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A Holodeck Session Part 1

Posted on 29 Aug 2020 @ 9:58pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

1,521 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Holodeck 2/Various
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 03.6


After the dayshift had handed over to the Nightshift...

A new day and Alex was still simmering at the way she was treated in the briefing, so entering holodeck 2, she prepared her "special combat program and set it up for two people. As she called up the program and as she did the grid changed to a desolate battlefield, closet to here was a long bench with an assortment of archaic weapons and behind her a defensible dugout with sandbags. Looking around and seeming happy with it, she exited the holodeck and locked it and went to her quarters and put on some combat fatigues.

Now with duel pistol holsters on but empty at the moment as the real pistols that went there would be useless on a holodeck, she had all her regular kit set up on the holodeck, the only thing she had on was her combat clothes and webbing. She was dressed in camouflage trousers and combat boots and her T-Shirt was form-fitting like all her current clothing was made of the latest materials that hindered bladed weapons, her unusual Red hair was on a Ponytail, she had a fringe and bangs, the only non-holographic weapon she always carried on her was her collapsable quarterstaff which was noticeable, but only if you knew what you were looking for.

As she entered the lift and the doors closed "Deck eight" she said and the lift took her there, stepping out onto the level she walked down the corridor and around the corner and standing there in all her seven-foot glory was Major Donovan, Alex had forgotten she was assigned to guard Winchester, especially as she needed very little sleep thanks to her alien heritage and genetic modifications.

"Hi S'arila, it is time I took the Lieutenant to the holodeck and put him in my special program, follow me in," Alex said.

"He is not really equipped to cope with that program, your husband barely survived it, he was a nervous wreck for a short time after it and you like him, why do this to Winchester?" Donovan asked.

Alex just looks up at the taller woman and gives an evil smile, S'arila was afraid of very few things and one of those was Alex when she was in an angry mood

"Very well, I suddenly feel sorry for the Lieutenant," Donovan said.

"I do not, no one treats me like he did in the briefing, it is time he learned of my temper," Alex said with a coldness that even sent shivers down the Majors spine.

Both entered the Lieutenant quarters Donovan had to bend low to enter, Alex behind S'arila, as the door closed Alex stepped out from behind, the taller woman.

"Hello Lieutenant Winchester, you are coming with me for a bit," she said and walked over to the replicator and typed in her security code "computer replicate a standard Sharpe's combat outfit tailored to Lieutenant Winchester's measurements," she said and removed the T-Shirt, Socks and trousers and then when the boots were replicated she collected them too and cleared her security code from the replicator, now her outfit was on full display as she dumped the replicated items onto the couch, you will need those.

As Paul stood up from the terminal that he had been using to have a Chat with his Sister Paula, he noticed the dual holsters on the Colonel's hips and then looked down at the Combat gear that she had just replicated, He asked," Colonel, First off, I'd like to apologize to you for calling you out like I did," as he looked back at her, he continued," It was never my intention to upset you," as he had been thinking about this before Paula had called. he continued," And secondly, What do I need those for?"

*just looking at him with an unreadable face* "change into them, Lieutenant, you are needed on the holodeck and I hope you are up to using archaic weapons, we have a combat simulation and it is not an easy one, now get changed" Alex said in a deadpanned actual voice.

Donovan looked at the Colonel and saw a familiar sight in the woman, one she used to see on occasion, so she hid her reaction as Winchester picked up the clothing.

"Those clothes are tailored to your body Lieutenant, they are the same style that my husband wears when he joins me in the simulation we are going into" she added.

"Oh Alex, you are not doing that simulation!?" Donovan asked again "you are just evil you know that?" the Major asked.

Alex simply looked up at S'arila and smiled and the taller woman visually shuddered "oh boy!" Donovan exclaimed.

After picking up the clothes that had been replicated for him by the Colonel, Paul looked at the mirror and thought to himself oO what the hell is she playing at Oo as he knew that he had upset her, but making him wear Marine gear and if Paula saw him in this he knew she would be laughing her head off. as he turned to face the bedroom door, he thought oO well, here goes to the punishment Oo as he exited the room and entered the living space where Major Donovan and the Colonel were waiting for him.

*both women look him up and down, Alex walks around him inspecting him* "stand to attention Lieutenant" Alex said finishing her circle and looking straight at him "why don't you have a girlfriend, you have the necessaries to get one, but instead of moving on and not being hostile towards a senior officer from another branch of the service, you decide to upset the one officer who knows lots of ways to make you suffer, I was promoted from the ranks and given a field commission, so I know all the tricks and if you were a marine when I was a corporal you would have been severely beaten, but lucky for you things have changed, I am an officer and have to go by the rules, lucky you, but that does not mean that I cannot make your life hell and trust me, Lieutenant, this is only the start" the Colonel said as she stepped back.

"Translation, get a girl and never backchat a senior officer in future, a partner is a much safer bet" S'arila added.

"Do not worry yourself, Lieutenant, that outfit does not mean you are being transferred to the rifles, the outfit is a special material that will assist in minimizing any knife injuries you may sustain?" the Colonel said with a smile.

Paul looked at her and gulped at the thought of knife wounds, he thought to himself oO knife wounds, what sort of programme is she running, Oo then it dawned on him, as the thought entered his mind, oO oh god she's a Marine and it's combat! Oo He asked the question he was going to regret, "who would have me Ma'am?" as he had pondered that question before, he continued," One that has to have an arm serviced every 3 months?" as he looked at both Marine Officers.

"With the Fleet created replacement arm only Fleet branches, however, the Rifle Regiment has connections that could create a much better one, some of our rifles have one of these false limbs and only require a yearly service but then again they are protected from all that we know about, obviously there is what we do not know, but what is already known the limbs have protection against events. The one you have now while good may be able to stand up to a frantic holodeck simulation with combat, but that arm would never stand up to any real heavy combat, but there will be no EMP effects on the holodeck *smiles* so your current arm would suffice, as for who would have you in your personal life, I do not know you well enough to make that assumption, only you can decide your fate there, now are you ready?" Alex responded by ending with a question.

"I'm ready and willing Ma'am to get this over with," replied Paul as he looked back at her, he continued, "is there any chance I could have one of those updated Limbs that the Marines have to incase we get hit with something like that?" as he knew that asking for this after he had treated her was a big ask. he finished," Shal we go, Ladies before Gentlemen," as he waved her towards the exit.

"Those limbs are given to those marines being reassigned to combat zones, so no and I do not have the authority to get you one," the Colonel said and led them out of Winchester's quarters, as they walked to the nearest turbo lift and entered, she did not say anything to the Lieutenant only to the lift when the doors closed.

"Holodeck 2" she simply said when the doors closed.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting MCO

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander

Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security


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