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Seperate Mission Part #2

Posted on 05 May 2020 @ 10:49pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

1,861 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: CRR/Tomcat/Various
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 04.1


Continued from Part 1...

She then looked at Walon...

Iria raised her eyebrows slightly, "So what exactly do you want us to do, Captain?" She was very curious about the reason behind the call to the ready room, and she wanted to get the away teams their ID's so they would have them if needed. She again resisted the urge to reach out and take a hold of Remy's hand but didn't stop herself from adjusting how she sat so she could face him and the Captain more equally to her own comfort.

*smiles* "glad you asked *looks at both* "I am sending you pair on a separate mission down to Galen IV, Lieutenant Dodd I need you to have the deck crews fit our illegal Klingon cloak onto our Venture class scout, which you will be piloting," *looks at Walon* "you Lieutenant Walon in your first outing as an Intel officer, I want you to use your shifting ability, no one on the planet will take notice of a feline, your task is to locate the Bluegill Hive Queen, you can ask for details shortly, both of you. I am sending Mr Dodd with you in case he needs an engineering answer to pull you out should happen, or if any other tech error happens *pauses and looks at Dodd* Mr Dodd your initial job on the planet is the ferry person, you will cloak the moment the Venture class ship leaves this ship and will remain cloaked when you land on the planet in a quiet area," *looks at Walon* "you Lieutenant are to assume your feline form when on the planet and do a solo recon, while Mr Dodd remains in the cloaked ship. Your only duty is to locate the location and possible defences around where the Bluegill queen would be stationed, when you got this information return to the ship and you are both to return to the Tomcat, now you can ask questions" the Captain said waiting for the questions on this Bluegill Hive queen and such.

"Ma'am, Thank you for this mission. I was planning on remaining on the ship, but I am honoured to do this mission. I released Taggert to work on another project so I will have Nelson oversee engineering while we are on this mission." Dodd replied. "I will personally work on installing the special device on the scout shuttle. I will also have a team fit the scout with the same technology that was installed on the two other mission shuttles."

"Good idea, a backup should the Klingon cloak fail, so no actual questions on the final bits of the mission?" the Captain asked.

"Yes, ma'am, I want a backup for the cloak. But I do have one thing, while Walon is out on patrol gathering her intel, is there anything you would like for me to do from the shuttle or in the area of the shuttle?"

"No, whereas Iria will be able to go unnoticed in her feline form, you will not, but you are to make sure the ship and transporter are ready at a moments notice. I have read in some published medical journals, understanding only a fraction of what was in them, and it has been done by Starfleet personnel before. I want you Remy to program in both forms for Iria, her feline and humanoid forms and set the transporter up for a skeletal or DNA lock so if all normal avenues are exhausted those will be your hail mary passes. If you encounter any trouble contact the ship via a tight beam burst transmission Mr Dodd, anything else?" the Captain responded.

"Roger, ma'am. I will keep a very watchful eye on Lieutenant Walon and make sure all is ready to go for any possible situation." Dodd replied as he looked at Walon and had a little blush on his cheeks.

Iria had been sitting quietly as she listened to the details Somers gave, she had stiffened slightly at the idea of going somewhere in her feline form that she didn't know for certain that it was safe. She had to think over several possible things that she would have to be especially aware of, temperature, bugs, and of course, if she did manage to find the Hive; she would have to make sure she wasn't noticed or accidentally infected herself. She gave a small shudder at that thought but, then took a soft breath before she looked at Somers, "Do we have any general idea of where the Hive is or am I going to go on a grid by grid search?" She was glad Remy would be near even if he wasn't going to out there with her.

"Would it be possible to have a small tracking device implanted in a collar that Walon could wear in her feline form that would help keep a positive lock on her location for an emergency transport back to the shuttle?" Dodd asks after picking up on Walon's thought about being in a feline form on the surface. "I could also monitor her bio-signs for any fluctuations that could compromise her."

