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[BACK POST] Fun with the Ex-Oh

Posted on 07 Oct 2020 @ 11:44pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Captain Jelan Lemoris & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel
Edited on on 08 Oct 2020 @ 2:04pm

816 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Before Current Mission
Tags: Luuna, 7F03YTY836M, Sombra, 3CW4YMF696F


Doctor Aldana and hir two usual companions were sitting at and laying under a random table near the viewport. Aldana was situated so that s/he could see out, s/he found that the view helped hir think.

Presently s/he was sitting hunched over some rather large brightly coloured books with stats, figures, and images of people having splendid adventures of long ago. S/he had some traditional tools of hir hobby, a pad of actual paper and an actual pencil. Scattered just in front of the pad of paper were several small, brightly coloured, plastic dodecahedrons of different shapes and varieties. Near-by was a bowl of thinly sliced, deep-fried carbohydrate disks, and a glass of dark brown bubbly beverage with partially melted ice in it.

Luuna had peeked up over the edge of the table and was peering at the bowl full of what smelled like “chips.”

Amiri was reading quietly to hirself, oblivious to hir surroundings. (Besides hir guyzos would alert hir if a real problem arose.) “Advancement As fursona go on adventures, they become more experienced and powerful… ya-ya-ya… ah! Here it is…”

“At each level, the player does the following:

• Adds a number…”

S/he trailed off into a dull mumble and began to write some things down. “Let’s see, so that means Gandorlin is going to…”

“Hi, Amiri, what’ cha doing?” Maia asked.

Luuna sprang up and bounded over to beg for petting from the nice Sterling-lady. Meanwhile, Sombra stayed at his post, though his tail started to bob up and down, thudding rhythmically on the floor.

Maia knelt down and stroked Luuna lovingly.

Amiri had been startled; s/he was so engrossed in hir reading and hir work. S/he gazed up to see Maia had crept up to hir. “Maia! So good to see you.” Aldana shot to hir feet so fast, s/he wanged hir left knee on the underside of the table, nearly toppling hir soda. S/he glomped on to hir friend with the biggest bear-hug s/he’d been able to give in what seemed like ages.

“I was just enjoying some of my time off out among the crew and going over some of the rules of my game, trying to figure out some of the nuances.”

“Humanity can be quite confusing at times I am sure,” Maia replied.

Maia smiled and continued to love on Luuna.

“I didn’t see you at the girls’ night party so I thought I would come down here and see you myself. I assume you’ve heard the news that I am leaving. Starfleet in their infinite wisdom has decided to give me a ship of my own to master.” Maia said.

Aldana felt hurt s/he’d not been invited to the girls’ night. S/he’d thought for sure that by the 24th-century people would have been more open and accepting of people who were different than them. S/he struggled to banish hir feelings from hir face, but s/he wasn’t doing so well at it.

“No! I hadn’t heard! When?” S/he tried to turn hir mood around, trying to feel happy for hir friend, but part of hir too was still saddened by the news. S/he stood to greet Maia with a tight hug.

“Actually, you were invited you were no place to be found,” Maia said.

Aldana looked regretful. S/he’d never seen any invitation, s/he remembered no comm. call. However, this invitation came, somehow, it’d gotten lost in translation. “I would have given up a limb to be there.” Suddenly hir mind became flooded again with the troubles s/he had come here this evening to try and avoid. Things were not going well back home. S/he couldn’t make up hir mind weather to tell Maia or not. “Maia… I…” S/he stopped abruptly, looking down at the table. S/he mumbled something that sounded like it could be important, but it was unintelligible.

“Yes, Aldana you can say anything to me, we are too good of friends for you to be shy now,” Maia said.

“I’ve gotten a letter from home…” Amiri was barely audible, “There’s been an incident…” s/he looked like s/he’d wanted to cry, but s/he’d promised hirself that s/he wasn’t going to.

I'll get you fixed up with leaves. Maia said.


Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/Chief Science Officer

Lt. Jg Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M./M.D
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Jg Matthew Thompson [P: Sterling]
Science Officer

Marine Captain Jelan Lemoris[P: Sterling]
95th Rifles Bravo Unit Officer

Lt. Jg Akhul K'Tel [P: Sterling]
Medical Officer

CWO Sombra C.G.CA/U, PSA,C.ESA [P: Aldana]
Counsellors aide/Morale Officer

CWO Luuna (Luna) C.G.CA/U [P: Aldana]
Security Officer


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