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Bumping into the Neighbor – Part 3 of 3

Posted on 13 Apr 2020 @ 10:23pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 14 Apr 2020 @ 5:10pm

591 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Deck 4
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD02
Tags: Luuna, Sombra


“Sure, go ahead,” Paul replied as he continued to make a fuss of Lunna who still was thumping her tail on the floor in the excitement of the fuss that she was getting from Paul.

“Have you ever considered a synth-organic upgrade to your prosthetic? It would feel more like your original one and give you greater sensation and fewer problems.” Aldana stood with the anticipation of heading to sickbay so s/he could at least work on his current prosthetic.

Luuna and Sombra noticed and were up in a flash and at their Alpha’s side waiting to see what would happen next.

“A synth-organic upgrade; why was I never told about this?” asked Paul looking at Aldana, as he rose from where he had been sitting with Lunna. He picked up his holster from the table and strapped his sidearm around his waist and closed the clasp with his prosthetic hand.

“Probably because…”

Luuna immediately spotted the weapon and interpreted it as a threat. Taking the offensive, she bolted around hackles raised, placing herself between Alpha…

Aldana saw the mistake and reacted quickly. ~“tắt!”~ s/he exclaimed both out loud and directly to the pair – s/he hadn’t time to distinguish whom s/he was addressing – both animals immediately dropped; Sombra looked hurt and confused, howeve,r Luuna still had a bead on the weapon just in case, though she wasn’t nearly as alerted.

“Please put that thing away.” Aldana continued, “I was about to say, I can only guess why your surgeon felt they needed to use that instead of something more sophisticated, but perhaps there was a matter of urgency and availability? Who knows? The point is, if we head on over to sickbay, I can take a look at your cybernetic one, and investigate other possibilities.”

The doctor knelt to stroke Sombra and reassure him; he was sometimes more sensitive to harsh actions toward him, especially from Alpha. S/he then turned to Luuna and praised her quick reflexes, and reminded her that it was better safe than sorry, but they would be practicing her different levels of reactions in different situations, and explained that this one was supposed to be on guard like her, and she could think of him as “back up.” S/he then stood again, and left Luuna in her down position before releasing her again.

Luuna rose to all fours again as if nothing happened, and Sombra went to the man to reassure him and for pet-zies.

Paul looked at Sombra and knelt back down to stroke him again and began to make a fuss of him. As he did so, Paul added, “It’s OK sweetie, I’m now the Assistant Chief of Security,” continuing to make a fuss over Sombra, he continued, “See I won’t hurt you both,” he finished, “but if it makes you comfortable I will put it back in the locker.” as Paul rose back to his feet and turned and headed over towards the locker, he opened the locker door and placed his weapon back inside and then shut it again. He turned back to them and said, “There now, shall we go?”

Doctor Aldana stood and crossed to the door. “After you…”


Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security

Lt. Jg Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M., M.D
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

CWO Sombra C.G.CA/U, PSA,C.ESA [P: Aldana]
Counsellors aide/Morale Officer

CWO Luuna (Luna) C.G.CA/U [P: Aldana]
Security Officer


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