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Break before the fun begins

Posted on 13 Sep 2020 @ 4:54am by Captain Patrick Jackson
Edited on on 22 Sep 2020 @ 3:33pm

1,146 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB 51 - Deck 39
Timeline: Current


After getting all security clearances cleaned up and his base quarters squared away with his few possessions, he decided to take a stroll. He had been stuck in shuttles for a while so he was glad to take the stretch. He knew that once he got on board, his first month would be full of paperwork, reviews, and other desk work as he got his rifles into the shape he wanted, so now was his chance to stretch out and take a look at his new areas.

Looking around, he found one of the main receiving decks for arrivals and made his way to a cantina. He made his way up to the bar and ordered a beer to start.

Rena was already at the Cantina getting a glass of wine to relax before she started her new adventure, as she read her Padd of her info before showing it to command."I like a second run of white wine like before." Rena said to the barkeep.

Patrick looked over. "Hi. Are you with the Starbase or waiting for your ship?"

Rena looks up to him." I'm waiting for my ship." she smiled at the officer."I'm new around here." She said.

"That makes two of us." He said and offered her a chair next to him. "Add that to my tab." He mentioned to the bartender. "Patrick Jackson. The new MCO for the Tomcat." He introduced offering her his hand.

Hello, I'm Rena Sara, and its a pleasure to meet you, Patrick Jackson." Rena smiled at him and thanked him for paying her drink." I'm a bit nervous about my first post." Rena said to him, smiling like she wants to get to know him more. Rena looked at him while drinking her wine>"So you married or got a girlfriend?"
she was curious. "I'm single myself," Rena said.

He was a little surprised at the choice of introductory conversation, but he was just happy for the conversation. "Just married to the job right now. Single otherwise. Which ship are you waiting on?" He asked as he took a drink of his beer.

Rena looked at Patrick."I hope the same ship that I'm going"
Rena chuckled, "I'm gonna be on the Tomcat." Rena smiled as she enjoying her white wine. ~damn he's hot~ Rena was drinking her wine.

He laughed a little. "Your lucky day. I'll be on the Tomcat myself. Although most of my time will probably be in the barracks trying to ride herd on 450 Marines. What job are you going to be doing?"

Rena smiled, "I'm gonna be in Security." Rena said while drinking her wine."Marines are good in doing things their way, while an area for security can't go, I read stuff about the Starfleet Marines." Rena told him.

Patrick cocked his head a little. "That is true, although we both have different mission profiles. Our methods are just a little more..." He trailed off in thought for a moment. "Open to interpretation than what security does, but we both serve the same purpose and protected the Federation. How long have you been doing security?"

Rena smiled."I've done Security for quite a while on the different
ships, I was strong and fought for my life." Rena said while enjoying her wine.

"That's good. Means if there is boarding action you'll know how to take care of yourself and others. The rest of the crew will need you on your toes, not on your back."

"Oh, I get that I'm always on my toes ." She told him continuing to enjoying her wine as she asked for another one.

Patrick held back the urge to try and spook her after she said she was always on her toes. It always gave him a laugh, but she seemed like a nice girl and they would be serving together with a while, so he held off, this time, and nodded in understanding.

"Are you more into close combat or ranged?" He asked.

Rena looked at him putting her drink down. "I'm more Combat than Ranged," she told Patrick, she looked at the bartender for a glass of Water with Ice.

Patrick nodded. "I'm impressed, most people in security aren't a fan of close combat. Sure you haven't spent some time in the Marines?"

Rena looked at him."Usually its best combat for the Marines, and there are some Tactics that we used to help the Marines." Rena smiled as she got her glass of water she didn't want to be out of line with the young Starfleet officer since she found him very Handsome.

"I'm sure you can help a Marine quite a bit. So what do you like to spend your free time doing?" He asked ordering up another beer.

Rena looked at him, "usually I'd like to take on a holo-Deck program, like horseback riding or a security drill on the holodeck.?" Rena said. "Or just sit in my quarters to read a good book." she thought to herself> drinking water after she ate her salad.

He looked over at her. He could see the horse riding, but he questioned the security drills for recreation. She did not come off quite like that and wondered if it was to try and impress him somehow. She was attractive, he was not going to deny that.

"I've never been good with horses even if I try, at least the real ones. Not sure why either. Can control my Marines, but a horse likes to do its own thing." He answered.

Rena looked at him with a grin."You will find a way." Rena told him." you can only do your best with Marines." Rena also said.
Rena got herself another glass of wine.

He smirked at the reply. "Had much experience handling Marines then?" He grabbed a handful of nuts off the counter. "And your best can go a long way with a Marine."

Rena chuckled, as she grabbed nuts from the counter too."I never was a marine, I have a few friends from the Academy who went on to be a Marine." Rana smiled.

"You're in Security. Wouldn't be hard to turn you into a Marine. If you're ever interested just let me know." He said and motioned the bartender over. "Do you want anything else, Rena?"

Rena grinned, "A glass of water will be fine." She said she had just finished her salad as she relaxed a bit and looked over the station.

Patrick paid the bartender and stood up. "Well Rena, it's been good to meet you. I look forward to serving with you on the Tomcat. See you around the station?"

Rena smiled, "Same here, I hope we bump into each other soon as well. "Rena Smiled.


Ens Rena Sara
Security Officer

1st Lieutenant Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer


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