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Repairs required

Posted on 19 Oct 2020 @ 9:17am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 20 Oct 2020 @ 10:48pm

533 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After The Holodeck Excursion


Shortly after the punishment that colonel Somers had dished out for him In her holodeck programme, Paul looked back at his prosthetic arm or what remained of the charred skin that the arm had taken in the programme. Paul had made it to the ship's sickbay after his visit to see Lieutenant Dodd he said "Doc, I need your help,"

Dr Cahill comes out. "Ok no problem LT, have a seat on the bio-bed."

As Paul walked over to the bio-bed with the prosthetic arm moving the exposed fingers Paul said to him "The arm is buggered Doc, I lost most of the skin on it" He continued I just visited Lieutenant Dodd to replace the motors and a few joints in the fingers"

Dr Cahill looked at the arm and murmured to herself a few things and smiled. "What happened to the arm LT. It looks like you was on the wrong end of a fight and lost very severely."

"The Colonel happened," replied Paul as he regretted ever yelling at her in front of everyone, Paul continued "as you remember what happened at the last meeting this was my punishment," as the sparks continued to spit.

Cahill smiled, "At least I was ready for something light this." She goes over and pulls out a spare arm. she gently removes the damaged arm and places it aside. After about 20 minutes the replacement are is put on and calibrated. She then has a nurse take the old one in to have it repaired.

" I may have to talk to LTC Somers about damaging Star Fleet stuff like this. In the meantime see if you can make up with her. I hear she loves Klingon Blood-wine. Maybe get her a keg to enjoy.

I keep a backup arm around in case it gets damaged during a fight with the enemy. But Somers does not have to know this. It is between us LT."

"Copy that doc" replied Paul looking back at her, he continued "I might just send a leg to her now," as he forced his new hand, he said, " Computer, Send Lieutenant colonel Somers a leg of Klingon Blood-wine to her quarters with a message, I'm sorry for yelling at you, from Lieutenant Paul Winchester."

The computer replied "working"

He then replied "thanks Doc for the arm" as he slid off the bio-bed and hoped that this was the last time he had to get a new arm for a while.

She smiled, "I am always prepared for my crew members. And this one will be fixed and ready if needed. It is so that if you get it destroyed or need a replacement in a quick fix during a fight we can do it fast and get you back into the fight.

Watch out I hear she likes to make small explosives that do a lot of damage."

"Thanks for the warning Doc" replied Paul looking back at her, as now he could head to his office to set about the paperwork that was left upon his as he exited the Tomcat's sickbay.


Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO


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