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A new adventure,for an Ensign

Posted on 13 Aug 2020 @ 8:59pm by Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51 & Lieutenant Karyn Somers
Edited on on 22 Nov 2021 @ 10:08pm

1,846 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: SB51


Rena had just gotten off the USS Griffin who dropped her off, and they were gonna stick around for a little R&R from a big mission. She wasn't part of the mission she was just a Tag-a-long, Rena looked around with her Brown hair tied up in one ponytail make it presentable for her new ship USS Tomcat, Rena went over to a restaurant to get herself something to eat and drink and that's what Rena did.

Commander Smithson and CWO Karyn Somers were walking the Promenade when they saw in a human restaurant a new face in Operations colours, curious both entered and Sam would do the talking.

Standing back and remaining silent Karyn stood there green undershirt and tunic with a white band around the shoulders, the only difference was she had a security armband on her left arm to indicate she was assigned to Security, but as the Marines, on the Tomcat she was of the 95th Rifles Regiment and the White Band was the modern take on the White cord of Courage an elevation few on the Starbase or Tomcat had her long red hair was immaculately combed and resting gently on her shoulders, to look at her one would not think she was experienced, but her family was possessed with fabulous genetics.

*clears her throat* "Hello Ensign... ?" Commander Smithson began.

Rena looks around the back of her chair "Yes can I help you?" Rena said to the commander while seeing her pips. Rena was really enjoying her meal but didn't want to get into trouble.

Looking at the Ensign "I am Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson Security Chief on this Starbase and this is CWO Karyn Somers, you are Ensign Rena Sara Security Officer, I am here to give you your orientation and assign you specific security clearances before you board the Tomcat, but we will wait outside until you have finished your meal" Sam said.

"Hello, Sir!" Karyn said with a smile.

Rena looked at the 2 of them, you caught me when I was done just finished my drink." Rena said with a smile as she got up." let's go." Rena said as she got up for both of them.

As the trio left the cafe Karyn's Padd bleeped, she pulled it out and looked at the alert "okay I will leave you both to it, I have to go meet the new Tomcats MCO and get his orientation done" she said.

*smiling* "Go get them, Karyn," Samantha said with a smile and watched the CWO leave the group, she turned her attention to the Ensign as they headed towards the nearest turbo-lift "So Ensign Rena Sara, while we are en-route to the Security office to get your security clearances and get you a starbase side assigned quarters, do you have any questions you need to know about?" the Commander asked.

Rena looked at them."Not yet so far," Rena said "if I think of anything I will ask then," Rena said with a smile.

"Good, now I will brief you on what you need to know, while you will report to the Captain when you finally get aboard the ship, your immediate departmental commander will be Lieutenant Cody Parker and his Deputy Chief Lieutenant Paul Winchester after the Captain has finished seek out Lieutenant Parker. *pause as they head to the nearest turbo-lift* the ship has over four-hundred and fifty marines and a Klingon Fighter Squadron on her, a Marine and Fleet fighter Squadron rounds out the 30th Combat Air Wing nicknamed the Dirty thirty. The Commander Air Group or CAG is Lieutenant Jg Serina Donovan, the other crew on there you will have to get acquainted with, as to their current mission, have you ever heard of the Bluegills Ensign?" Sam said as they walked towards the nearest turbo lift.

"No Sir I have not," Rena said to her. "I guess I need to learn that sir." she added and with a brief sigh, "everything is quite new to me sir."

*Looks over to the Ensign* "That is okay Ensign, we all got to learn at some point, you should have seen the bone-headed mistakes I made as an Ensign and I thought I knew everything and asked no questions" Sam said emphasizing the questions not being asked bit.

Both entered the lift and when the doors closed "Security Level" as the lift started Sam continued without looking at the Ensign "you understand my point about questions and the asking of them Ensign?" She asked.

Rena looked at her, "yes I do" she told her while heading for security Level ."So How long have you been in Starfleet?" Rena, though she'd ask them both while riding the lift to the lift to Security Level.

She looked at the young Ensign and with a lopsided smile "too long Ensign, too damn long, but I joined five-years after the dominion war had ended, while most of the galaxy has recovered, there are areas that while recovered physically, economically and logistically are still in dire straits, such as the after-effects of the Dominion War" Sam responded as the lift finally came to a halt on the security level and she stepped out and waited for the Ensign to step out too before she led the way down the corridor "If you have any questions about your assignment, ask away I will answer what I am able" Smithson said.

