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[BACK POST]Trust Among Others

Posted on 18 Jun 2020 @ 1:28am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill
Edited on on 18 Jun 2020 @ 3:55pm

1,976 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: various
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 03.5
Tags: Sombra, 3CW4YMF696F


- Intelligence office -

Iria looked over the PADD and her notes, there was definitely a marked difference in how Aldana had acted during the last counselling session, the pointed evasion and what appeared to be a panic attack had to be addressed and before anything else Iria wanted confirmation that Aldana had finally gotten the treatment done for reversing the effects of the Orion Doctors’ tampering with their hormones pheromones and emotional reactions. If not, there was no way Iria could agree with Aldana’s being included in an away team where such unknown things could put hirself and others in danger.

Iria sighed and left the office and locked the door, then she walked down the corridor and caught the lift to go down to sickbay.

- Sickbay -

Iria walked in dressed in her intelligence greys and looked around for both Doctor Cahill and hoped to see Aldana as well.

Doctor Cahill was in her office and heard someone enter sickbay. She Came out and saw Iria there. “Hello, how can I help you today Lieutenant Walon?”

Iria looked up at Cahill, “I wanted to talk with you and Aldana about some concerns before the away teams are to go.” She said lightly once her concerns were settled then she could finish giving the team members their ID’s for the mission and their protection of their cover.

Doctor Cahill smiled, “Not a problem Iria. My staff in sickbay is my main concern. If there is a problem, I need to know about it.” As she took a seat.

Meanwhile, Aldana was in the back, minding hir own business. There hadn’t been much for them to do during their travel time to Galen IV, so the pair had been seeing to some more-or-less minor ‘busy work’ together. Aldana knew Doctor Cahill was upfront and thus could handle anything minor that may have come wondering in. The hybrid was currently deeply engaged, tending to Sombra.

Iria remained standing since she wasn’t invited to sit down, “I need to speak with you and Doctor Aldana, it’s important and there are a few things that need to be discussed.” Iria said lightly as she regarded Cahill.

Doctor Cahill replied, “we can talk in my office.” Doctor Cahill went back to talk to Aldana, “Come by my office when you finish with this patient so we can talk Aldana.”

Aldana frowned, s/he wasn’t sure what this could be about, but s/he looked at Sombra apologetically, and gently lifted him back down to the floor. ~Sorry maybe some other time, buddy,~ then the pair followed Aldana’s boss back to hir officer, a slight sensation of butterflies in hir stomach.

Cahill looked at the others, “Help yourself to what you like from the replicator Ladies.” As she got a cup of black coffee. “Grab something to eat and drink Ira and have a seat. I went and told Aldana to join us. She should be here soon.”

They hybrid doctor tailed hir boss to the office and entered. Hearing the offer of refreshments s/he helped hirself to something cool and sweet to soothe hir stomach…

~Eyez kh reem?~ Sombra pleaded with his big differently coloured eyes.

…and a peanut butter ‘pupsicle.’

Iria got lemonade with lemon ice cubes in it, “Thank you, Doctor Cahill, for the drink,” she waited until everyone was settled then she added lightly, “I asked to meet with you both to check on Aldana and her treatment from the Orion Doctors’ tampering with hormones and pheromones. At our last session two weeks ago, it was mentioned Aldana hadn’t started treatment yet.” She said lightly then took a sip from her lemonade.

Doctor Cahill replied, “Okay I can take care of that now, here is the standard treatment I gave all others that was captured by the Orions. Take this hormone and pheromones for 6 weeks and it should return your levels to normal.”

“…and I am sorry you slipped through the cracks Aldana, I thought I had spoken to all of you and did this. You should have come to me to tell me about this so I could have taken care of you. Also, as to the service animals, I hope you took care of here to help her out?”

Doctor Aldana looked between the CMO and the councillor. Strangely enough, s/he felt hir face flush with embarrassment, even though s/he was a doctor and used to talking about similar things with others, and even now being surrounded by hir peers. “Doctor Cahill, may I speak with you privately please?”

Doctor Cahill smiled, “Sure Adlana, we can step outside the door for a minute if you need to. Can you give us a minute Ira? We will not belong.”

Iria looked at them both Doctors, as she spoke up, “If Aldana hasn’t already begun the treatment I can’t agree to their inclusion to the away team mission right now, we can’t risk Aldana or others on the away mission health and safety due to the hormone and another tampering.” She added, “Take the time you need but I will have to inform Commander Sterling that Aldana will be unavailable for a while.”

Doctor Cahill replied, “This takes effect in about 5 minutes from the first dosage and she is completely ready and fit for duty now. And I would trust her with my life right now. She is completely ready and fit for duty.

The hybrid doctor felt hir two colleagues were talking about hir as if s/he weren’t here. S/he couldn’t believe it. S/he tried again, “sir, a moment of your time please? …” S/he stood.

