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Girls Night Part 3

Posted on 09 Oct 2020 @ 6:48pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel & Ensign Angelica Wright & Ensign Teela Tjaansz & Lieutenant JG Doya Emja & 2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kara Sem

4,234 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various/Starbase 51
Timeline: After the Galen IV mission completion


So after a little time, the lighting adjusted and four holographic men appeared on a stage at one end of the room. The music becomes seductive and the men started to dance. There was an old earth firefighter, an old earth police officer, a Risan pleasure escort, and an Andorian security officer. The program was to have them dance and gradually remove items of clothing. This was sure to get the ladies hot and bothered and to help them let off some of the stresses in their lives. Doya was very surprised at how the program appeared. Pril was almost a little embarrassed having helped with the program and how much the Firefighter resembled her boss, LT. Dodd.

Rena looked around at the others trying with a short smile, as she went up to the Barkeep for a glass of wine, and continued walking around. "Looks like a Lively Party, I guess being the newbie doesn't hold well," Rena said to herself.

Alex was startled by the sudden appearance of holographic male strippers most of who looked like the ship's Chief Engineer Alex gave a few wolf-whistles and pumped her fist in the air. "Hey Alex I am glad Dodd is not here to see this" Jasmine said with a smile, she was slowly loosening up, but while all the other women were enjoying the show she was relaxing and two of her personnel were ignoring the male dancers and busy chatting each other up.

Taking her attention away from the dancers Alex looked at Jasmine "I know scandalous is it not?" She asked then saw Armitage and Donovan ignoring the male dancers, well Armitage was, S'arila was glancing up at them now and again "what is it with those two?" Alex asked pointing to the pair.

Jasmine looked in the direction "oh Lucy is Bi-Sexual but currently has the hots for S'arila and S'arila is Pan-Sexual and currently has an interest in my Yeoman it would seem," Jasmine responded.

"Interesting, if I am seeing their emotions correctly, they have it bad. I have felt like that only once for another woman" Alex said and Jasmine whipped her head around startled, this was news.

"Who, what, when, where, why and how?" Jasmine asked in shock, she assumed Alex and Paul were happy together "I thought you and Paul were happily married?" she asked.

Alex looked at Jasmine "we are, this was before Paul, I was a Corporal and so was this girl I had a crush on, her name was Annabel Graves, we were closer than sisters, I believed our feeling was mutual, but she was the loss I suffered on that mission I still cannot talk about, in the end, I mourned recovered and moved on and reconnected with Paul Sharpe and now I am the happiest woman I know who is married, I could never look at another woman in such a way again Paul gives me what I need" Alex answered with a dreamy smile and returned to chanting and wolf-whistling the male strippers.

Jasmine made her way to Iria and sat next to her "hey Iria, did you know Doya and Pril would make the male human's look exactly like Remy?" She asked her Chief Intelligence Officer.

Iria was surprised by the holographic representation that looked a whole lot like her fiance, she wondered if it was done to embarrass her or to let someone else ogle her lover by proxy of the holographic likeness? She shook her head softly, "I am surprised as you are but I can say for certain that the hologram can't hold a candle to Remy."

Nicci thought she heard one of the girls say a dancer looked like Dodd, but the lighting looked different to her eyes, given her wider visual spectrum, so she tried not to think about it. But she couldn't ignore that the men dancing and gyrating were affecting her, even with her inhibitor injection, and she worried her pheromones might start hitting the others. It must've been the Romulan Ale, but she was a little slow to start walking away from everyone when the dancing Risan took it as his cue to approach her. oO Oh boy... OO she thought, as her eyes widened, and her pulse quickened...

oO My, my Oo Maia thought.

Alex Somers noticed Taggert being approached by the Risian dancer "um... Ladies, am I right in assuming that our gene enhanced Assistant Chief engineer is getting hot under the proverbial collar? I fear her pheromone count will hurt us all," Alex said.

