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Treasured time together

Posted on 07 Oct 2020 @ 4:58pm by Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 08 Oct 2020 @ 2:05pm

2,810 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Lamia’s Quarters
Timeline: Off Duty - Current


Lamia sat on the sofa eagerly awaiting the arrival of Chris, since the events of the last mission and the loss of her daughter he’d been her lifeline in helping with her recovery. Time together was precious, and she considered herself lucky to have Chris.

Kildare had gotten Mia's message, he had not been able to see her during the mission so he was eager to see her, making sure he was presentable and his breath and pits fresh he headed to Mia's quarters, with a bunch of real roses from the station's greenhouse and hurried to her quarters, he got some strange looks, but knowing smiles were behind them.

He finally made it outside her door and pressed the buzzer.

Getting up to answer the door Lamia stood in the doorway surprised to see him holding a gorgeous bouquet of roses for her. “Wow!” Her smile practically shone. “Sorry ...” she stepped back to give him room to enter. “Come on in.”

Chris came in far enough so the door would close and when it did he put the roses down said nothing and scooped Mia up in a hug and gave her such a kiss that said he had missed her.

Lamia was overjoyed with Chris’ reaction to being with her, and she let it show as she wrapped her arms around him and returned his kiss with passion. As their lips finally parted her smile practically shone. “Well, that’s a reaction I like! I’ve missed you too.”

As Chris stepped back "I was worried about you when you went down to Galen IV, I know I went down, but I had to check the explosions, how did your team get on?" he asked as he looked for a vase for the flowers "hey Mia, you have a vase around and some water to put these flowers in?" he added.

“There should be a vase somewhere” Lamia paused to think. “If not just replicate one until I find it.” She smiled. “I was worried about you too. We did okay, got what intel we needed. Just the thought of those ... things give me the creeps!”

Walking over to the replicator as he could not find the vase "one medium flower vase with water in" he said and the replicator produced the vase first on its side and when Chris removed it a jug of water appeared, he simply shrugged and removed that too and walked over to the table and placed the vase down and then put the water in and when this was done he began to sort the flowers out and put them into the vase one at a time.

"Well you should have seen the Cardassian Embassy, looked worse than the Earth Embassy did on Vulcan during Archers time and I found a UXB and defused it, so there was that. The Marine Captain Jelan was over-eager and left the area to see if he could catch who was watching us, very stupid on a planet with Bluegills on he could have been affected Alex was rightfully pissed, other than that all went as expected" he responded as he finished arranging the flowers and returned the jug to the reclimator and then "what do you want to drink?" he asked.

“You choose” Lamia grinned. “Surprise me!” She took the arranged vase of flowers and put it on the coffee table smelling them as she did so. “These are gorgeous Chris, thank you.”

"My pleasure, a Dozen Roses, for my rose," he said looking at her with a smile then turned to face the replicator "computer two glasses of white wine 2020 vintage chilled," he said and watched as two long-stemmed glasses appeared, he picked them both up and turned to face Mia and held one out to her.

Walking over to Chris Lamia took the glass, “Thank you Imzadi. Shall we sit down?” She held out her other hand to take him to lead him across to the sofa.

Chris took her hand and allowed her to lead him to the sofa, which he sat and held up his glass "to surviving" he said.

“To surviving!” Lamia smiled and sipped her drink, her eyes firmly fixed on Chris as she did so.

With that, he took a sip and as he swallowed it he looked at Mia "I have to ask, what drew you to a grunt like myself Imzadi?" he studied her "I know there are other officers who would be just as good, but I never did understand why me" he said.

“Why you!” She put her glass down on the coffee table before turning back to look at him. “You’re strikingly handsome, charming, and that smile makes every woman on this ship and on the station swoon! Are you telling me you haven’t noticed?” Lamia grinned. “I want to make every man insanely jealous of you, and every woman insanely jealous of me!!” She couldn’t help but smile a wry smile at the thought of that. “Seriously though ... you had me the moment I set eyes on you. Plus that first date was a night I’ll never forget! No one has ever pampered me the way you do.”