"Planting one in her Collar?!" Somers exclaimed, "Remy, when she is in Feline form she does not wear a collar, but we do have a small tracking device she could swallow, and it will be there regardless of what form she is in, but I am not going to authorise to tag her in any form *smiles* You will have the skeletal lock and the tracker she could swallow *looks at Walon* the device will last forty-eight hours, after that, it will dissolve harmlessly, but there has been the odd report of a minor symptom after the dissolution of the device in a person system" the Captain paused to allow any responses.

Concerned for his Imzadi, Dodd looked at Walon when the captain mention minor symptoms after the swallow-able tracking device dissolved. "Would she need to be out on Galen IV for more than forty-eight hours in her feline form?" Dodd replied before Walon could.

"I would hope not!" the Captain said, "but you have a deadline, so your main task is to locate the hive queen and get back to the ship and get the hell off Galen IV and back to the ship to report. You will be flying in under communications blackout, so there will be no contacting the ship unless it is an emergency. *looks at Dodd* You Remy will be her hail mary should she have to remain more than the stated time, but I must advise the longer you remain the more chance of someone noticing you increases and Remy use that DNA or skeletal lock-on Iria as a backup and should she get into a tight spot that she herself cannot get out of then transporter out, but be ready for a hot exit because Starfleet transporters will be well known to the Bluegills, should you have to beam her out, the mission is over, so last resort, understood?" the Captain asked.

"Understood, Captain," Dodd replied. "I will do the absolute best at monitoring Walon while she is off the shuttle. I will not transport her to the shuttle unless all else fails." Dodd was now more concerned about Walon than anything else on this mission.

*nods and looks at Iria* "well Iria, you ready for your first mission as an Intelligence officer? This will be like nothing you have ever done before, also while you are scouting take note of those around you, those who are hosts will be calm and confident as they go about their business, those who are not will have the usual tell-tale indicators and as a Counsellor, you should know what to look for, do you have any questions Iria?" the Captain ended with a question.

Iria nodded, "I had asked if we had a general idea on the Hive location or if I need to do a grid by grid search?" She guessed that Remy's question about tagging a possible colour for her had taken a focus on her question. She wasn't keen on the idea of swallowing a secondary tracker either, just the thought of it was enough to make her stomach roll in protest. ** ~~ That's going to be fun not working up a hairball over. ~~ ** Iria thought to herself with a grimace.

"Right is there any questions, you pair have?" the Captain asked then looked at Dodd "Lieutenant what is the ETA on getting the illegal cloaking device installed on the Venture class scout and that back up stealth system installed? Because *looks at Iria* you will have that time to prepare yourself and get that second tracker swallowed in medical. How you do the search is entirely up to you Iria, you will have to use your best judgements on that as essentially you will be solo as the moment Dodd makes his presence known, you are both in danger." the Captain said.

"Ma'am, the shuttle will be set-up with the cloak and the shield technology as soon as possible. I would say in the next six hours. I will also have a secondary scanning system installed so I can dedicate a scanner just to tracking Walon in her feline form. I am sure there are lots of stray pets on the surface as they are likely neglected by those that have become hosts. I will work with the scans of the surface w have to find a location to set the shuttle down where we will be concealed. I will even rig the shields to mask the opening of the hatch so they should not be detected when Walon exits and enters the shuttle." Dodd replied. ~~ I really hope all goes well but I will have your back my Imzadi. ~~

Iria nodded, "Understood Captain since the shuttle outfitting will take a few hours I will wait until the last thirty minutes or so to go get the secondary tracker down." ~~ We got this, even if I am out there alone knowing that you're watching out for me with sensors and I know you'll have the shuttle ready when the time to return to the Tomcat. ~~

~~ Imzadi, you are always my top priority and I am honoured to be the one to do this mission with you. I will watch your back and keep you safe at all costs. ~~ Dodd responded to Walon. "We will do this mission and make it a success and get all the intel that she gathers back to the ship."

"Excellent, then if there are no further questions, you are both dismissed and good luck on this mission," the Captain said.

*Looks at both* "Okay then, both of you dismissed, I do believe you both got a mission to prep for" the Captain finished and watched the pair leave her Ready Room when they had gone, she sighed, one of these days, she was going to go crazy, but for now she will settle for slightly batty *giggles to herself*.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor


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