Jasmine looked in dismay "Oh hell, I hope she can keep calm!" the Captain exclaimed.

"Probably," Maia said.

Iria shook her head softly, as she started moving through the crowd to get an idea of how Nicci was being affected. She hadn't figured on strippers to be added and it was her party, so she needed to access the situation.

Nicci danced, swishing her hips side to side as her arms traced her curves very closely to the holo-men. It was obvious to the others that her normally blue eyes were turning green, which was not a good sign as her golden blonde hair began darkening to a strawberry blonde and was looking like it was changing to red. Her dancing was entrancing, to say the least.

Lamia was doing her best to enjoy the party but finding the whole Dodd stripper lookalike a little uncomfortable after what had happened between them. She cursed herself for being such a wallflower during Iria’s Party, she was supposed to be enjoying it not sitting quietly out of the way.

Serina, totally drunk, looked at her friend Lamia, "D.... don't they look like...hunks," she said trying to talk straight. Hooting and whistling at the guys, she almost fell over while she was sitting. It was all she could do to not laugh out loud. See, Romulan ale gave Serina a very bad case of the giggles! Yes, she was having the time of her life here with her friends...

Alex and Jasmine heard some loud giggles and looked over to see the CAG drunk "that is one girl who cannot hold her drink" Alex said finishing the first bottle of Bloodwine and opening the next.

"Interesting, I am seeing the crew in a different light," Jasmine said as she watched Serina's actions and drunken state with some concern, but she seemed to be happy.

Rena sat at the bar enjoying her wine, she asked the barkeep If she can have chicken nuggets with her wine. oO I guess newbies aren't really ready for a bash like this. Oo Rena got her chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce while she was enjoying the wine.

Pril was shocked that Doya encoded Dodd's appearance profile into the matrix of the male strippers. She knew Doya was attracted to Dodd and felt it was a Freudian slip in the programming, so she slipped off to tweak the strippers, and made the old earth firefighter look more like a Klingon than Dodd. Once the tweak took effect, a few more heads were being turned.

Pril slipped back into the party and watched the other women as they cheered the holographic dancers.

Doya was already a few sheets to the wind so to speak and found herself sitting in the corner near the far end of the bar having a conversation with one of the holographic bartenders. But then had the holodeck reset the firefighter image back to that of her original program to look more like Dodd but had it change the colour of hair and eyes and made his nose a slightly bit different so it would be not quite like Dodd but enough for her to complete her fantasy.

Rena made a small smile while trying to enjoy herself from a glass of wine to scotch on the rocks. Rena looked around at the people while enjoying her scotch.

Cahill had downed 2 large tankards of scotch. She was ready to party and was going to let it flow. She went over to Sterling and sat down beside her. She was feeling good and was really ready to party.

The music was blasting and she sat dancing in her seat. "Now this is a party."

As the music pumped, Nicci and Teela moved to the beat in the covered hut dance area, not too far from the bar where everyone was sitting drinking, Nicci being dragged away from the dancers and given a little time to cool down a bit. She had told the CMO and the Captain about it, but when she got a little 'hot under the collar' her normally blue eyes shifted to a bright green and her hair turned red, and she was a bit under the control of her own enhanced pheromones; luckily she cooled down before something happened with an actual crewmember. Teela's tail was swishing happily and both bounced around in their bikinis, and swished their hips side to side, the alcohol loosening their bodies up, as Teela wrapped herself around one of the dancers, her tail running along with the toned muscles of the fireman, while Nicci's eyes bugged at what she was doing, till she was distracted by one of the other ladies at the party who began dancing with her.

Nicci, however, was being enticed by the Risan again. Despite knowing he was just a hologram, he felt so real, and she was definitely reacting... She began moving and gyrating with him, enjoying her Thirasan Sunset cocktail as they moved as one... with that drink, it was doubtful Nicci would remember much of the evening.

