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Reseaching the Bluegills

Posted on 22 Oct 2020 @ 6:57pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill

2,121 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 03.7


Dr Cahill left SickBay and went to Holodeck 2 to do some research on keeping the ship secure from the Bluegills getting onboard the Tomcat. She was missing something on the Bluegills and felt checking out stuff in the Holodeck may refresh her ideas. As she entered she activated the program she had set up with some experts in Bluegills there.

"Computer activate program Cahill, Bluegills simulation 12." As it came up she smiled. She had all the help she needed to answer questions and also nudge her in the right direction. She put on a lab coat and joined them.

She had Dr Jadzia Kahn and Dr Yanas Ahjess from the Trill homeworld. Along with Dr John Bannon and Dr Bruce Davidson' They were at work and talking to other Lab Techs helping out. Jadzia looked up, Dr Cahill is so nice to have you join us.

Dr Cahill smiled "Thank you Jadzia." As she walked over to her science station. " OK everyone I need any and all information about the Bluegills and find a way to stop them if possible.

Dr Ahjess grumbled, "I hate the Bluegills."

Commander Sterling entered the holodeck.

"Hi Doc making any progress?" Maia asked

"Hi Commander Sterling, we are just getting started. I think you may recognize most of the team I put together here." Cahill said and then added "Here is some of what we have right now Commander."

"Home planet Paris III, Allegiance to Iconian servitor The Parasites have created on an ancient Trill colony on the planet Kurl in the 3rd millennium BC. The Kurlans were a group of joined Trill who set about making society of only joined persons on their world; unfortunately, something on the planet went wrong and a virus-infected much of the population. In a short time, ten per cent of the colony had died. As the virus most acutely affected the symbionts, the scientists from the colony went about genetically modifying the creatures to make them more resistant. In the process, the scientists learned that a joining would be more effective if it occurred at the brain stem, so they modified the symbionts with pincers necessary to burrow into the neck. However, the experiments were unsuccessful and the virus adapted. After ten years of experimentation, the result was a race of mutated symbionts, which had gone mad from the experience and started taking complete control of their hosts. The Trill resorted to genocide, killing four million of the mutated parasites by a remote orbital bombardment of the planet. Then they retreated to Trill, ending the first Trill space age and becoming isolated from the galaxy for centuries - not forgetting what had happened on their colony. But some parasites survived, and they did not forget what the Trill had done to them which was the source of their resentment to the Trill for millennia."


"By the year 2368, the parasites had secretly infested the world of Onglaatu where they took control of the Imperatrix's bonded "moon sister". In that time, they began to use her to create a civil war which was typically against her usual nature. Regardless of their motivations, the bluegills actions remained unknown by the Federation who did not wish to breach the Prime Directive through Starfleet officer Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge of the USS Enterprise managed to uncover the parasite infestation. During a skirmish in the council chamber, the parasite queen was killed which led to the enslaved Onglaatu being freed from the bluegills control. With their defeat, the insular people of Onglaatu applied for Federation membership."

"By the year 2368, the parasites had secretly infested the world of Onglaatu where they took control of the Imperatrix's bonded "moon sister". In that time, they began to use her to create a civil war which was typically against her usual nature. Regardless of their motivations, the bluegills actions remained unknown by the Federation who did not wish to breach the Prime Directive through Starfleet officer Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge of the USS Enterprise managed to uncover the parasite infestation. During a skirmish in the council chamber, the parasite queen was killed which led to the enslaved Onglaatu being freed from the bluegills control. With their defeat, the insular people of Onglaatu applied for Federation membership."


"The mysterious race of "parasitic beings" and their "mother creature", recognized as an otherwise intelligent alien non-humanoid parasitic lifeform, was first discovered by the United Federation of Planets during the mid-2360s. Though the true origins of these lifeforms was specifically unknown, it was determined that they originated from an otherwise unexplored sector of the Milky Way Galaxy."

"Though stating, "We mean you no harm. We seek peaceful co-existence," the actions of these otherwise aggressive parasites said otherwise, as they had the ability to invade and control humanoid species, notably Humans and Vulcans."

"Overall, these parasites viewed themselves as superior lifeforms to humanoids, noting that "patience is one of our virtues." They also stated that they in fact appreciated drama, and shared that when compared to Humans, "one thing both races share is a love of theater."

"The appearance of these "parasitic beings" resembled that of common crawling insects. The body was approximately twelve centimeters in length and light purple in color. The arrangement of the extremities, from anterior to posterior, were two pincers, six-legs, and a bluegill".

"When invading the host-victim, the parasitic being's gill protruded from the victim's skin at the base of the neck allowing it to breathe. This was the only identifiable physical attribute shown by the parasite through its host."

"While inside the host body, the "parasitic being" took complete control over all brain functions by placing its tendrils around the victim's brain stem. Their tendril placement also stimulated the victim's adrenal glands, which allowed the parasite to generate mega-strength for the host-victim, while also allowing much greater resistance to otherwise normal physical harm."

"During a physical altercation between two Humans and a Klingon, it was claimed by the host-victim that he "could snap your neck in a second, but that wouldn't be as much fun," while one of his opponents described how, "he picked me up like a rag doll." This host-victim experienced little effect to a phaser set on "stun", while one set on "kill" was required to effectively immobilize the host being."

