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Bumping into the Neighbor – Part 2

Posted on 13 Apr 2020 @ 10:20pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 14 Apr 2020 @ 5:07pm

1,062 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Deck 4
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 02
Tags: Luuna, Sombra


Luuna who had realized she’d been talked about sensed something from Alpha, but she had been just about to slip in and nuzzle in behind Sombra, between her brother and the Paul, but now she was torn. She stood in the middle perplexed, looking from the Paul to Alpha, back and forth.

Then as if he knew Luuna was torn, Sombra rose, stretched and sacrificed his spot with the Paul on the floor so that his littermate could take it. He would resume his role as comforter in her place; besides there was the unmistakable scent of nut butter wafting through the air and it was calling to him.

“Alright sweetie, your turn to get a fuss,” replied Paul as he beckoned Luuna over, as he watched Sombra go take a drink from his bowl. Paul knew that Luuna was confused by the talk and he could tell from the look on her face.

Sombra loped over to Alpha and joined hir on the sofa. He nuzzled hir and lay down next to hir placing his head in hir lap. He peered up at hir too, hoping for a taste of whatever was producing the nut butter smell. He tail-wagged lightly.

Luuna murred and squirmed at the attention of Paul. She pressed against his thigh and enjoyed the physical attention.

Soon Aldana spoke again, “Have you ever thought about acquiring your quadruped companion Winchester?”

“Please call me Paul,” replied Paul looking back at Aldana, he continued, “Not really,” as he had become attached to these two, as Luuna enjoyed herself, “But if I did, I’d like one like these two,”

“Well, Paul,” s/he emphasized his familiar name as s/he used it for the first time, you may call me Amiri if it’s appropriate, and we’re not on duty. I do know these two had at least four other siblings in the same litter. I’m not sure if all of them got placed into homes. If you’re serious, I could also check with their breeder to see if they have any recommendations.

Suddenly Luuna gave a soft yelp, and she started to squirm and lick at the Paul as if she thought it was her fault and was trying to apologize.

“What is it sweetie?” replied Paul as he looked back at Luuna as he knew that something from his new hand had caused a static charge, He said,” Sorry sweetie, it’s not your fault,” as he had to get used to the hand and would find out why it had caused this.

Luuna tried to give Alpha an impression of what she felt. She didn’t quite have a word for it.

Amiri checked her over, but there was no injury. S/he looked at Paul reassuringly. “I’m a little confused, but I think she’s just describing a static shock.”

“I’m sorry doc, rubbing her belly caused a static charge somehow,” replied Paul as he lifted his prosthetic hand from Luuna, he knew that the dog was fine, but still wondered why this had happened in the first place.

Sombra pawed at Alpha gently and gazed at hir softly. He knew his sister was fine, he had something else on his mind.

“I think Sombra is trying to tell you something Doc,” replied Paul as he looked at Sombra, and started to stroke Luuna with his real hand as not to hurt her again.

“Yeah, he is begging for some of my milkshakes, or perhaps one of his own.”

Then Luuna’s leg started to thump as the man found her favourite spot to have scratched.

Sombra watched as Amiri dipped hir finger into the milkshake and pulled it out coated in it. He began sniffing at the air, following it with his nose through the air, then lapping at it as soon as he thought the finger was close. Then Aldana let him lick hir finger clean.

“Oh, does Luuna like milkshakes too?” asked Paul looking back at the Doctor. He continued, “I could have two made.” He continued scratching Luuna’s belly as he continued to clench the prosthetic hand.

Aldana considered the question for a moment; meanwhile noticing Winchester’s positronic arm seemed to be bothering him. “Dogs really shouldn’t have too much dairy, but come to think of it, I think there is an acceptable substitute from Earth they may each enjoy; if you look under the heading “pupsicles and other pet-safe frozen treats.” The doctor opened the sealed pouch on Sombra’s vest and pulled out hir favourite medical tricorder. S/he opened it, and moving closer to the man began taking some scans asking, “does it still hurt Paul?”

Paul replied, “Computer, bring up a milkshake substitute from the list from pupsicles and other pet-safe frozen treats and add it to Luuna and Sombra’s treats,” he knew that they would have a treat here, he looked back at Luuna laying on her back with her paws in the air. He finished, “and as for the arm Doctor, not as it used to, but it does sometimes.”

Aldana finished taking hir scans of the arm, “how come you haven’t brought this up with anyone before. Would you like to get to the bottom of this? How often does it hurt?”

“Yes please,” replied Paul as he knew that he didn’t want anything to go wrong, but he knew that now moving into security he wanted this malfunction sorted and boy was it hurting him. “So, doc, what can you do for me?” he asked.

Doctor Aldana studied the scans for a moment. “Hmm, it’s hard to tell, but it looks like there might be some cross-linkages between some of the connections between your organic and the arm’s inorganic components. I’d like to get some more detailed scans. Perhaps we should depart to sickbay.” S/he tapped some controls on the tricorder and brought up the arm’s schematics. “Mind if I ask you a question?”

To Be Continued…

Doctor Amiri A. Aldana 365, D.V.M., M.D.
A. Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical

Luuna C.G.CA/U – [P. Aldana]
Search & Rescue Animal

Sombra C.G.CA/U, C.PSA, C.ESA – [P. Aldana]
Disability Service Animal to the A.CMO


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