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"Little Girl Lost"

Posted on 28 Aug 2020 @ 7:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 28 Aug 2020 @ 10:22pm

1,478 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Dodd’s quarters
Timeline: Off Duty Hours during Current mission


It had been a rough adjustment getting over the events of the last mission, Lamia was still adjusting to the loss of hers and Dodd’s daughter up until now she hadn’t been able to face completing the final paperwork that needed to be done. Making her way to Dodd and Iria’s Quarters she paused outside took a deep breath and pressed the chime.

"Come," Dodd said as the door chime sounded.

As the door opened Lamia offered a polite smile. “Hi err ... I have some paperwork to complete and I need your help.” She paused. “It’s ... about our daughter.”

"I had a feeling you were coming to see me," Dodd replied. "Come and have a seat, would you like a drink?"

Walking inside Lamia nodded politely, “Something alcoholic ... or at least as close to an alcoholic as it gets from the replicator.” She cradled the PADD she was holding, “I’ve been putting this off for long enough.”

"Well, Iria is with a patient in a counselling session, so we can talk about what you need to." Dodd moved to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle. "I happen to have a stash of Andorian Brandy that is not synthetic." He turned around with two glasses and the bottle of Brandy. He moved to sit on the sofa near Lamia. "So I am picking up on you needing to finalize our daughter's paperwork," Dodd said as he poured the brandy.

Lamia nodded as she made herself as comfortable as she could given the difficult circumstances. “I decided to have a memorial plaque made up for her in the garden of remembrance area of the arboretum but I couldn’t face filling out anything that made losing her so final ... at least up until now. I need your help with filling out the details and signing the paperwork as her parents.” She offered Remington a more comfortable smile.

"I have been wondering when you were going to tackle this. I have been thinking about it myself off and on." Dodd replied.
"Honestly I have two names that come to mind. Tabitha and Denala are those two names. Denala is a combination of our mothers' names Deanna and Inala. Tabitha because I have always liked the sound of it and make me think of a young and gifted girl."

Lamia nodded. “Actually I quite like Mia amongst others.” She paused for a moment. “How’s about ... Mia Tabitha?” She gave Remington a thoughtful look. “It has a nice ring to it.”

"Hearing you say that makes me smile and see our daughter in my mind," Dodd replied with a tiny tear in the corner of his left eye. "I think you have a great name in Mia Tabitha. But would it be Mia Tabitha Dodd or Mia Tabitha Arderne? or Arderne-Dodd?"

Lamia paused for a moment she hadn’t considered what surname her daughter would have had. “I’d like both our names” She gave Dodd a smile, “It’s more appropriate that she has both her parents names so Arderne-Dodd if you’re happy with that?” She reached out and picked up the glass of drink that Remington had put for her, sipping it the first mouthful made her cough but she followed it down with the next mouthful quite quickly.

Dodd took a swig of his Andorian Brandy and then replied "I am happy with that as well. Mia Tabitha Arderne-Dodd will always hold a special place in my heart and mind. The short life we produced will always be a part of each of us and that sort of bond will keep us friends for life from how I see things. Iria had asked the other day if there was going to be an addition in the memory garden of the arboretum for our child."

“Once the paperwork is in and I have a date for it I’ll let you know and we can see it put in there.” Lamia sighed. “Thank you for all this Remington, after what happened between us I wouldn’t have blamed you if you hadn’t wanted anything to do with me. I’m grateful that I have you as a friend.”

"I want you to know that while Iria is my soul-mate and most important person in my life, you are important to me. We have shared what only a few have shared. Iria tamed my telepathic, empathic and other mental abilities, I owe my being to our friends as well. I am not sure I could have moved on from our captivity without you involved in our lives." Dodd replied. "My Imzadi and I have come to accept you as a dear friend and we do not want that to change. All of us telepaths need to stick together."

Lamia nodded in agreement. “I like that, to be honest, I’ve been struggling with ... just about everything. Chris has been there helping me but I guess the only thing that’s truly holding me back is me! I want to get back to being the confident, outgoing me again.”

"I do understand where you are coming from," Dodd replied. "Iria and I both had each other even when held captive. Chris is not telepathic and that must be hard since he can't truly sense how to help you. I would say I could help you as I could use my memory abilities to isolate and block the ones you are having trouble with, but I would rather you allow Iria and I to help you work them out so you can learn from them and grow more confident and outgoing once again."

Lamia nodded and offered a warm smile. “I’d like that, I have to face my demons sometime and I’d prefer it to be sooner rather than later.”

"I am open to working with you when we can, I know that you will get back to yourself soon even if you did it on your own," Dodd stated. "I just want you to do what is comfortable and know you are not alone."

“Believe it or not Chris had a program set up on the holodeck for me of the slave compound and the guards.” She paused as she thought about it. “He wanted me to face my demons and take control, it took a couple of tries but it felt so good when I killed a guard. That sounds terrible I know, but it helped in away.”

"Great, but I can sense you still have reservations. A psychiatrist would not see the terrible side of what you did. I know it would be viewed as a means of cleaning the cobwebs out of the belfry." Dodd added "While I am not trying to diagnose the situation, I am engaged to a counsellor and she has rubbed off on me some knowledge. I would say that the guard was the symbol of your captivity and by killing it, you allowed some part of your mind access to return to your normal state. I am willing to bet that the more you do that sort of thing, you will be stronger in the long run." Dodd then placed his hand on Lamia's shoulder as a means to relay his support of his friend.

Lamia raised her hand and gently rested it on Remington’s for a moment. It seemed odd since last time they touched was in the throws of drug and pheromone induced passion. “So I should become a holodeck junkie and spend my time killing guards to free the soul of my fears” She smiled a wry smile. “Actually that sounds like a good idea. Besides I elected to join the counselling department to help Iria when it’s needed, you’d make a good Counselor yourself.”

"I know you would be a great asset to the counselling department. I had thought about it myself once but I like to get my hands dirty." Dodd replied. "But I am okay giving what I can to friends."

“For what it’s worth you’re a wonderful friend” Lamia smiled warmly. “I guess I should be going, I’ll make sure this paperwork gets submitted right away. Thank you for helping me.”

Dodd stood up and offered a hand to help Lamia up.
"I am glad we had this time together. You are merely a comet which was pulled a little out of orbit when you got a little too close to the sun. But I am sure you will defy the gravity of it all and return to your normal self in no time." Dodd stated as Lamia arose.

Dodd knew that Lamia was feeling more sure of herself and that was the first step in her recovery.


LT Lamia Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

LT Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer


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