*he gave her "the smile" she mentioned* "you mean this smile? *he asked smiling* so it would seem I knew, I am just surprised you went for a grunt and not an officer like yourself," he said shrugging *puzzled look* "why would you want to make men jealous of me and women jealous of you? Should it not be the other way around?" he asked *still using his charming smile*.

Lamia blushed. “You could be right there, I didn’t come out with that quite how it was supposed to sound!” oO What a stupid mistake! Oo she thought and continued “To be honest I don’t want an officer, I just want a man who makes me feel special like you do. You’re charming, handsome and a bomb disposal expert and it’s going to worry the life out of me every time you go off the ship but I wouldn’t change a thing about you!”

Now he was at a loss for word, this rarely happened "and I would not change anything about you, you know I used to be partnered with Colonel Somers onetime, she was a mere Marine Captain back then and I was teamed up with her because she has a dangerous past time, one which does not sit too well with the Admiralty and General Staff and to date she is the only woman who scares the living shit out of me, you see her past time she likes to create micro explosives and I was always teamed up with her, just in case she messed up and the bomb needed to be defused. Thankfully she has since stopped doing such things, but the woman still scares me" he said and fell silent.

“I’m glad she doesn’t do that anymore!” Lamia gave Chris a concerned glance. “I was worried enough about you when you were off ship on your away party, I’d be even more worried if you were still partnered with her.”

He made a shooing motion with his hand "aww, there would be no problems there, I was only put with her because the Admiralty and General Staff were also scared. To be honest Imzadi she is the most meticulous and greatly careful person with such devices that I know of, she scares me for different reasons. You were scared for me on the planet, what about you and your team, you had more contact with the natives and you are so lucky that you were not infected" Chris said and then fell silent "There is a new retro restaurant opening up, you have to be in period clothing to enter, should I make a reservation, it will not be today because it is too late, but for some time in the near future?" he asked.

Lamia nodded. “Sure, it sounds like fun!” She smiled warmly. “It’s not very often we get to wear period clothing, I wonder who came up with that idea it’s certainly a unique one.” Lamia moved to cuddle up, they didn’t get a lot of personal time when the ship was on a mission and then there was the whole ‘maintaining a professional demeanour’ whilst they were aboard the ship. “I like this, us getting to spend more time together.”

Putting his arm around her as she cuddled up to him he answered her, "so do I, Mia, so do I feel like the luckiest man on this ship dating you and having been chosen by you when there are so many men to choose from, you go for the career grunt" he said with humour.

“A career grunt whose handsome, charming, has a killer smile and who makes my heart skip a beat every time I see you.” She smiled the biggest smile yet as she gently rested her hand on Chris’ cheek as she leant in for a romantic kiss.

Responding in kind Chris returned the kiss, which was passionate, to say the least, and using a practised move manages to stand up with Mia still in his arms as if he was carrying her "he broke the kiss and looked in her eyes, "yes my dear I swept you up" he said with a charming smile and walked over and into the sleeping area where he gently laid his girl down on the bed.

Lamia had been totally taken by surprise, she was so swept away by Chris’ response that she hadn’t even noticed the move to lift her off the sofa in the first place. “You always sweep me off my feet ...” she smiled as she gently pulled him down onto the bed.

The Next Day...

The next day Chris was awake and he made for the head to relieve himself, after cleansing his hands he walked over to the small kitchenette and made them both mugs of coffee and when made returned to the bedroom and sat on the bed and leaned over and gently kissed Mia on her forehead to gently wake her up in case the coffee smell did not, as she stirred he held a mug to her "morning Imzadi" he said.

Lamia opened her eyes and smiled up at Chris’ handsome face. “Good morning handsome” she stretched to wake herself up a little before sitting up in bed with the sheet around her. “Did you sleep well?”

"Eventually, you have more stamina than most of the Rifles," he said with a smile offering her the mug of coffee "question is did you sleep well after our shenanigans last night?" he asked.

“You bet I did” Lamia grinned as she remembered the passion of the night before. “I hope I didn’t wear you out too much, I couldn’t help myself. It’s been too long since we were together.”

