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Dropping in

Posted on 19 Oct 2020 @ 9:51am by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 20 Oct 2020 @ 10:50pm

1,606 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Security offices
Timeline: Prior to arrival at sb51


Lamia made her way to the security offices, both she and Lilliana had suggested to Iria that one of them speak with Winchester so Lamia thought it about time to do so. Arriving at her destination she offered a smile as she approached Paul.

For Paul it had been a quiet day with no drama to report and with the ship docked at Starbase 51, as he looked up to see Lieutenant Arderne enter his office, he said "Yes Lieutenant, how may I help you today?" As he asked the question.

“Actually I was hoping we could talk” Lamia offered a smile. “Do you have the time to spare?”

"What about Lieutenant?" Asked Paul as he leaned back into his chair and looked back at the officer in front of him, he continued "and please do sit" as he waved her to the chair opposite him.

“Lieutenant Walon has offered me the chance to join the counselling department on a part-time basis as I do have my Ops duties to think of.” She paused as she took a seat. “As such, I came down to see how you’re doing? You might want to talk in private though unless you prefer others overhearing a private discussion.”

" I would prefer to talk here " replied Paul looking at her, as he leaned back into his chair, he finished " and as for how I am doing, I am fine" as he picked up the hot mug off the desk and took a sip.

“So you don’t feel like you need to prove yourself?” Lamia gave Winchester a curious look. “It must have felt awkward being amongst those at the staff meeting earlier after recent events.” She didn’t want to bring up his prior behaviour but she needed to gauge how he was truly feeling.

" I know that I have been a jerk and show off as I did after the way I have been moved to and from the department by the captain” as he knew that he should not have done that in front of everyone.

“I’m not saying you’ve been anything of the kind.” Lamia offered a smile. “You know what you did was wrong, that’s a step in the right direction. You also know that you’ll be under a proverbial ‘microscope’ for a while, do you need any help where your temper is concerned? Any help with controlling anger?”

"It is not that I have a temper" replied Paul looking at the officer in front of him, he continued speaking "It is that I am just a bit frustrated by being moved every mission" as he took another sip of his coffee.

Lamia nodded. “Did you speak with the Captain regarding your changes in position? I have to admit being moved around isn’t ideal but the Captain obviously had her reasons.”

"Yes, I Did," Paul looked back as he responded, "he continued," she said that she had made a mistake of moving me around departments. " As he remembered his conversation with her.

“So are you happy with your current position?” She studied his outward emotions as well as letting her Betazoid senses pick up a sense of what he was feeling inside.

"I don't know that yet what with S'arila standing outside and being not allowed to meet up with others after shift" he responded as he knew that it had been his fault in the first place. He continued "ask me that in six months time" as he took another sip of his coffee once again.

“Fair enough” Lamia offered a smile. “Well if you need to talk or just want a friendly chat then feel free to drop me a message or call me. Same goes for any Operational issues, I have a department to run after all.”

"I am not trying to get rid of you lieutenant," Paul stated as he thought to himself OO does she think that I want her gone? Oo as he downed the last of his coffee. "It is that I'm a bit upset that I wasn't given enough time in intelligence services to show what I can do" responded Paul leaning back into the chair.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to give you that impression” Lamia smiled. “I’m a little rusty on the counsellor front, I’m more used to being at Ops these days.” She shook her head and silently cursed herself for giving Winchester the wrong idea. “Perhaps the Captain will give you another shot at it in the future, don’t write it off just yet.”

"I just miss flying the fighters," Paul stated as he knew that it was out of reach after the crash and the loss of his arm, he continued "and why didn't the captain not keep me as CAG?" as he leaned back into the chair.

“Perhaps she thought that being there would hold too many memories for you, especially after a traumatic event.” Lamia offered an understanding smile. “Perhaps it’s something you could request for any future changes, if the position should come up or if the Captain wanted to move crew around.”

" Then I took my frustrations out upon everyone else and ended up in a training session with colonel Somers which ended badly for me" he responded as he remembered the pain that had come from the damaged prosthetic arm. He continued to flex the new hand as the motors whined and he knew that he had to prove himself again.

“Pent up frustrations and anger can make you do things that are completely out of character, if you know you have a problem then it’s always best to speak to someone about it.” Lamia offered an understanding smile. “It doesn’t have to be a counsellor, it can just be a friend or even the Captain.”

" Well, I never did talk to my sister for five years, " he said looking back at Mia, he continued "after I defended her when some cadets took the loss out of her" as he regretted ever telling Paula about the fights that he had got into on her behalf.

"It was on Graduation day she revealed that her and Lisa Creed had been sleeping with each other," he finished "and I left her and Lisa standing there and went and spoke to my mom.”

“Didn’t you like that your sister was in a relationship with another woman?” Lamia looked at Paul curiously.

" It wasn't that "replied Paul looking back at Lamia, he continued" it was the fact that they didn't have the guts to tell me and I ended up in fights with others defending my sister, " as he picked up the hot mug and took a sip of the hot Beverage.

Lamia nodded. “I can understand that. But did you consider that maybe they were afraid to tell you? Simply for that very reason.” She offered an understanding smile. “Maybe your sister was embarrassed knowing you got into fights because of her.”

"Thing is, Paula knew I had been in the fights and still never told me," replied Paul looking once again at Lamia, he continued, "I never spoke to them for five years until my mom intervention and forced me to" taking another sip of his coffee.

“Perhaps your sister knew that’s what would happen, maybe she was afraid of losing you if she told you the truth.” Lamia offered a smile. “So how is your relationship now?”

Paul looked back at Lamia and replied "Well, Lisa had been reassigned to the USE Meridian and Paula had been reassigned to Titan colony" as he knew that both knew that this could happen and it had, he continued "and I found out that Paula had adopted a young girl that she had rescued named Davina,"

“I take it you keep in touch regularly now or are you still finding it hard to do that?” Lamia gave Paul a curious look.

"I have spoken to Paula recently after the briefing that I had the row with the colonel," replied Paul leaning back in the chair, he continued " and before you start asking me was she happy about it, no she was not, "

Lamia nodded. “Well you’ve admitted you were wrong to argue with the Colonel, that’s a big step in the right direction. If it’s anger you’re struggling with there are ways to combat it.”

"Yeah I tried one of the Colonel's programme with her which fried my prosthetic arm" replied Paul leaning back into his chair which creaked slightly as he moved, he finished " I could use the holodeck programme more but not as intense as the Colonel did" as he hoped that Lamia had somewhere else to be.

Lamia nodded. “We’ll see how it goes and if you need to talk you know where to find those in the Counselling department or if it’s just a friendly chat you can find me.” She offered a smile. “Anyway I have to get back, I’ve got my Ops duties to attend to.”

"I will Lamia, I promise that I will contact you if I need to talk," replied Paul looking back at her, he finished "You have my word," leaning back in his chair knowing full well that for some reason he didn't like talking about his feelings with anyone, but he knew that had to change.

Lamia nodded and smiled as she stood before departing the office and heading on her way.


Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer


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