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Feline Fancy

Posted on 18 Jun 2020 @ 1:29am by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Edited on on 18 Jun 2020 @ 3:49pm

1,939 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: various
Timeline: After the Separate Mission Part 2 with Captain Somers


- Shuttle bay, USS Tomcat -

Iria was nervous and pacing as she watched as Remy and his team finished going over the shuttle that would go invisible and get them to the planet below and hopefully remain cloaked while she was supposed to go walking about in her 'fur coat', she felt like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Iria didn't have any doubts that Remy and the Engineering teams prepared the shuttle to keep them safe from detection but she was concerned about where she was going, it wasn't a place she had explored first as a person to see if it was safe to be walking around in her feline form like she had on the Tomcat, she had started slowly checking out the station they returned to as well, but this was new different and more than a bit scary.

Dodd was doing his very best to get this shuttle refitted to be able to conceal itself on this mission and to keep his Imzadi as safe as possible. The team he had working on it was the best on the ship and in his opinion the best he worked with as he picked them all himself. He knew Walon was nervous and he was nervous as well because his Imzadi would be doing a very dangerous part of the mission. If it was possible, he would do it for her but the Captain had devised this plan as the pets on the surface of Galen IV had been immune to these bluegills and thus a cat would blend in perfectly.

Iria was wearing a simple black tunic and pants, with a pair of soft boots, and her hair was pulled back in a long ponytail for the moment. She would get 'changed' on the shuttle while Remy piloted the craft. She turned her engagement ring around on her finger she would have to hand it to Remy for safe keeping until she got changed back.

Remy was focused on getting all in order. The pre-launch checks were all positive, and the test of the cloaking device were successful. Remy had two back up power supplies to keep the cloak working no matter what. The shuttles bio-scanners were tuned to Iria's signature regardless of her form, but it was able to detect if she was humanoid or feline. This was a tweak he made so he could tell if something was wrong and she shifted form. He had made a collar for her to wear while in feline form, that had micro scanners woven into the fabric to record anything she could say in her feline language and also her location and movements to make a map of the area.

Remy could pick up on her nervousness and attempted to send amusing random thoughts to her to make her giggle. ~~ I will be waiting here in the shuttle completely naked until you can return to me. ~~ was one thought he sent her to get her to not be so tense and nervous.

Iria laughed aloud, as a few of his engineering team looked startled, as she watched Remy, ~~You do that and get caught by the Captain, she'll think we started the Honeymoon before the mission!~~ she shook her head softly.

~~ Anything to keep your nerves calm. So if that means I get to be naked then so be it as I would rather be in the buff or in your embrace than in a uniform. ~~ Dodd then grinned from ear to ear just thinking about it.

Pril was helping him and she noticed his cheeky grin appear and she knew that his mind was up to no good.

~~ I am the one who will be the most nervous as you are going to be in feline form for too long for my comfort without any defenses other than your claws and wits. ~~ Dodd added.

~~ I will be careful, and I will be quite happy to join you later for a long relaxing bath. ~~ Iria sent back to her lover and future Husband.

After the final checks were completed Iria gave Remy a tight hug and a light playful kiss before she looked at the rest of the team that had helped him, make the shuttle ready, "You all did a great job here! Thank you for working so fast!" She paused and gave Remy's hand a squeeze, "Well see you lot later don't break the ship, while we're gone?" She didn't think they would, Remy had some of the best engineers in the Fleet in his department. The ship would definitely be there when they returned.

Pril and the team of engineers who Dodd had assembled would all gladly give their lives for the ship and to know they were picked to help with preparations of very serious mission that involved their chief and is fiance, meant a lot to them. To hear Walon's words of thanks and gratitude really made their day.

"Nelson will be in charge of engineering while I am off on this mission. He will likely keep things in order and I may even keep him in charge when I return to the ship just to help me be free to tend to other issues." Dodd said to his team. "Thank you and I will be back thanks to the lot of you."

"We really appreciate your work for this ship and how you appreciate all of us and the work we do. It was an honor for all of us that you picked us to work to keep you both safe on this mission." Pril replied on behalf of the team of engineers. "Good Luck on this mission."

Iria modded meeting each person's gaze before she turned to head into the refit shuttle, she sat down in the co-pilots seat and waited for Remy to get settled.

