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Regrets,regret and more regret

Posted on 31 Aug 2020 @ 7:38pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 31 Aug 2020 @ 8:12pm

240 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Security office
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD11


It had been one of those weeks and then he'll that he had been it through by colonel Somers had been tough and had taught him a huge lesson, and that was never to speak to a senior officer like he had done in front of the other department head's.

Now he had to get on with the task at hand which was going over the next batch of evaluation reports, he thought to himself oO am I ever going to see that third up on my collar? Oo as he looked at the terminal in front of him.

As he leaned back into his chair, Paul had been reminded by his sister Paula about his temper and start counting to ten to control it. However; He knew that sometimes it never worked. As he looked over at the chronological clock that day upon his desk, he noticed that he was due to be on the bridge in twenty minutes and that he had better leave before the captain called him.

But he still had the escort that had been assigned to him, but he had to prove to the captain that he had learnt his lesson and not cause any more trouble. As he pushed his chair back and rose from it, still he hoped that this would not last long as he exited the office and made his way to the bridge.


Lieutenant Paul Winchester


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