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Meet and greet

Posted on 15 Aug 2020 @ 5:15pm by Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51 & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver
Edited on on 22 Nov 2021 @ 10:07pm

1,655 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: Starbase 51


- Transport Shuttle Launchpad & garden -

The scent of roses filled Ted's nose as he walked along the path. It was a lovely day indeed. Over one shoulder his trusted kit bag hung. Little teeth marks ran up one strap. Where a young Gorn child thought it was a tasty snack. In the other hand, he held a padd. Containing his transfer documents and travel instructions. He was to meet the USS Tomcat when she returned to Starbase 51. His new position would be ACSO which was very exciting. As he had read through the ship specs. He was very impressed indeed.rPlus he had a contact name, Lieutenant Commander Smithson.

- Transport shuttle interior -

Ted entered the transport shuttle taking his seat. He settled back and continued to read about his new ship. Glancing out the window he saw the ground around them rise away. As they lifted off he gave a happy smile. It was always exciting to travel to new places.

- Starbase 51 Arrival area -

Soon they arrived at Starbase 51. Ted left the shuttle and walked into the arrivals area. Looking around he noticed a Lieutenant Commander standing not too far away.

Samantha had gotten word of a new Assistant Chief Science Officer for the Tomcat arriving "damn, there is a lot of new arrivals these days!" she said to herself as she scanned the crowd and almost jumped when someone introduced themselves.

“Excuse me. Sorry to bother you I am looking for Commander Smithson” Silver said.

She looked at him and gave him a friendly smile "I am her, and who am I speaking to?" Sam simple asked as she pulled out her Padd and looked through the names and this would also allow the guy to respond.

Ted felt like an island in an ocean of people. As he stood watching Smithson as she looked over her padd.

“ Ensign Ted Silver your new ACSO. Pleased to meet you.” Silver handed her his padd. He glanced around the arrivals area. He could not see the USS Tomcat docked anywhere. Although there did seem to be an awful amount of visitors.

“ I don’t see the Tomcat anywhere. Is she still away on a mission? “ He asked.

Sam took the Padd and studied it and nodded in satisfaction and looked up at him "Okay Ensign if you will follow me, we will head to the Security Office so I can arrange your security clearances unique to this sector of space, as we walk, feel free to ask questions" she said "but to answer your question the Tomcat is currently out on a mission and dark out of operational requirements" Smithson responded as she led the way to the nearest turbo lift.

As they walked Silver wished he had several sets of eyes. There seemed to be an awful lot going on here. If this was a small taste of things to come. Ted was absolutely sure he was going to like it here. Looking out a window he noticed parts of the base were still under construction. He continued to follow Smithson.

“ This is an amazing place Commander. I see parts are still under construction. How long has this base been up and running? “ Ted asked

"Two years, this is how it is almost completed, all the facilities both fun and civilian are operational, we have not had many civilian businesses opening yet, but as soon as this base is 100% Operational it will lose its SB51 designation and will become the Mira Sector Starbase and there will be some governments that will not be happy or just simply cautious that Starfleet has a Stardock class Starbase out this far. This is why the Tomcat does not call upon the starbase for Logistical help when this base becomes official there will be an uproar, but not a loud one, we are inside Federation territory at the Southernmost reaches of the Federation" she said as they entered the turbolift and the moment the doors closed "Security level" she said and the lift began to move.

She paused "Okay this base has a full complement of torpedoes and a complete Phaser array Mark twelve, technically she is operational now, but the Starfleet brass like to procrastinate," she said with a smile. "We also have 144 Squadrons of Gryphon class fighters and all the spares and torps that are entailed. They launch via launch tubes on a catapult system, I know it is old fashioned, but it has less chance of being sabotaged with a hands-on system, but the fighters land like any other shuttle the normal way we have around fifty holodecks forty-nine are open to those on this base the other one is for our Marines and their training, we also got around twenty Companies of Rifles" she paused.

Silver listened to Smithson. He raised his eyebrows as she told him about the Starbase. It sounded like they would have to be cautious. That the governments who would be unhappy about this base are here. Might decide to arrange an unfortunate accident. But that was a matter of security. He was a scientist who had of course forgotten to ask her about the science facilities.

“What type of science facilities do we have here Commander?" Silver asked

Looking at her Padd "we have a full suite of science labs here, but nothing top secret is done here, just your standard science projects nothing more, our medical facility is also top-notch and has a floor all to itself, any other questions?" she asked as the lift stopped and opened onto the security level, she stepped out and waited for the Ensign to follow her.

- Starbase 51 Security level -

Silver stepped out of the turbo lift. He considered the information Smithson had told him about the science facilities. He assumed all the top-secret stuff must be done on the ship.

“What are the science facilities like on the Tomcat?” Silver asked.

"For a combat ship they are adequate, the ship has the capabilities of a true science vessel, but only has a basic science package on her, well that is, as far as I know, there may have been an upgrade I am Starbase CoS so I do not know what grade science they currently have" the Commander responded as they entered the Security outer office and soon were at her desk in the inner office. "If you will be seated please Ensign," She said indicating the chair on the opposite side of the desk, while she took hers and sat down, as she pulled his file up she fell silent as to give him a chance to speak further.

- Security office -

Ted sat down and looked around. The office was very interesting and he was fascinated by his surroundings.

“Well, I am sure that when the Tomcat arrives. I will be pleasantly surprised. So what happens now? Do you need my security clearance code? 14709Alpha4 but I suppose that will change with my new posting. Once this meeting is over what would be my next step Commander? “ Ted asked

"No, I have it here, these will be separate from the one you got when you passed out of the Academy, these will be specific to the Tomcat and this Starbase" she answered as she began to type things into the computer and update the Ensigns file, she was speedy with it and then she placed a blank data chip into a slot and transferred something from the computer to the chip, then secured it and pulled it out of the slot and then she typed something else in and a long strip of paper printed out "so what, if any other questions do you have for me Ensign, I will answer what I can" she added as she logged him into the system, with all the coding done she tore the strip off and brought it and the chip to the desk in front of her and waited to see if he had any more questions before she continued.

Silver took the items and checked them. Then he spoke again.

“Ok, what happens next? Will I be able to tinker around in the science labs here. While I wait for the Tomcat to arrive?” Silver asked

"Yes, when you leave here, you will be fully logged into the starbase systems" she answered then held out the Data chip "This has your clearances for both this Starbase and the Tomcat," she said handing the chip to him, then after he took the chip she offered him the strip of paper. "On this is a onetime code for use on the Tomcat, should all other crew be incapacitated and you the only one still standing this will allow you full access to all ships systems and will lock out any invading troops. Memorize this one use code then destroy the strip of paper, any questions?" she said ending with a question.

Silver had a photographic memory so it was easy to memorise the code. He nodded then destroyed the strip.

“No. I think that is that. Thank you all seems in order. I understand that there are some other new crew members. Maybe I’ll go and say hello. Once again Commander thank you.” Silver said standing up.

"Not a problem Ensign," Sam said standing up and holding out her hand and giving his a good shake "you are released to your own devices until the Tomcat arrives, thereupon report to the Captain and she will take it from there," Sam said. The Ensign nodded and left the office as she watched him leave she sighed "they get younger all the time, or am I getting older?" Sam asked herself ruefully as she returned to her tasks that she had put off for too long.


Ens. Ted Silver
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson [P: Somers]
Starbase 51 Chief of Security


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