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Range Therapy

Posted on 23 Sep 2020 @ 2:43pm by Captain Patrick Jackson & Master Warrant Officer John (JR) Ewing & Gunnery Sergeant Ernst Rommel
Edited on on 23 Sep 2020 @ 2:57pm

949 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Deck xx - Phaser Range
Timeline: Two days prior to the Tomcats arrival


Patrick looked around at his options. The armoury on this station was stocked nicely and he had a selection of weapons to choose from. They had the whole suite of phasers and rifles. Everything short of explosives was available. He found that out after eyeballing an isomagnetic disintegrator. While he was a little disappointed, he also recognized explosives on a Starbase was a bad idea. They had them of course, but only for live munitions combat and not for practice.

Patrick elected to dial in with a compression rifle. He enjoyed the bulk and versatility with it. He specifically enjoyed the range when dialled up. He had trained as a sniper and was qualified, but demand moved him to other duties. He still maintained his proficiencies and was determined to keep all certifications. While he was current on all of them, he enjoyed the range as a way to relax.

Patrick walked onto the range with the rifle and made his way toward the combat quarter. As he approached he noticed two others packing up their weapons. As he approached, the older of the two straightened up and gave a salute. "Can we help you, Lieutenant?"

Patrick returned his salute. "Carry on Gunnery Sergeant. I'm just here for a little range therapy before I go on board and lose access to a quality combat range."

The Master Warrant officer that was getting some range of coaching followed with his salute. "We were just packing up sir. Where's your deployment?"

"The Tomcat. " Patrick said as he began laying the weapon out on a table and beginning formal inspection of it. "Taking over as MCO."

The two other men glanced at each other. "That so sir. Big job. That rifle not going to be too much for you is it sir?" The Gunnery Sergeant joked. "Ewing here has a type 1 if you need to warm up sir."

"Only reason I have this is that they wouldn't check me out the I.D. launcher. Something about collateral damage and cleanup." He said snapping the power cell back in the rifle with a satisfying *crack* followed by the whine of power charging the weapon. He nodded to Ewing. "Give me the type 1 also." He said reaching a hand out then looked over at the Sergeant. "Care to play range master?"

"Yes, sir." The Sergeant answered and walked over. He needed to see this. He walked over and inspected the weapons. "Weapon one set to stun. Weapon two set to stun.' He looked up and examined the combat range. "Range is clear." He said as he dropped behind the Lieutenant. "Ready at your mark Lieutenant."

"Mark!" Patrick yelled and took off into the combat range, the Sergeant following close behind keeping an eye on all that was going on. He ducked under the window of a wall and rolled to the corner. He leaned out and shot two bursts of energy, dropping the targets.

He moved from cover to cover, advancing and shooting as he went. The batteries were designed to simulate low charge and after half a dozen shots, the battery had to be ejected and put back in to simulate reloading in the field. He pulled the pack out and slammed it back in hearing the charge. He slipped out of cover and continued his run and shoot.

Going down the range he moved into cover and removed the battery. Before he could place it back in, two targets popped out of windows he did not see. He dropped the battery and drew the type 1 phaser and sent two beams into the targets. Putting the phaser back, he grabbed the battery, slammed it home and rolled out of cover and entered the building. In a few seconds, the building was cleared and the simulation ended.

"96 and under three minutes." The Sergeant said calling out after the simulation ended. "I'm a 98 in two flat, but you'll get there Lieutenant." He smirked. Anything over 90 in 4 minutes was considered good, but in the Marines, higher scores mean bragging rights

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Patrick said taking deep breaths and the motioned with his hand for the Sergeant to lead back. "Age before beauty." This drew a deep laugh from the Sargent.

"You're all right Lieutenant. Gunnery Sergeant Ernst Rommel, USS Tomcat. That's Master Warrant officer John Ewing of the Tomcat also. Had to bust your balls a little just to see what you had if you are going to be the new MCO. We've been through a few. I think you'll do alright." He said reaching out a hand to shake.

Patrick shook the big man's hand and walked back and shook Ewing. "Glad you think so. Why are you two here and not on the Tomcat?"

"R&R rotation," Ewing replied.

"And this guy needed a refresher on close phaser combat." The Sergeant said nodding to the Chief. "He needed a few runs before we got back to active duty."

Patrick nodded. "That is a good idea. Have you both finished up for the day?"

"Yes sir, just before you got here," Ewing answered.

"Good. I am still trying to figure out where everything is on this station. Why don't we turn in our munitions and first round is on me if you take me there." Patrick offered.

"Sold. " Ewing replied grabbing some of his gear.

"You know the way to a man's heart Lieutenant. I know just the place." Rommel added, packing up his own rifle and leading they way.


1st Lieutenant Patrick Jackson

Gunnery Sergeant Edwin Rommel [P: Jackson]
95th Rifles First Sergeant

Master Chief Warrant Officer John JR Ewing [P: Jackson]
95th Rifles (Sigma Squad)


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