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Call from the sister

Posted on 12 Apr 2020 @ 10:46pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 13 Apr 2020 @ 3:53pm

947 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Paul's Quarters-USS Tomcat
Timeline: S3: Mission 3 MD 03.6


After his meeting with Cody, Paul had been allowed to return to his quarters, how his life had changed from the day of his accident to now, from being a department head to now being an assistant department head and to top it off both his primary arm and the spare were in the Main engineering being looked at due to some fault. And for his troubles he had mouthed off at Colonel Somers, the Cousin of his commanding officer Captain Jasmine Somers.

But for right now he was under house arrest with Major S’arila Donovan his nine o'clock shadow following him around all day, it was getting him down after spending time in the office going over the reports and then taking Beta Shift he also had shouted off at Iria. He knew that he had lost the respect of his crewmates as he had upset all of the command team in the briefing, Suddenly his terminal started to flash as the computer's voice rang out, “Incoming message from Lieutenant Paula Winchester,”

“On screen,” replied Paul as he took his seat in front of the terminal, he knew that he would have to explain why he was wearing the yellow of Security and not purple of intelligence that was the easy part, but when he told her about being on restricted duty, now that was the hard part, as the screen changed from the Federation emblem to that of a brunette haired woman. =/\= Greetings brother and how are you?” she asked looking at him giving him a warm smile, it had been a long time since they had last spoken and Paula worried about him a lot since his accident and how he had been drinking a lot, she noticed that something was amiss and hoped Paul would enlighten her.

Paul replied, =/\= I’m fine Sis, apart from being moved from Intelligence to Security, =/\= as he leaned back into his chair, He continued =/\= and before you start, it was not my fault, but the Captain’s, =/\= Paul knew that she would start the interrogation as he thought to himself oO here it comes, Oo as he noticed Paula raise an eyebrow in surprise at the announcement.

=/\= what do you mean by the Captain’s mistake? =/\= she asked Paul looking at him as she knew by the look of him he had done something to warrant the move, she continued, =/\= and what the hell have you done Paul? =/\= as she knew how hot-headed he could be as she remembered how he had been when she had come out as a lesbian and how they had not talked for years because of that, still she knew that there was more to this than meets the eye.

=/\= Well, the Captain thought I’d make a good intelligence officer and then thought that I was better suited to security,=/\= replied Paul as he looked back at his sister, he continued, =/\= so she made me Assistant Chief of Security,=/\= as he started to relax a little, he then finished, =/\= and then I met her cousin =/\= as he thought to himself oO Now she is going to yell at me Oo

=/\=so, you’re e in Security now,” replied Paula looking back at her Brother, she asked, =/\= so, how are you finding it? =/\= as she could tell from the tone of his voice that he didn’t approve of the switch but had to make do, but her gut was telling her that he had done something bad, She asked him =/\= So Brother what have you done wrong this time? =/\=

=/\= what makes you think I have done something wrong Sis? =/\= replied Paul as he knew as she did, she could tell when he had made balls up, but this was more than a balls up, this was annoying his future commanding officer and boy had he pissed her off and hoped that his present Commanding officer could calm her down. As once again he looked back at his sister and knew she would keep on asking him, He stated =/\= Well, I called the Colonel out on her contacts throughout her briefing, =/\= as he noticed that Paula was getting red in the face and that meant one thing, she was about to blow her top.

=/\= Paul Winchester, =/\= she said using his full name, =/\=what in the hell did you do? =/\= as she asked the question as she continued, =/\= or are you dumb enough to repeat what you did with Lisa and me? =/\=as she remembered how he had acted when he had found out about their affair and he hadn’t talked to her for five years and even then she knew that he had only come to see her after being nagged at by their own mother.

=/\= I just told you, I called my future Commanding Officer out over her contacts, =/\= replied Paul looking back at her, He continued, =/\= and for my troubles, I got put on restricted duty and with Major Donovan guarding me night and day,=/\= as he knew this was not the news she wanted to hear, but hear it she did. Just then the door to his quarters slid open and in walked the Lieutenant Colonel along with Major Donovan in tow, he said, =/\=I better call you back, something big has just come up =/\= as Paula gave a nod of her head and time to calm down as he closed the channel as he watched the Colonel walk over to his replication unit, he thought oO what the hell is she up to? Oo as he knew he would soon find out.


Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security

Lieutenant Paula Winchester
Recuring NPC


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