If the doctor were measuring right now, a BAC over .29 would mean Nicci legally couldn't drive a shuttle, but that was the furthest from her mind right now. Her body was in control, as she ground her curvaceous rear end into the Risan behind her again, her hands caressing his face, then tracing her own body, giving more of a show to her crewmates than she ever would have otherwise. She danced, swishing her hips around in a circle as she slowly turned to do so. While she had a much higher alcohol tolerance than baseline humans, she wasn't immune, and with her gene edits, she normally tried to be a teetotaller if she could help it. Next morning she would be thankful no one recorded her dancing performance.

Serina was having a ball. She didn't care who saw her in this state. As long as the pain was gone, she didn't give a shit. The music was getting to her and she was gently swaying in perfect time with the music. She may have been drunk, but, she was a very good dancer. Not caring in the least, she moved to dance with one of the holographic dancers. Moving fluidly with the dancer, it was almost like a ballet being done. Totally engrossed in her dance, she heard and saw nothing.

Alex looked at her cousin "does it mean one is getting when you are not as hyped at such a spectacle as this?" she asked Jasmine who had finished speaking with Iria.

"Yes, it does mean you are getting old," the Captain said with a smile as she noticed that the hologram looking like Dodd was suddenly changed and she sadly shooked her head but was thankful it was.

"I am married Jaz, what is your excuse *hic*?" Alex asked Jasmine.

She looked at Alex surprised and gently placed a hand on her chest "me Captain" she said a smile playing on her face, but then she became serious "I have never felt the need to get overly excited like others are here" she said.

Alex looked at her disgusted "you need to get laid Jaz" Alex said to her cousin and got a dirty look from her, even more so as Alex began to laugh.

Wright and Goodwin were not ashamed to be watching the holo-strippers. They were getting into it and really liked resemblance the firefighter stripper had to Chief Dodd. They always thought Dodd was an attractive man and were sort of disappointed he was committed to Lt. Walon. Goodwin liked the change in the hair colour and noticed the slight variation of the nose but enjoyed the bare-chested version of this stripper and also fantasized about it being the Chief Engineer. She secretly had a crush on him and so let that be her way to enjoy him more visually.

Serina was dancing with a handsome stripper, and by now she was really into her moves, exotic as they were, accentuated his body. One could assume that she didn't care who saw her dance exotically. She started to remove her outer clothing, and fortunately, it ended there as she was wearing the skimpiest bathing suit possible. Yes, she didn't care, the only one who might have cared was John and he wasn't there to stop her!

"Holo-strippers really?" Maia said...

Alex heard the First Officer "It is a party Commander and two engineers are responsible for this, just go with it at least you will be able to take this memory with you to your new Command" the Colonel said loudly over the noise with a smile as she took another sip of her drink.

Rena was getting tired and stuff thought she'd leave the party she got up from her seat and started heading to her quarters.

"Okay I'm happy to go with the flow but I should have been notified first," Maia said.

Goodwin made her way around the party and was really enjoying the whole of it all. She just kept the one holographic stripper in her sites as she secretly wished she was the one who was with Dodd in the real world but things were not meant to be. So she would have this night to recall for all her future dreams.

Wright was also enjoying herself and found out that she had more in common with others on the crew than she thought. She mingled well but let her best friend, Goodwin, have some solo time to enjoy her fantasy while it lasted.

Pril and Doya were just about to wind down the stripper program as they did not mean for it to get as wild as it did. But they felt it had been a good distraction for all as they had all been working really hard and deserved some raunchy fun.

Pril made her way over to Commander Sterling.....

"Ma'am, I am happy for you with regards to your promotion, but you will be missed," Pril stated to Maia.

"Thank you Petty Officer Pril, I would have liked to see you make Chief". Maia said.

"Thank you for the kind thought," Pril replied. "I know I can make it there someday, I am sure."

Cahill walked over and uncovered to full kegs of Klingon Bloodwine. Drink up Chancellor Gorkon sends his blessings girls. I got this from his private stock. And it has a punch too." Cahill pours herself a tankard. "To Commander Sterling may her command belong and they sing the praises of her battles and diplomacy."

