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[BACK POST] “Ready to Begin Again?” Part II

Posted on 30 Apr 2020 @ 7:21am by
Edited on on 30 Apr 2020 @ 2:01pm

2,092 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Chief Counsellors Office
Timeline: A few days after “Ceremonies of Light” posts


Iria shook her head gently, “I’m afraid not, you were among those of us that the Orion’s took and experimented upon, we all need to get some counselling sessions in to be sure we are healing in mind as well as body.”

Aldana nodded, “alright, how do we begin?”

Iria was surprised at Aldana’s question, she was supposed to be a counsellor herself and if she had no idea of what she was expected to do if someone needed counselling it put into question what they were teaching at the academy.

Iria frowned slightly, speaking gently, “We might start with, how do you feel right now as opposed to a few days ago?”

Aldana knew there were different counselling styles, and different counsellors liked to start their first session with a client in different ways. S/he hadn’t encountered the ginger-haired, lovely Lieutenant in a situation quite like this before, so s/he’d figured s/he’d allow Walon to drive things the way she was used to, rather than assert hir own methods or opinions. Besides, she was the head of this section of the department and didn’t want to step on her toes.

“We’re excited to be getting to some R&R over the next few days. It’s been some time since the three of us have gotten to enjoy a good bit of role-playing together.”

Iria blinked surprised by Aldana’s reply, “The relaxation I can understand but how exactly would you role play with your canine companions?” She was baffled by the concept with what to her appeared as intelligent animal helpers to Aldana but not that she could see how they would be able to fully immerse into a role-playing situation.

Aldana smiled. “We get creative. There are a few scenarios where Luuna and Sombra’s skill sets can come in handy. One of the easiest ones we can do is as familiar to a nature-based character such as a druid. Granted dice rolls are a little bit hard to perform, but sometimes we leave that up to the computer… or pick a game with a rule-set that doesn’t use dice for its randomization mechanic.”

Iria frowned softly, as she listened to the explanation but it still didn’t make much sense to her, but she figured if Aldana had fun and her canines seemed to enjoy the outing there was little real reason to object to the activity. “As long as you have fun, Aldana.” Iria regarded Aldana a moment before adding softly, “Are you feeling alright after having to be treated for wounds and possible other aftereffects from the Orion Doctors?”

Amiri sat quietly for a long moment while s/he contemplated hir answer. S/he shifted nervously in hir seat. Afraid of the possible consequences if s/he said the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person. S/he enjoyed hir position and those s/he worked with and around. S/he looked forward to one day possibly inheriting the department from hir Cahill.

Sombra noticed something, and he came up onto the couch to check on his Alpha.

Amiri pulled him close and traded some minor wordless communication of comfort. S/he nuzzled hir face into the soft, reassuring fur of the back of his neck. Breathing deeply the soothing scent of hir ‘good boy’.

Sombra pressed himself into his Alpha. He too had been through his ordeal, but slowly through the comfort of knowing he could help another, and he was loved, he was recovering silently.

“No. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and feel anxious… restless.”

Iria nodded softly, “I think that is normal for the situation, do you need help finding ways to relax after the nightmares or is that part of what your companions help you with?” She did understand nightmares, she had them too, anyone who had been through what they all had would.

Amiri was confused for a moment, but then realized the mistake s/he’d made. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t clear; I’ve been experiencing a different set of symptoms; something a little more… physical… more personal. I’m not sure what the Orion pirates did to me; I’m not having nightmares…” Aldana hemmed and hawed. S/he reached down and fidgeted with Sombra’s ears. S/he opened hir mouth just to close it again; struggling with how and what to say. Finally, s/he swallowed hard as s/he decided just to say it. “I think I’ve been experiencing hormonal and pheromonal imbalances.”

Iria frowned softly, “You haven’t been treated to have their experiments undone yet? Everyone was supposed to have been treated and some have ongoing treatments to help with hormonal and pheromonal changes returned to their normal levels.”

Aldana frowned. “Maybe I fell through the cracks?” S/he looked innocent and half-clueless. “No one has approached me about it yet. Perhaps Doctor Cahill has been busy with the others?” s/he paused then added, “I’ve been more focused on spending time with these guys during the R&R on the station.” Aldana reached out to each of the two canids in turn and ruffled their head fur and ears. “It’s not very often the three of us get to come together as a family. (Besides, maybe I’ll get to meet someone on Starbase 51.)”

Iria shook her head concerned, “Then you should tell her and get those treatments started immediately, the longer you wait for the more likely it will be more difficult to cure you. I am all for relaxation, but you have to see that you’re not going to ultimately put yourself or others in a dangerous situation.”

Aldana shifted. S/he was starting to feel uncomfortable. S/he debated whether to say something or not.

Sombra noticed Alpha’s mood. He grew concerned for hir; so much so, that he squirmed/belly-crawled over to hir, into hir lap and gave a light whine as he peered up into hir eyes.

