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Saying hello

Posted on 13 Sep 2020 @ 4:54am by Lieutenant JG Ted Silver
Edited on on 13 Sep 2020 @ 5:09pm

575 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: After the Tomcat has returned


- Lounge -

Silver walked into the lounge and moved towards a replicator slot. He ordered some cheese pasta shells with garlic and herb sauce. Taking the tray he noticed a fellow officer seated nearby.

“ Hello mind if I join you? “ He asked

Rena was relaxing with a chicken Salad, and said a smart alec old earth saying she heard once."I don't see no name on it so go for it." Rena chuckled.

Silver smiled as Rena invited him to sit. Ted sat down and smiling he took a sip of his drink. Then he put a fork into his pasta and took a taste.

“ Sorry. First meal since arriving. Ted Silver Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Tomcat.Pleased to meet you.” He said introducing himself.

"I'm Ens Rena Sara, Security of the Tomcat" Rena smiled drinking her wine, before duty." So what brings you to the Tomcat." Rena smiled.

Silver thought about how to answer her. Why was he here? The explore the unknown? To test himself in ways being planet-bound could not be done? He was not leaving Earth because of a broken heart. True his mother kept driving him mad about not being married. But nearly everyone at Ted’s age who were unmarried. Whose mothers were still alive. Often nagged their children about marriage.

“ To be honest for the opportunity to explore what is out there. Imagine we are going to see things no other person has ever seen before. To meet new races that no one could even imagine exist. To retrace the footsteps of all the great explorers. Who have set forth...... sorry I sound like a recruitment poster.” Silver said blushing.

Rena chuckled, "Aww don't worry bout it." your part of your story is also mine." Rena smiled."Like meeting new races who are out there while exploring even though I'm in Security, case I have to go to big meetings with a new race." Rena also said.

Silver smiled he liked talking to Rena. He felt she shared his enthusiasm. For their new surroundings. He took another bite of his meal. The pasta was really quite good. Just the correct amount of springiness. A real treat to his palette.

“ So tell me about yourself?” He asked her.

Rena looks at him, "What do you like to know," Rena asked him with a grin. She was drinking her white wine while relaxing.

Ted took another sip of his drink. Mulling over his answer to Rena. Then after some more of his pasta.

“ Well. How about your family? I have two brothers Boris and Mike. But no sister. Do you have any siblings? “ Silver asked.

Rena looked at him a couple of sisters, and 1 brother I haven't talked to them in a while." Rena smiled at the Ensign." I'm just a newbie here on this ship, what's your status meaning are you new here too, or what?"

Silver finished his meal nodding.

“ Yes, I am this is my first major posting. Oh, dear. I just remembered something! I need to check in with the science lab computer. Otherwise when the Tomcat arrives. I won’t be allowed in her labs. I need to get that checked. Sorry have to run. Speak later.”
Ted told her getting up.

Rena smiled "Same here." she sighed a bit, as she got up to get ready herself.


Ens. Ted Silver
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Ensign Rena Sara
Security officer


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