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Tact Tracks

Posted on 24 Jul 2020 @ 1:07am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill

578 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Sickbay, various
Timeline: Takes place before Feline fancy jp.


- Intelligence office -

Iria finished going over the available data that had been gathered so far, she had been busy with getting the ID's ready for the away teams and now her own away mission that she honestly wasn't looking forward to but she would do her very best.

She got changed into a simple black shirt, pants and pair of soft black boots, and after checking the time she headed down to Sickbay to get the swallowable tracker that the Captain seemed very certain that it would stick with her in both forms and hopefully have little to no ill effects.

- Sickbay -

Iria walked in and sought out Doctor Cahill, "Doctor Cahill, can you please help me with something?

Dr Cahill smiled, "How about we talk in my office." As we enter the door I smile, "Help yourself to whatever you care for from the replicator."

Iria gave a wry grin, "I appreciate the offer but I am not sure it will be a good idea, I need help with a swallowable tracker that should stay intact when I shift to my feline form. If you're certain it wouldn't have any adverse effects then I might try after the tracker is settled?"

Dr Cahill smiled, "Sure no problem, I got several that you can use," as I open a drawer and lay the tray on the desk. " Pick out which one you like. The specifications are written on the card below them. "

Iria took a moment to look over the selection of trackers, she read each known noted complications associated with it, and after a moment, looked at Cahill, "May I get a glass of Lemonade from your replicator to take it with?" She didn't want to try and swallow it dry because just the thought of it made her stomach roll in protest.

"Help yourself, some even use a sweet roll of something to eat to make them easier to get them down. and for further reference help yourself to anything you want from the replicator. I always have it open for everyone."

Iria nodded her head in thanks as she walked over to the replicator and got a glass of lemonade and then walked back to pick up one of the tracers, she picks up a teal and Red striped one from the choices. After placing it on her tongue she took a sip of the lemonade and swallowed, she shuddered slightly as she felt the tracer bumping down her throat, she swallowed some more lemonade and looked at Cahill her expression a mixture of uncertainty and determination, her stomach rolled a bit in protest but settled after a few more sips of lemonade until the glass was empty. "Well that's the hard part over with, can you confirm the signal is working please?"

Dr Cahill pulled out the unit to read it. "Everything is just fine Walon. It is at full strength. This will work till you pass it out the other end naturally." As she shows her the readings.

Iria nodded her head as she read the readings, it was unnerving to know that there was something giving a signal of her position. It was for the mission but she was still not enjoying it. "See you in a few days if all goes well. Thank you, Doctor Cahill."


Lieut. Cmdr. Alexanderia Cahill
Chief Medical Officer/2nd Officer

Lt.j.g. Iria Walon
Chief Counselor, Chief of Intelligence


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