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Girls Night Part 1

Posted on 18 Aug 2020 @ 7:52am by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel & Ensign Angelica Wright & Ensign Teela Tjaansz & Lieutenant JG Doya Emja & 2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kara Sem
Edited on on 22 Aug 2020 @ 10:43pm

1,727 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various/Starbase 51
Timeline: After the Galen IV mission completion


- Holodeck 3 -

Iria sent an open invitation to every lady of the Tomcat's crew. She wanted a chance to get to know them better before she and Remy were to be married and it would give her a chance to talk to a few she already decided to ask to be bridesmaids. She was debating between S'arila and Lamia to ask to be her maid of honour. She already wanted to ask Nicole Taggert and Lucy Artimage to be bridesmaids. It was the others she wasn't certain if they would agree or not.

In the meantime, the Holodeck program was a white sandy beach, beach umbrellas and blankets spread out, tables with various foods and drinks, nothing but Synthol, though if anyone wanted to bring real alcohol in with them, it was their choice. The weather was a very pleasant light breeze and the waves of the ocean were gently rolling in and out with the tide.

Iria was wearing a black and cerulean blue tankini bathing suit, her hair was tied back in a french twist. She stood by the drink table with a tall glass of Lemonade with lemon-infused icecubes as she watched the archway wondering who would arrive.

- Somers Quarters -

The Captain was in her quarters when her computer pinged, she stood and walked over to it and pulled up the message and smiled, "well, well a bridal shower of sorts" Jasmine said to herself then read the details on the holo program running "okay that many women in beachwear will draw the attention of any males" she said to herself "fun" she added and acknowledged the message and RSVP'd that she would be there and went to get changed. She was the Captain so she chose a modest number it was beach shorts and top and some sandals, the outfit did not hide her shapely figure, and to finish it off she put her hair into a high ponytail and picked up her sunglasses and exited her quarters on the Starbase.

While on the way she bumped into her cousin Alex, like Jasmine her hair was in a ponytail but had bangs softening her face a little, her scar on her left cheek was clearly visible and sunglasses on her head, she had a similar outfit on, but her shorts were an old material known as denim and she had a white sleeveless T-Shirt on, her SFMC tattoo was clearly visible on her upper right shoulder, unlike Jasmine, Alex was a fan of vintage clothes and looks and she had medium-sized hooped earrings in. Jasmine was in fine shape herself, but thanks to Alex's training and such her body resembled that of an Amazonian physique, she was well-toned not an ounce of fat on her, if not for her scar she would have been flawless Jasmine thought and not for the first time felt envy, Alex's Sister was the same too, but both were Marines so it was understandable.

"So Jas, have you any idea if anyone else was invited?" Alex asked.

"I would expect so, you know I wonder if S'arila has been invited too?" Jasmine wondered loudly as they both entered the turbo lift and when the doors closed "Holodeck level" she said and as the lift began to move Alex spoke up.

"If S'arila has, then she will definitely draw the attention, I have seen that woman in beachwear and she puts me to shame, if I was not married to Paul Sharpe I would ask her out, she has the genetics alright!" Alex said shaking her head in bewilderment.

"That good huh?" Jasmine asked and Alex shot her a are you serious look Jasmine held her hands up "okay, okay she is" after that both fell silent for the rest of the ride.

- Holodeck Level -

Eventually, they both exited onto their requested level and walked down the corridor and straight into holodeck 3, Jasmine being first in looked up "hello Iria" she said.

Iria smiled at the Captain and her cousin, "Hello, Captain and Colonial, I hope you get to have some fun with the rest of us," she nodded the tables with food and drinks, "Feel free to help yourselves and get comfortable."

*smiling" I am sure we will Iria" Jasmine responded, Alex simply smiled.

Lamia had received Iria’s Invitation, she wasn’t sure whether or not she wanted to party but didn’t want to disappoint either, putting on her multi-coloured bathing suit and matching skirt she made her way to the holodeck. Pausing outside she took a deep breath before walking inside, she smiled warmly as she saw Iria. “Iria ... thank you for inviting me.”

Iria smiled at seeing Lamia, "Glad you could come out tonight, there's food and drinks and you're welcome to make yourself at home."

Lamia nodded and offered a warm smile. “Thank you for inviting me.”