The doctor clutched Sombra to hir; hugging him to hir midsection. Part of hir wanted to leave, but s/he was not like that. S/he would see this through. “I’m sorry, I was informed by Doctor Cahill that she would be in touch with me, we’ve only really been back for less than twenty-four hours,” Aldana gently filled Walon in. Then s/he turned to sit up better, moving Sombra gently aside now that Aldana felt slightly better from the comfort and confidence she’d gained from Sombra. In a calm, soft, and even voice, s/he asked gently, “...but did you call me here to offer me counselling and check on my emotional wellbeing, or to chew me out? I’m feeling really confused and uncomfortable right now.”

Iria frowned softly and shook her head “You avoided the question and as the assistant Chief medical officer you know that if Cahill is unable to perform her duties, you’re supposed to be able to take over.” She paused and added firmly, “If you are putting yourself and others at risk by not keeping up with your own medical needs that are not good.” Iria looked at Aldana directly in the eyes and she continued gently but no less firmly, “I told you I asked you here to see how you are doing but as you are obviously behind on getting some treatments done, we will come back to that another time, for now, I would like to suggest that you get with Doctor Cahill, or station medical staff and get those treatments started so you don’t risk any further difficulty for yourself during the treatment process. The longer you wait for the more likely it might not go well for you.”

Aldana sat back. S/he tried to think on what had just been said, but s/he kept on finding hirself distracted by primal, carnal instincts. S/he found hirself unable to sit still, scooting forward, sitting on the edge of hir seat and fiddling with the guyzos, then sitting back, only to find it difficult to get comfortable.

Sombra was concerned. He’d never seen Alpha like this. He climbed his front half into hir lap. He whimpered, setting his chin on hir belly, gazing up at hir with concern in his eyes.

It was then Aldana realized s/he was experiencing shortness of breath.

Then Sombra’s training kicked in. In situations like this, he needn’t wait for a command or permission; he climbed the rest of the way up into Alpha’s lap. He pressed himself to hir, placing his paws around hir shoulders, something he knew s/he’d called a ‘hug’. Pressing the side of his head against hir, just under hir chin, he pressed his warm body to hirs. His heart is as close to hirs as he could physically get. His large, furry, warm, safe, secure heavy body blanketed hirs. Quietly he breathed and focused on Alpha. From time to time he would let out, just a soft little whistle from his nose.

Aldana leaned into Sombra. S/he clutched him to hir, wrapping hir arms around him, secure and safe in hir companion’s gentle embrace. S/he wrapped hir arms around his head and listened to the ‘white noise of his quite little whistles.’ Soon s/he was beginning to feel Sombra’s heartbeat through hir chest, and s/he wanted… needed… knew s/he had to match hirs to his.

The pair were soon as one, together they would get through… this… this… whatever it was. Slowly their breath and breathing became as one. Slowly their hearts, as one.

Meanwhile, Luuna was a little started, but she remained calm. If they were in meters of snow, or under the foundation of a building, or even just lost outside in the woods, she would know what to do, so she focused on that training. Putting herself between Alpha and… whatever. She too did her best to make herself a part of the group and keep Alpha warm and safe. She wasn’t sure what the threat was, but she knew she needed to protect. She knew the other was safe and meant no harm, so she ignored her, instead just sitting calmly between Alpha and anything else that may or may not come. She placed herself calmly between Alpha and the rest of… everything… taking point and sitting erect and alert. On guard.

All of this only took the span of a few moments. Soon Aldana started to feel better. Focused. S/he thanked Sombra silently and he quickly hopped down. Luuna too made way and returned at ease. However, Aldana stood. “Duly noted counsellor; I shall do my best to follow through. Excuse me, I need some air.” S/he headed for the door, the pair of marsupial carnivores right behind hir as if nothing happened.

Iria watched as Aldana left the office, she was baffled by the sudden hostility, brevity followed by the sudden exit. She shook her head and made some notes that she would have to follow up with Cahill and Aldana at a later time.

Aldana hadn’t, in fact, left yet. Just as s/he’d approached the door s/he hesitated, the thylacinids on either side at hir paws. Something in the back of hir mind told hir to wait, s/he glanced back at the psychological professional as if apart of hir hoped she’d stop hir; or at least follow. Perhaps somewhere deep-down s/he did have something on hir mind, and hir subconscious desired to give hir coworker the opportunity to stop hir – if not then perhaps to join hir.

Iria was focused on her PADD writing since as far as she knew Aldana and companions where leaving, getting air, it wasn't her policy to stop someone from leaving. Iria wrote what details she felt important to note about the recent interaction with Aldana and how s/he had reacted during their talk. It was concerning the evasive and silence as well as the appearance of a panic attack.


Lieutenant j.g. Iria Walon
CIO Chief Counsellor

Doctor Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M., M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

CWO Luuna C.G.CA/U [P: Aldana]
Security Officer

CWO Sombra C.G.CA/U, C.PSE, C.ESA [P: Aldana]
Assistant to the A.CMO


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