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The Departure

Posted on 24 Oct 2020 @ 10:33pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Captain Patrick Jackson & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant JG K'Rin "Tiger" C'Tinu & Ensign Angelica Wright & Lieutenant JG Doya Emja
Edited on on 22 Dec 2020 @ 11:20pm

2,710 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: USS Tomcat
Timeline: Current


The day had come, the Tomcat was docked and the ship undergoing repairs and resupply, during this time the crew of the Tomcat were both sides of the corridors that lead to a direct route to the transport ship that was docked to the Tomcat on the left side of the ship as it was docked on the right, from the corridor near where Sterling was billeted all the way to the left docking hatch the crew, those not needed on the repairs were lined up either side of the corridor, the lowest rank closest to her quarters and increasing in rank as they went along, the last area would have all the Senior Staff and the Captain waiting to see her off. This type of honour guard has only been done once before, not bad in ten-years and now it was being done once again for Maia Sterling.

Today was the day it had finally come. Maia got dressed brushed her hair did her make-up and grabbed her kitbag. She had already made arrangements with the ships steward to transfer the rest of her gear to the Leto. She took one last look at her quarters which had been her home for over ten years.

"Thank you you have served me well," she said out loud to no one. Maia had toured the ship yesterday visiting every section, her home for the last ten years. She had been through a lot on this ship and had really matured here. She would miss it. she felt like she was leaving part of her soul here. "Think positive Maia, new opportunities new adventures," she reminded herself. Maia Sterling grabbed her kitbag and walked out of her now former quarters for the last time. As she rounded the corner she stopped, the hall was lined with the crew. She straightened her tunic, wanting to look as with it as possible.

She knew everyone by name, she nodded to each. finally coming up on Lucy Armitage. "Master Chief," Maia said nodding to her an extending her hand. "It has been a real honour serving with you," Maia said.

Taking the offered hand "thank you Commander and it has been an honour serving with you" Armitage said and leaned forward "the Captain is going to miss you, Sir, she may not show it, but she will" Armitage straightened up giving the Commander a conspiratory wink.

"I know she will, ironically I will still be under her command," Maia replied.

With that as the Departing Officer walked down the corridor, the other enlisted crew either smiled or nodded or both, then next in line was Ensign Doya Emja.

"Commander, you have been an inspiration and role model," Doya stated as she offered her hand for Sterling to shake. "I will miss you on this ship. Good journeys and may the great bird of the galaxy fly with you."

"Ensign Doya Good luck with your future endeavours I will be checking up on you from time to time," Maia said as she shook her hand.

Maia then rounded the corner and came alongside Ensign Angelica Wright.

"Ma'am, you have inspired much in me and I will always be thankful for your mentoring and guidance you have shared in our working together," Wright stated. "Let me know if you ever need a pilot for a special mission, I will be there for you."

"Angelica Wright, You're a damn good pilot, don't let anyone say otherwise!" Maia said.

As she walked down the corridor further nodded and accepting the crews well wishes Maia finally approached the first of the New Officers that had just come aboard a few hours ago, this was the Assistant Chief Science Officer Ensign Ted Silver.

Silver had never met Sterling before. Now he was here to say goodbye. He gave her a polite nod.

“Happy trails Commander.” He told Sterling

"Mr Silver, I am glad you are on this ship take care of Mr Thompson, you are both excellent scientists," Maia said.

She continued down the corridor it looked like most of the crew was in this send-off.

Ted watched her walk away and wondered. One day he could also be leaving for pastures new. Would everyone be out like this, to see him go?

Maia continued on her way nodding to the crew she saw which was all of them.

During her passage the Captain was kept up to date one who Maia had reached, now it was the new Security Officer Ensign Rena Sara, not for the first time did she wonder how Maia was taking all this after all this honour guard was done only once before for the last First Officer.

Rena was sad to see a superior officer leave like that."Good luck Ma'am where ever your new assignment is." Rena smiled after that and stood sharply at attention. Rena too Saluted to the officer leaving, with a sigh and a few tears down her face.

"Hello Rena, thank you for this send-off. Good luck with your career," Maia said.

As the Commander moved down the corridor passing the other junior officers she came to the ships Commander Air Group Lieutenant Jg Serina Donovan and was standing opposite Lieutenant Jg Martinson one of her Flight Leaders.