Rena looked at her as she stepped out of the Turbo lift."So what's my actual assignment?" Rena asked feeling a bit lost and confused.?

As they both stepped out onto the Security level Sam responded to her question as she led the way "you assignment is the USS Tomcat as a Security Officer, you will do all the things required, but as for the specifics of said duty you will need to ask your Department Head when you meet him, I am CoS on this Starbase, Lieutenant Parker is CoS of the Tomcat, so a more in-depth assignment answer will need to come from him" Smithson finished.

Rena nodded."Thank you, You were very helpful."Rena said.

Smithson looked over at the young officer "oh we are not nearly done yet, Ensign, almost not quite" she said as she entered her office, as she and the Ensign entered she saw Karyn working who looked up surprised.

"Sorry Commander, I was just finalizing the new MCOs Security credentials, he has not long left this office," Karyn said and looked at the Ensign "nice to see you again Ensign, I will leave you two to sort out the Security stuff," the CWO said and signed off the computer and vacated the seat, she looked back as she left and the Commander and Ensign sat in the same places as she and the Lieutenant did an hour ago.

Rena looked at the commander."Oh, I thought I'd tell you I'm Betazoid, from Betazed." she smiled at her. wondering whats next.

Sam looked at her and simply raised an eyebrow in amusement as Sam already knew that the Ensign was a Betazoid as it was her job "okay Ensign, please be seated and I will sort out your clearances" Smithson said sitting in the seat the CWO vacated and logged into the system and typed away as she entered data on the Ensign's service Jacket "so Ensign what made you want to serve on a ship that operates out in the back-end of nowhere?" Smithson asked.

Rena looked at her." I like the adventure and the challenge and that I can do my very best that I can with all my might to the letter of the Starfleet law. I will bust my butt the best I can.

*Looks up briefly with a smile, before returning her attention to what she was doing* "A good ethos Ensign, right" Sam said as she put in a blank data chip and copied something onto it, the same time a strip of paper with a string of letters and numbers printed out the unit beeped indicating it was completed Sam logged the Ensign into the system of the Starbase and pulled the chip out, she looked at the young Ensign as she handed the data chip to her "this data chip contains all you need to move freely about the Tomcat when you board, it contains your ship-side security clearances" she said holding it out to the other woman.

Rena nodded."Understood ma'am" Rena said.

"Indeed" she simply said in reply as she took the printed strip of paper and also handed it to the Ensign "I know it is old fashioned, but on that strip of paper is a onetime emergency use code registered to you, alone it is only to be used in extraordinary events for example if the ship's crew are held captive and you are not and the ship is in lockdown then this code will allow the computer to recognize you as authorized to be there, it is a fail-safe nothing more, you may never use it, but what you MUST do is memorize it and then dispose of the paper strip permanently, remember to memorize it," Smithson said handing the piece of paper over.

Rena nodded again as she understood the whole situation at hand."Understood." she said as she took the strip of paper from the Commander.

"One final thing before I release you to your own devices, Ensign, when the Tomcat finally docks you are to report to Lieutenant Cody Parker the ships Chief of Security, do not worry you will meet the Captain at some point in a mission briefing or perhaps if you end up doing bridge duty, now are there any final questions?" Smithson asked.

Rena looked at them and grinned."No everything is quite clear." Rena said.

*Looks at the young Ensign* "very well then Ensign Sara, we are all done here you are now cleared for free access to commercial areas, but I do suggest you locate a permanent Starbase quarter as any important stuff can remain on this Starbase, so dismissed Ensign and welcome to the Mira Sector" Smithson said, standing up and offering her hand.

Rena smiled as she nodded "Thank you, ma'am." Rena was ready to leave.

"Not a problem Ensign, now you are free to do what you will but when the Tomcat docks and it is safe to board report to Lieutenant Parker and he will take you through what your job will be, dismissed Ensign," Smithson said.

Rena left for the security office to meet her security chief and trying not to be late.

As the young Ensign left Sam watched her walk out of the office, she smiled then returned to updated the files for the records, she had done Ship duty, but she found out that she preferred Starbases, so here she was Starbase 51s CoS and she was happy.


Ensign Rena Sara
Security Officer

Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson [P: Somers]
Starbase 51 Chief of Security

CWO1 Karyn Somers [P: Somers]
Station Warrant Officer 95th Rifles
Starbase 51


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