Then Maia toasted the crew, "to the crew of the Tomcat, may your Honor Light and Courage light ever new paths to enlightenment and justice in the Galaxy," Maia stated.

Cahill smiled, "And may we be long gone before the devil knows we were there," she said as she held her glass up in response to Sterling's toast.

"Here, here," Maia said

Iria raised her glass and cheered with the others, mostly amused by the stripper holograms had been a genuine surprise along with the gifts from S'arila, Alex Somers and Serina. She hadn't actually drunk much as she fully intended to go home and snuggle up with Remy once the party wound down.

Rena did one last look around as she walked off to her quarters, Rena being the newbie she didn't really know anyone yet.

"To Commander Sterling!" Nicci said, "May the wind be at your back!"

"I didn't think there was wind in space," Teela said, her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, in a cute expression. "But then again, there is solar wind..." she began, starting on how solar wind was used in early Aktevan space ships before Nicci put a hand on her shoulder to silence her as everyone else toasted their XO.

The "foursome" Jasmine, Alex, S'arila and Lucy raised their respective drinks "congratulations commander" all said as one.

Maia rose from her seated position...

"Thank you, I have a lot say though most of you already know my feelings about this ship and crew. All things change, we must all adapt. We have been an unusually close-knit group and that I think is testimony to the command crew. I will miss all of you. I will however keep part of you in my heart and mind always. Thanks for always being there!" Maia stated.

She then raised her glass in a toast and drank deeply.

Just then Colonel Somers noticed the young officer leaving, she was curious so she excused her self and followed the Ensign out of the holodeck.

Dr Cahill was feeling really good where she had been drinking a lot. She was able to let her hair down so to speak and have some fun. She saw a platter of shrimp and got several of them and was putting them away as she loved them.

- Outside the Holodeck -

"Rena, wait up a moment" Colonel Somers spoke,

Rena walked back, feeling a bit buzzed." Yes Ma'am, I think I drank too much whats up?" Rena said hoping the Colonel doesn't have her go on duty, which shes in no condition for that.

"You alright Rena? You left early" Alex asked and studied her as she began to feel the Bloodwine "is it in part because you are the new girl on the crew? You do know if you do not get to know the others outside of work, you are going to have a lonely existence," she said.

Rena looked at the Colonel, "I'm not good at approaching people ma'am." I get nervous I may say the wrong thing and upset someone." Rena said. "I'm just a shy person Ma'am" she also told the Captain.

*gives a friendly smile* "Shy or not, you need to at least try to make new friends, tell you what it will be a short time before the ship starts Phase 2 so tomorrow why don't you start speaking to others, I know Lts Walon and Arderne are approachable and will not judge you, so perhaps, you might try them?" The Colonel said.

Rena grinned to the Colonel."Ok, ma'am, I'll come back in and try." Rena said, thinking she should get herself a glass of water, she had enough of the alcohol.

Alex noticed her state "you not good at holding your drink are you? No matter there is Mineral water you can switch to, so you ready to return to the party?" The Colonel asked the young officer.

Rena looked on, "Yes ma'am I'm gonna need a glass or bottle of water ma'am.

- Holodeck -

Then Cahill notices LTC Somers and another crewmember came back in. "Hey, girls let a party!" as she started to dance to the music.

"Woo!" Nicci yelled, holding her drink up. She should stop sometime soon, but she figured she could let loose once in a while, right?

As Alex and Rena returned to the party the new Security officer was swept up by the others, even in a relaxed setting no one tried to force Colonel Somers

Rena smiled as she tried to get along with others, as she got herself some water to calm, and get undrunk, and drink no more.

Iria smiled as she walked around the room, then it appeared most of the ladies were enjoying themselves which had been the whole point of the evening. The strippers hadn't been her idea but she wasn't going to complain. She moved around to check in with her guests.