"Pilots.....ATTENTION!" *all the pilots snapped to*..."Salute!" *all the pilots saluted in unison* Both Serina and John saluted with their pilots, "Commander Sterling, congratulations on your new adventure. You will be truly missed by all of us in the fighter division. You have been an inspiration to us all!", she said, as a few tears rolled down her cheek. "Pilots rest salute!" *all of them went back to attention*

"Commander, it has been a pleasure to serve under you. God speed!" John said smiling.

"Wow, they even brought out our pilots!" Maia said smiling.

"Thank you, John The honour was mine." Maia continued down the corridor.

Where she was approached by Lieutenant Thompson and First Lieutenant Jackson, both were opposite the other as she came alongside them.

Patrick watched the Commander make her way down to the end of the Corridor. The new MCO snapped to attention and gave the Commander a crisp salute. "Congratulations Ma'am. I'm only sorry I did not get the pleasure to serve under you."

"Gentlemen, I am pleased to leave the Tomcat in such good hands," Mais said.

As Commander Sterling rounded the corner the next persons that she encountered were Lieutenant Jgs Iria Walon and Amiri Aldana...Maia smiled seeing her friends wishing her their best. "Thank you Maia said having difficulty holding back the tears...

Rena also watched on with a brief sigh herself, watching an officer leave. She had to remain where she was until she was dismissed like all the others in the corridor standing there.

"Farewell Rena! Maia continued on she was close to the walk-way that would take her to the transport docked on the other side of the ship.

"Good luck," she told Maia with a smile and a few tears ran down.

Next in the route was Lieutenant Jgs Walon and Hawksley whom she approached.

Maia spotted both Walon and Hawksley. She hugged and kissed them both.

Iria was surprised by the hug and kiss from Maia but she wasn't one to shy away from affection, she hugged the taller woman back and kissed her cheek gently, "Good luck, fair winds in your ship's sails and if you ever need anything let us know."

"Be well and have a long and healthy life Iria," Maia said tenderly.

Hawksley was halfway into his salute to the outgoing Commander Sterling, when he had received a warm hug and kiss on the cheek. He could not help but blush and nodded, opting for a firm hug in return.

Leland smiled. “I wish you all the best on your new assignment, Commander. It was a shame we never got to work together.”

Behind Sterling, those that had bid her farewell returned to their duties, so while there were still a lot of officers ahead of her Sterling continued and the next persons she approached was Lieutenant Jg Nicole Taggert and Lieutenant Lamia Arderne.

Lamia smiled warmly as she greeted Maia. “Good luck Commander, I wish you all the best in your new role.”

"Thank you, Lamia" Maia replied.

Lieutenant Taggert was dressed smartly in her dress uniform and gave Sterling a salute, which became a handshake, that turned into a half hug. "Thank you, Commander Sterling, for everything," Nicci said as she released the hug. "You've been a great officer to work under, and I wish you safe travels on the Leto. I hope your new crew doesn't give you too much trouble."

It was more emotion than Nicci usually expressed in public, which meant there was more behind it than she let on.

"Its okay Nicci, I know how you feel".

Iria watched a long moment, as Maia moved further down the corridor, saying her good-byes. She would have preferred to see her off the Tomcat to her own ship but she had work and other things to get sorted out. She smiled faintly and turned to head for the lift and then the intelligence department...

Rena along with the others was sighing over watching an officer leave and left to get back to business.

After Passing Taggert and Hawksley next came Lieutenant's Winchester and Dodd, the spaces between the officers were bigger now as Maia was coming to the Senior Staff.

Maia saluted the officers then shook each of their hands.

"It has been a real pleasure serving with you," Maia said.

"Ma'am, it has been a great pleasure to serve with you on the Tomcat. You have been a great role model in the command structure, I can say you will be missed." Dodd stated. "I wish you only the best of blessings from the Great Bird of the Galaxy in your command of the Leto."

"You will be seeing me again I am sure Mr Dodd. I wish you the best as well." Maia said.

"I will say if you ever need anything, reach back to me and I will assist in any way I can," Dodd added.

"Thank you its always good to have friends," Maia added.

As Paul stood there, He said," Good luck Maia on your first command," as he held out his hand, he continued," May your Journey be plentiful of incidents,"

Maia took Paul's and shook it warmly.

"Thank you, Mr Winchester!!" Maia said.