"When hosted, the single weakness of the host was identified as the "lack of memory," forcing them to speak through their victims "by bluffing their way through talks of old times."

Once integrated, the parasite could not be removed by means of surgery without killing the patient. Though it was unknown how they entered the host's body, it was known that when a host was incapacitated, the invading parasite evacuated through the host's mouth and returned to the host of the "mother creature."

"The "mother creature" was much larger in size, appearing over half a meter tall, and was capable of making audible roars."

"It too was capable of living within a humanoid host, along with dozens of progeny "parasitic beings" coexisting throughout the body, while the "mother creature" itself inhabited the host's lower body cavity."

"The death of the "mother creature" means the inability for its progeny to continue to survive. The "parasitic being," as it was called by Dr. Crusher, was described in the final draft of the script as "looking something like an oversized silverfish." Later in the script it was also described as a "strange insect-like animal."

The "mother creature," as it was called by Captain Picard, was described in the final draft of the script as being "dull yellow – looking like a cross between a parasite and a human fetus." It was also described as a "fetus-creature. Although Picard and company were successful in eradicating them, the parasites did send a mysterious radio signal, presumably to others of their kind.

"Telepathic control by queens of soldier parasites
Distinctive Features: Hexapoda, large pinchers, gill barb"

"The bluegill, more commonly referred to simply as parasites, were a parasitic genetically modified off-shoot of the Trill symbionts created to try and cure the symbionts of a terrible disease. The experiments failed to result instead in a race of psychopaths which the Trill tried and failed to eradicate. From then on the parasites maintained a hatred for the Trill and by various means attempted to destroy them."

"The Parasites were insect-like in appearance and took control of their victims by crawling down his or her throat and tapping directly into their brain and spinal cord. The process was eventually fatal to the victim. In addition to an impressively fast crawl speed for such small creatures, the parasites were capable of jumping the height of most humanoids to quickly gain access to the mouth. They had a large set of strong pincers which they used to force their way into more resistant hosts."

"Connection: The neurological connection between host and parasite

The parasites shared the same kind of isoboromine neurotransmitter links with their hosts as Trill symbionts, but, unlike Symbionts, they take complete control of their host. The only physical clue to a parasite's existence is a small barb that protrudes from the back of the host's neck (in later incursions the parasites learned to cover that up by plastic masking it onto the host's skin). The barb acts like a gill, expelling spent gases taken from the host's blood absorbed through pores in the parasite's exoskeleton. Regular parasites have neither eyes or a mouth."

"The parasites could function independently, but it's believed that they prefer to work in hives with a queen telepathically communicating and controlling other soldier parasites, and possibly communicating with other queens. The parasites could be removed from their hosts, but only within three-four weeks of bonding (or less, depending on the species), after which the neurological connections become too complex and the host-body would be killed."

"Permanent connection with a joined Trill takes less than a day while Cardassians seemed to be immune to infection by the parasites. The exception to this is when the queen parasite is killed; in such a case the soldier parasites release control of their hosts and then drop dead or, indeed, leave their victims voluntarily with no harm to the host."

Breeding Hierarchy

The parasites breed with a structure similar to that of colonial insects.

First Contact

In 2265, a team that included Starfleet Captain Christopher Pike, and Trill representatives Audrid Dax and Jayvin Vod investigated a comet heading towards Trill that was inhabited by a previously unknown lifeform. The team discovered a parasitic lifeform, which took control of Vod, eventually resulting in his death. Also killed were three of the Starfleet officers also on the expedition.

The Vod-parasite revealed to Dax and Pike that his species had a hatred of all humanoid life and the Trill in particular. The parasite called itself "the taker of gist". After the Vod-parasite was defeated, it was discovered that the parasites were almost genetically identical to Trill symbionts and that they were en route to Trill in the first step in a long-reaching plan for vengeance.

The Trill government covered up the incident by destroying the comet and allowing the parasite-infected Vod symbiont, whose identity had been destroyed by the Parasite, to die rather than be placed in a new host.

Starfleet Conspiracy


In 2364, several members of Starfleet became increasingly suspicious of Starfleet Command, having noted unusual orders and uncharacteristic behaviour from other members of Starfleet. These suspicions culminated with the USS Enterprise-D returning to Earth. There, the crew of the Enterprise discovered that a parasitic alien race had gained control of much of Starfleet HQ. Having uncovered the conspiracy, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his First Officer Will Riker confronted several parasite-infected Starfleet personnel, and located the Queen.

Later analysis of the Parasites' tactics revealed they were placing heavy fire power near to the planet Trill in preparation for an attack.
By the year 2368, the parasites had secretly infested the world of Onglaatu where they took control of the Imperatrix's bonded "moon sister". In that time, they began to use her to create a civil war which was typically against her usual nature. Regardless of their motivations, the bluegills actions remained unknown by the Federation who did not wish to breach the Prime Directive though Starfleet officer Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge of the USS Enterprise managed to uncover the parasite infestation. During a skirmish in the council chamber, the parasite queen was killed which led to the enslaved Onglaatu being freed from the bluegills control. With their defeat, the insular people of Onglaatu applied for Federation membership.


A post by

Commander Maia Sterling
Executive Officer/CSO
USS Tomcat


Lt Cdr Alexandra Cahill
2XO/Chief Medical Officer
USS Tomcat


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