Remy then entered the shuttle as the engineering team exited the shuttle bay. He closed the shuttle hatch and then took his seat in the pilot's seat. Since this mission was covert, he was not in his standard uniform, but merely dressed comfortably.

Dodd got all the clearances and departed the shuttle bay.

-En route to the Surface of Galen IV-

Iria gave him a smile showing her dimples and gave him a soft kiss before she handed him her engagement ring. She got up out of her seat and walked behind the seats to remove her shirt pants boots and underclothes and socks. She untied her hair and then shifted her form to her feline form. The blue white nimbus shimmered over her briefly before she stood in her Turkish Angora form. She swallowed twice fighting the urge to rid herself of the tracker she'd swallowed in Sickbay.

~~ Do you mind if I sit in your lap before you put that collar on? ~~ she sent to Remy once she was certain she wasn't going to hork up a hairball covered tracker.

~~ I don't mind if you sit in my lap. ~~ Dodd replied. ~~ I made the collar as a means to assist in tracking you, but the captain did not want us to use it. ~~ Dodd added since the shuttle could not record their telepathic conversation. ~~ But if you want to wear it I will help you with it. ~~

Iria walked carefully and snuggled into Remy's lap purring softly as she watched him piloting the shuttle, it wasn't something she had studied much herself but had complete faith in his skills at the helm. ~~ I'd forgotten that the Captain said no to the secondary tracker in the collar. ~~

~~ I only thought of the collar as I figured some of the domesticated pets on the planet likely would have collars and if they went loose they would still be wearing them and it would help you blend in. However it could be a liability as well, so I see why the captain said no to it. ~~ as Remy scratched behind Iria's ears while she was curled up on his lap.

Dodd was on course to the landing coordinates that Walon provided him from what intelligence data she had about Galen IV. He had put the shuttle in cloak mode the moment it breached the force field of the shuttle bay doors. They were set to land in about an hour.

Iria purred as she relaxed sitting on his lap, ~~ When most animal or pets are left to roam the often end up loosing their collars or tags the ones that end up keeping their collars are usually more cautious. So Captain had valid points but so do you, it's okay. ~~ She would just have to be very careful and with luck she wouldn't be stuck searching for more than 48 hours or so.

After about 45 minutes in flight, they approached the upper atmosphere of Galen IV. Dodd took full control of the shuttle and made the adjustments to get to the coordinates they were to land. It was a location not too far from the main city and yet far enough to help conceal the shuttle landing even while cloaked.

"We well be landing soon." Dodd stated to Walon. ~~ I just wanted to make it official on the log. ~~

Iria nodded her head, she still wasn't feeling confident about this undercover mission but she was determined to do her best. She was also quietly impressed by Remy's piloting skills, as he guided the shuttle towards the landing zone. ~~ I didn't know you were such a good pilot, Remy. When we go on honeymoon later do you want to take a shuttle somewhere or do we ask someone else to do the flying? ~~

~~ I would think we would take a shuttle to some place where we can be fully able to enjoy our union without having to be bound by the confinements of garments or daily regulations. ~~

Dodd started the decent and preparing the ship to remain cloaked while on the surface. The spot was not too far from the recommended site for Walon to start her investigation. The force fields were set to go and had been rigged to conceal the hatch opening. As soon as the shuttle set down, Dodd set the engine to standby mode and did a scan of the area. All that came up on the scan was a few random fauna which were likely stray pets or some rodents. The area seemed clear for Walon to start her mission and for Dodd to begin his worrying.

The shuttle came to a landing and Dodd prepared for Walon to exit and begin her intelligence gathering.

Iria gave Remy a gentle head-butt and purred softly. ~~I love you, I will be careful. See you soon with any luck!~~
She looked at his eyes and face, a long moment, then she looked at the doorway, ~~ Ready as I'll ever be! ~~

"Okay, the next step of our mission is about to start." Dodd stated merely for the recorders on the shuttle. ~~ I have faith of the heart that you will be successful and return to me soon. ~~ "Be careful and God speed."

Dodd then opened the shuttle's smallest hatch that Walon would have not problem exiting in her feline form. Once she was outside the shuttle, the sensors picked up her bio-signature and his monitoring began.


LT Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer


LT JG Iria Walon
Chief of Intelligence/Chief Counselor


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