He took a sip of his coffee and looked away "no, but it did feel like you still feel guilty about your ordeal, I am not complaining, last night this Starbase moved, but I sense that what happened during your time with the Orions has had a profound effect on you. I know you are not ready to talk about it, but when you are, my ear is always open and I will not judge" he said with a compassionate smile.

“Chris I ...” Lamia paused. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel like I’m not happy with you. It’s just I ... it feels wrong to be happy.” She gave him an unhappy look. “I just lost my daughter and I feel like I’m expected to walk around with a smile on my face and be cheery. It’s not how I feel in here ...” she tapped her chest above her heart. “You make me feel happy but you’re the only thing that does. There’s a piece of me missing and she’s gone never to be brought back, I don’t know how to heal the hole that’s left behind.”

He looked away and thought a moment then back at her "I can give you a simple and pragmatic opinion if you want, but it is apt for any situation, also a question do you have any images of your lost daughter?" he asked her.

Lamia nodded. “The medical staff were kind enough to take some holo-images for me, I just ... haven’t been able to face looking at them yet.” She paused. “I guess there’s no time like the present.” She got up from her seat and walked into the bedroom, picking up a holo-imager PADD she brought it through and sat back beside Chris. “I need to have these images copied for Remington, she was his daughter too.”

Chris could not help a flash of pain pass over his face, he hoped that Mia would not see it as she was looking at the holo imager that she had just brought into the room. She held it out to him and he took it and "she was cute" he said studying the images "you were correct Lieutenant Dodd should have a copy" he added then he decided to be Pragmatic, but try to soften it.

"What you need to do Imzadi is grieve and move on, as long as you keep the child's memory in here" he started as he gently tapped his heart "she can never die" he finished as he placed the imager down.

Lamia nodded and offered a smile. “You’re right, I’ve let myself hang onto the memories of everything bad instead of what was good and what I need to treasure.” She gently moved the holo-imager onto the bedside table. “It’s time I accepted that she’s gone.”

"As long as you remember her once a year on her birthday and maybe light a candle in her memory, it should help, I have seen Alex do something similar every year on 11 November by the human calendar if she is able that is. So that lit candle for you could represent the light that was your daughter" he responded with a smile.

Lamia smiled. "I swear you missed your calling, you should have been a Counsellor." She grinned. "You make me see the lighter side of my darkest worries." She paused for a moment. "I'd like us to have children one day Chris, I'd love to have a chance to be a mother."

*a fraction pause* "Counselling is harder than defusing bombs, I am good with a little bit of insight from time to time, but could not do the job still thanks for the compliment. As for little sprogs one day maybe if I am honest I have always wanted some rug rats, just did not expect there to be a beauty like you in my life at the time" Kildare said shrugging.

Lamia’s mood brightened up as she heard Chris say that. “Seriously? I wasn’t sure if you’d want children being a marine. It’s a dangerous occupation and to be honest it does worry me when you go out there but I know it’s what you do and I respect that.”

Chris simply smiled as he finished his drink, he could think of nothing to say to that response.

“Actually there’s something I’ve been considering, What would you say to my changing departments? I’d like to be a permanent part of the Counselling team onboard ship and give up my position as Chief Operations Officer.”

"You do what you feel is best for you Mia, we must each play to our strengths," he said putting his mug down and getting onto the bed proper "you know we should think about actually getting up, the ship will depart at some point on Phase 2 of our mission" he added.

"I guess so" She nodded in agreement but saying that we do have a few more minutes and I still need to take my shower" She gave him a longing look.

*gives her the Dwayne Johnson raised eyebrow* and a humorous "hmm" then he got serious "now that is something I can get behind such an event" he said.

Lamia grinned. “In that case ... why don’t you ...” She took his hand as she started towards the bathroom. “Come with me.”

As he followed her a thought ran through his mind oO Oh boy I am in like Flint Oo he developed a smile with this thought as they both entered the bathing area.


Lieutenant Lamia Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Sgt Major Chris 'Maverick' Kildare [P: Somers]
95th Rifles Demolitions


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