Both Somers cousins looked at Arderne as she entered "hi Lamia, nice to see you!" both women said as one.

Lamia grinned as both voices resonated almost as one. “It’s nice to see you both too.”

*both looked at each other surprised that they spoke at the exact same time and burst out laughing* "You too Lamia" the Captain said.

Serina walked into the holodeck wearing her Hawaiian bathing suit with a light blue chiffon coat like covering. Seeing the others she walked over and joined them. "Iria, Lamia, Jasmine, Alex, nice meeting place. Fun in the sun!" she said smiling. She was hoping to ask all here present to be her bridesmaids at her wedding as well. But, she decided to wait for the right moment to ask.

Both Alex and Jasmine looked up Jasmine gave her CAG a funny look as she used her first name, but decided on the setting of this event "nice to see you again Serina when we are not in action" Jasmine said.

"Nice to see you too Serina," Alex responded, "computer transport to my location the package." she added and a moment later a modestly large crate appeared, Alex checked the contents and smiled, "good it is all here!" she said and looked up innocently.

"What is it, Alex?" Jasmine asked and looked in the crate and with widened eyes and her mouth forming an O shape "always the rebel huh!" Jasmine exclaimed.

Lamia looked at the crate, she was as curious as everyone else. “No doubt we’ll find out soon enough.” She smiled at Serina. “It’s nice to see you Serina.”

"It's great to see you to Lamia, we have to talk about my own choices for bridesmaids as well," Serina said chuckling. "But Alex, what kind of goodies you have in the crate?" she added.

Iria blinked slightly surprised at hearing Serina talking about bridesmaids for her wedding if she was planning on asking the same ladies Iria had intended to ask it was going to be quite awkward. The ladies wouldn't be available to help with wedding planning and dress fittings for two different weddings unless they were very careful with the timing. Iria shook her head and sighed, she would just have to listen and see who Serina asked and hopefully she would be able to ask the ones she intended herself. In the meantime she walked closer but not close to crowd Alex, "Colonel are you waiting for the others to arrive or do we get a preview of your surprise crate of goodies?"

“I have to admit I’m curious as to what’s in there too.” Lamia grinned feeling more comfortable than she had when she’d first arrived.

*again as one* "we will wait, I do believe S'arila has yet to arrive" both looked at each other again in surprise.

"Damn Jas, I usually only sync up with my sister, this is a first" Alex said in amusement.

"I know right!" Jasmine responded shrugging.

"It is great timing because in two months John and I are getting married. We haven't picked the date yet but I was wondering if the timing was right with you all. I know of Iria's wedding coming up and don't want to upset her plans with her bridesmaids. So if it is convenient we could really plan out both weddings together. I'm sure we could change my dates if necessary Iria......" Serina said looking at Iria.

Iria shook her head slightly, "Remy and I are planning on a mixed ceremony, I am not sure it would mesh well with what you and John have in mind. It wouldn't be fun to have them clash." She added lightly, "Once everyone has arrived how about you and I talk about who we want to be bridesmaids and go from there?"

"Good idea Iria. This way we won't get things mixed up, "Serina said smiling."Oh, excuse me for a few minutes, I forgot something in my quarters, be right back," and with that Serina left in a big hurry.

Looking at Serina "Damn Serina you are a little eager are you not?" Alex Somers asked, "and I do not think your style of wedding will be right to be done at the same time as Iria's, I do not know what their plans are, but I know their wedding will not be like yours I'll wager!" Alex finished.

Stopping short at Alex's voice, "Well I suppose so but I have my plans to do also, but I forgot something and our wedding has not even been planned yet," Serina said laughing as she finally left.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Ensign Rena Sara
Security Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting MCO

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander

MCPO1 Lucy Armitage [P: Somers]
Captain's Yeoman

Ensign Teela Tjaansz [P: Taggert]

2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin [P: Dodd]
Marine Officer 95th Rifles

Lt. Jg Akhul K'Tel [P: Sterling]
Medical Officer

Ensign Doya Emja [P: Dodd]
Damage Control Specialist

Ensign Angelica Wright [P: Dodd]
Flight Control Officer

Petty Officer 3 Kara Pril [P: Dodd]
Matter/Energy Systems Specialist


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