Doctor Cahill stood up and smiled, “sure Aldana, let’s talk over here,” as they go to a corner of Cahill’s office where they can talk in private.

“What is up Aldana?”

“Sir, I don’t know where the councillor is coming from. I feel she may have jumped to conclusions…” Aldana seemed a bit fidgety, s/he’d noticed many humans often seemed uncomfortable about what s/he was about to bring up for some reason. S/he wasn’t sure why – millions of species, humanoid and non-humanoid alike, all dealt with something similar s/he had found the best course, though, was to be sensitive to other’s ideas and beliefs.

Aldana had been working with Cahill for a long time now, and part of hir wanted to make the conversation more familiar… more friendly by using her first name, “Alex, we’re becoming friends, right?” Aldana had to trust those in hir department, and what better place to start than at the top; with trusting hir department head. S/he leaned in and held the back of hir hand by hir mouth to shield hir words better so only the CMO could hear. “…This isn’t what everyone seems to think it is… my species doesn’t have a monthly cycle; we have a seasonal cycle… it lasts a week or two… I’m in the middle of mine…”

Doctor Cahill smiled, “I understand Amiri, that is why I am defending you so much. I know you are fit for duty and If you want I can give you something to help you through it. That way you can still be part of Away Missions and perform your duties as well.

Iria sat still waiting for them to finish speaking, once she had their attention again, “I am concerned about Orion’s tampering with Aldana’s hormones and pheromones because,” she looked at Aldana, “You had what appeared to be a panic attack in my office some two weeks ago that was after you had avoided answering my questions. As for the treatment if you feel it will have an immediate positive effect and no ill reaction then do what you feel is best.”

Doctor Cahill smiled at Aldana, “Ready to return to finish this with Ira sweetie. Your secret is safe with me.”

As we return to Iria, “I understand your concern Iria and appreciate that you brought it to my attention. I feel Doctor Aldana is completely capable of performing her duties with the medications I have given her. If you wish I will stand before the Captain and say the same thing.”

The Kazarite said nothing; s/he stroked Sombra’s ears thoughtfully and listened to the others. S/he trusted Doctor Cahill had things covered for now. Aldana decided to hold hir actions until someone addressed hir.

“How do you feel about this Doctor Aldana; do you feel fit to perform your duties on an away mission?”

Aldana started to feel like s/he was under a microscope, but s/he tried to convince hirself it was all necessary. S/he looked thoughtful for a moment as s/he reflected upon hir last encounter with the councillor and tried to look at it from a certain point of view… or rather, hers.

Sombra nuzzled his head into Alpha’s lap for encouragement. He peered up at hir as if to say, ‘you’ve got this.’

The doctor was quiet for a moment, and when s/he spoke up again s/he looked directly at their department co and confirmed, “I do feel fit to perform my duties on an away mission sir,” s/he was glad one couldn’t see a blush under hir fur, so when s/he looked between the two women but more addressing the councillor s/he added, “I never meant to cause you concern for my wellbeing, the Orions simply seem to have hastened my natural cycle a little. I was at a high-point around our last meeting and a bit overwrought.”

Iria gave a slight frown, and spoke softly but firmly, “That still doesn’t excuse the fact you avoided answering a few questions and had what appeared to be a panic attack. If Cahill clears you for duty, so be it, but we will have to talk further at a later time.”

Aldana looked thoughtful for a moment, then s/he opened hir mouth as if s/he were about to say something when the CMO interrupted and spoke up…

Doctor Cahill smiled, “I can give you the medicines you need right now Aldana, and in a little while you will be able to do the missions, but if you wish I can send Doctor K'Tel in your place. She is a great doctor and is always eager to go when asked.”

Iria got to her feet and recycled the glass from her lemonade, “I will leave you both to your preparations, I wish you luck on your mission.”

Doctor Cahill smiled, “Thanks Iria and will see you around.”

The hybrid watched in amazement as the councillor suddenly left and nothing else was said. S/he shrugged, guessing s/he was off the hook for now. Doctor Aldana wasn’t sure if s/he could recall anyone from the manifest with the name K'Tel, but, s/he couldn’t be expected to memorize it like an android, but s/he supposed she was a very competent doctor otherwise she wouldn’t be out here this far. “You don’t need to send someone else.”

“I know, I was just proving to her I run Sickbay not her, and I know you are fit for any mission I choose to send you on. I trust you.” The chief doctor complimented.

Aldana was elated, s/he didn’t know what else to say…


Lieut. Cmdr. Alexanderia Cahill
Chief Medical Officer/2nd Officer

Doctor Amiri A. Aldana 365
Assistant C.M.O.

Lieutenant j.g. Iria Walon
Chief Intelligence Officer/Chief Counselor

CWO Sombra C.G.CA/U, PSA,C.ESA [P: Aldana]
Counsellors aide/Morale Officer


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