Jasmine was at the back feeling a little worse for wear with the drink and enjoyed the view, she was joined by Alex "hey cous, what was it with the new Security Officer?" she asked Alex.

"Oh, the Rookie wanted to leave the party early, but I convinced her otherwise, but I will not be surprised if some do not start leaving again, it is getting late and we still have Phase Two of the mission to complete," Alex said.

*sighing heavily* "I know" Jasmine looked at Alex "but we will be here long enough to settle things here before we head back out" she added.

"I hope you told her she is more than welcome here," Maia said. Maia sighed. "Well ladies its getting late and I have an early morning shuttle to catch so I'm going to call it a night," Maia said. "Goodnight" and with that Maia got up and left she went to her quarters and crashed what a party.

Alex and Jasmine noticed the room started to empty, they looked at each other and a "thank the maker" passed between them "Computer end program" the Captain said and the party atmosphere vanished only to be replaced by a black and yellow grid.

Alex packed what was not drunk and looked over to see Armitage and S'arila lip-locked, she sighed heavily "Lucy, S'arila Party is over!" she said.

Both women looked up startled with an embarrassed smile "okay" they both said as one and promptly left, there were a few still there some trying to stand and walk, Taggert was still dancing Alex looked over at Jasmine and shrugged.

Jasmine starting to feel the pheromone effects tapped Taggert on the shoulder "okay Nicci Party is over, get to a cold water shower" the Captain said.

Nicci looked around, seeing the rest of the crew were dispersing, despite how good a time she was having finally letting loose a little and not having to keep everything bottled up so much. She sighed, the replied, "I guess you're right there captain."

Luckily she didn't really touch Nicci's perspiration, which was laden with her pheromones, though one of the others might've near the end of the night trying to get her to realize the party was over.

"I'll head on out now," she said as she exited the holodeck, dancing slightly to herself, giving it a dancing exit out into the bright hallway, as if this were all a movie.

In the hall, she finally ended the dance but was humming to herself, and as she walked to the turbolift to get back to her quarters, did get a little 'handsy' with some of the crewmen, Pril perhaps, or Machado, she didn't remember the names that late into the drinking. Her companion for the night, Teela, helped guide her home and ensured she got into bed. Teela, strangely enough, was immune to the pheromones at low levels, she just got really hyper and talkative. Oh well, such is alien physiology.

Nicci managed to find her bed and crawl in, and despite her being worked up, the alcohol finally took effect after she disrobed and she crashed, hard.

Rena looked at others, and try and say hello to everyone, and make a conversation like the colonel told her.

Serina had basically danced the booze out of her system leaving her with a mountain of a headache. Holding her head, she looked at the captain, "I guess I made a spectacular idiot and fool out of myself. I'm so sorry sir," she said, walking, for the most part, a straight line out the holodeck

Iria stood back watching as her guests weaved, wobbled and some looking like they were going to be enormous headaches the next day. She was sorry for the pain some might suffer but she had hoped that most had, had fun despite it all. Once the last person left the holo-deck Iria called out to the computer. "Eng program." the beachfront stage and all the rest vanished leaving behind the yellow and black grid room. Iria picked up the gifts she had been given and made her way home to Remy...

As she was the last one out Captain Somers took a look around and gave a whistful smile and left the holodeck on unsteady feet, she was going to have a hangover in the morning, of that she could be sure.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Ensign Rena Sara
Security Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting MCO

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander

2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin [P: Dodd]
Marine Officer 95th Rifles

MCPO1 Lucy Armitage [P: Somers]
Captain's Yeoman

Ensign Teela Tjaansz [P: Taggert]

2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin [P: Dodd]
Marine Officer 95th Rifles

Lt. Jg Akhul K'Tel [P: Sterling]
Medical Officer

Ensign Doya Emja [P: Dodd]
Damage Control Specialist

Ensign Angelica Wright [P: Dodd]
Flight Control Officer

Petty Officer 3 Kara Pril [P: Dodd]
Matter/Energy Systems Specialist


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