside the Ready Room door and signalled the chime.

"Enter Lieutenant Dodd," the Captain said and looked at the ID badges her new CIO put together, she pulled out an old-style magnifying glass and scrutinized them back and front

Dodd entered and then smiled as to his surprise, Walon was in the room. "I am reporting as requested, Captain." He then moved towards the chair next to Walon's.

Iria smiled at Remy as she saw him entering the room. She resisted in sending him thought that she was happy to see him sooner than she had planned today, though she was certain he could tell from her emotions. Whatever else it was looking like the Captain had something to say to them both.

"Hello, Lieutenant." Dodd acknowledged Walon as he moved in to sit in the chair beside hers.

*finishing her inspection she looked up with a smile at the pair* "hello Lieutenant, I appreciate your discretion while on duty, but I have to ask have you set a date for your engagement party, yet?" The Captain asked *hands the ID badges back to Iria "excellent work Lieutenant, make sure the Away teams have these on them before they leave" she paused to let the pair respond.

"Well, ma'am, we would like to get married after this mission, but as for the engagement party, I don't think we have thought about it, right dear," Dodd replied then looked at Walon.

Iria put the ID's in her pocket, "We haven't discussed an engagement party, but if you have any suggestions we can think about it later," she wanted to reach out and hold Remy's hand as he sat there beside her, in front of the Captain's desk, she resisted the urge for the moment but looked at him then Captain Somers, "We are still debating on what type of ceremony we want to do but if there's anything that you wouldn't be comfortable with we will understand." Iria didn't want to have the Captain upset during a possible Betazed wedding or combination of Betazed and Ulillian Isiseans didn't have anything really specific beyond after the wedding there were some private things to do.

"Now, that you mention it, I would like a traditional Betazoid wedding since I am part Betazoid and was raised in those traditions," Dodd replied merely to add some humour to the mix. He knew that while he enjoyed being naked whenever he could be that most of the guests would not want to be naked in front of their crewmates and other strangers. "Just kidding. We want to likely create a unique ceremony that brings in characteristics of all our heritages but be comfortable for guests and us."

Iria shook her head gently, at his teasing, she could well imagine how most would react to that, but who knew maybe their friends, and family wouldn't mind for their wedding? Still, it was a matter to discuss further though Iria already knew she was going to take on Remy's family name, afterwards. So she would be Lt j.g. Iria Dodd for the rest of her days on the ship or wherever she and Remy went through their lives and careers.

"Last time I attended a traditional Betazoid wedding I was hit on for months after it, I may be a woman in my forties, but thanks to good strong family genetics I have a body most women would kill for, of course, I would be open to it again, at least this time I will not be the centre of attention, you have not seen my cousin in her birthday suit, she outshines me makes me so jealous *smiles* I would get engaged first and have a little party, this mission is a three-pronged one so you have time," Somers said and paused.

"Okay back to official matters, I suppose you are both wondering as to why you are both here?" Somers asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I am curious as to what you have in store for us." Dodd replied.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor


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