Maia rounded the corner and was nearing the gangway to the travel pod.

As Sterling rounded the Corner the last two Officers before reaching the Captain was Lieutenant Cody Parker and Lieutenant Commander Cahill.

Dr Cahill stood before Commander Sterling, " You know you need me I am always, therefore, you Commander Sterling. You are very special to me in more ways than one" as she said her GoodBye and then Gave her a very long hug. "Wish I was going with you Commander. Fair winds at your back and smooth seas in front of you. May you be blessed with a long and healthy life." She stepped back and Saluted Commander Sterling.

"Farewell Doc, Keep this crew healthy!!" Maia said.

"I will Commander Sterling, wish I was going with you." Replied Cahill.

Cody watched Commander Sterling approach, he arrived on the Tomcat as a young Lieutenant many years. She had helped guide and shape his career and she was leaving. Unable to sum up the courage to truly thank the Commander, he saluted as sharply as he could and said, "Fair winds and following seas, Skipper."

Eventually Commander Sterling approached the final three officers, Fleet Captain Somers, Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers and Major S'arila Donovan, the First to greet Maia was Major Donovan, who had to look down at the smaller woman.

*In accented basic* "I will be most sad to see you leave us Commander Maia Sterling, but I am happy that you are finally getting command of your own, it is long overdue and I know you will do well in it" S'arila said holding out her hand.

"Life always leads you to strange and wonderful places, I guess this is my time to seize the day. I always thought I would end up commanding this ship. You never know maybe someday. Thank you for the sentiment and send off Major, it has been an honour to serve with you!" Maia replied.

"And I, you Commander Sterling," S'arila said and left the area along with those the Commander had just passed.

Then next came Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers, who like the Captain shared the same red hair, but her eyes were blue the Captain's green, now using all her diplomatic training the only way you know she was holding back emotion was her glassy eyes which seemed bright blue holding out her hand. "Commander Sterling I am honoured to have met you, if only briefly and I am sad that I never got to do a full mission with you and I wish you well with your new command," Alexandria said.

"Colonel Somers! Take care of the old girl, she will always get you home, Good luck and may flights of Angels always wing you to Victory!" Maia said.

"Thank you, Commander Sterling *leans forward conspiratorially* Beware of shadow Commander, for they move when you are not looking, question everything, if something does not seem right, then it is probably not correct, and if one person says something is wrong, doubt it, if two people say it is wrong, consider it, but if three or more say so, then it is wrong and you must adjust accordingly," the Colonel said and as she straightened up she gave Sterling a wink and a diplomatic smile.

Maia chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind."

She looked at Cahill and S'arila "C'mon you pair let's leave it is going to be hard enough for the Captain as it is" Alex said and left the area with the other two women, she looked back as she rounded the corner and was impressed by her Cousin for her restraint.

Jasmine looked at her departing First Officer, tears welling up in her eyes, still keeping a brave face she held out her hand "Farewell Maia *chokes* Commander, I wish you the best on your new command, I hope the Leto serves you well!" the Captain said.

"I only hope I serve the Leto well," Maia said

After the pair release, each other hand's Jasmine without warning embraces Maia with a big hug and tears streaming down her face "dammit Maia you will be missed" Jasmine said.

Maia hugged her captain who was also her closest personal friend. Maia stepped back and saluted and held that salute, "Request permission to disembark, Captain". Maia requested.

Wiping her eyes and sniffling a bit she was thankful for the formality after such an emotional scene "Permission granted Commander and may good judgement light your way" the Captain said and watched Maia leave with a little tear running down the Captian's cheek, when Sterling had gone from sight Jasmine wiped her eyes again and headed to her Ready Room "I have no idea where I am going to find my new First Officer" she said to herself.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Commander Sterling
First Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Jg Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Leland Hawksley
Chief Helm Officer

1st Lt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

Ensign Ted Silver
Assistant CSO

Ensign Rena Sara
Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander

MCPO1 Lucy Armitage [P: Somers]
Captain's Yeoman

Ensign Teela Tjaansz [P: Taggert]

Lt Jg John 'Sickle' Martinson [P: Donovan]
Pilot, Raider 2

Ensign Doya Emja [P: Dodd]
Damage Control Specialist

Ensign Angelica Wright [P: Dodd]
Flight Control Officer

Ensign Matthew Thompson [P: Sterling]
Science Officer


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