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Friend or foe

Posted on 07 Oct 2020 @ 1:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver
Edited on on 08 Oct 2020 @ 2:08pm

526 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: USS Tomcat main corridor
Timeline: After Phase one : Docked at Star-base


- USS Tomcat main corridor -

Silver walked along the corridor deep in thought. Thompson had given him the task of being his subject matter expert on life sciences and botany. Ted felt confident he could do the job. There was one area he was a tiny bit unsure. Vulcan botany had always been a sticking point. But he was sure once the Tomcat left the Star-base. That would be amended.

With his eyes down. He did not see the officer in front of him.

Cody stepped out of the holodeck with his rifle, he'd been practising and had worked up a sweat. On his way back to the armoury with his battle rifle, he bumped into an Ensign who wasn't paying attention. Just coming off of adrenaline he decided to have a little fun. "Ensign stands fast," Lieutenant Parker barked sternly.

Ted looked up as he heard a loud voice before him. Silvers nerves and training kicked in as he stood as straight. As his muscle mass would allow.

“ Silver Ted Ensign...... Ensign Ted Silver Assistant Chief Officer science.....Science Officer SIR! “ Ted said snapping to attention.

"Ensign, we run a tight ship here, what is so doggone important that you cannot watch you are going? Did they stop teaching how to walk down a passageway properly in the Academy?" Parker asked while staring down the new Ensign. It wasn't that he was upset, it was just fun to give the new guy a little grief.

Ted did not like bullies but the officer outranked him. So Silver kept his tone natural. Best be polite when facing a new face.

“ I was checking information vital in setting up the science lab project I have been given sir. This office apologises for nearly walking into you........sir.” Silver responded

"Wait a minute, you're the new science officer, aren't you? Ensign Sliver?" Cody said intentionally mispronouncing his name. "I started processing your clearance paperwork yesterday. Assistant Science Chief. Not a bad seat for an Ensign."

Silver did not know if the officer was just giving him. The usual newbie nugget roast or sizing him up. To see if this new addition to the Tomcat could be bullied.

“ Actually sir. It’s Silver. Ted Silver. Yes, not many of my rank get an ACSO position. But I assure you I may be a newbie, nugget, pissant, fresh meat or whatever you people. With more pips on your collar call us. But I am more than capable of the job. Also just so you know. The last person who thought I was something to be bullied. Was found naked and tied to the Starfleet Academy flag pole. Sir.” Ted replied.

Parker laughed at the bravado of the Ensign, "I like your style Ensign, you don't back up, that is excellent. Why don't you come by my office this evening, we'll go grab a drink from the bar on the starbase, the first round is on me, new guy."

Silver smiled he had been wrong about Cody.

“ Yes ok. See you later.” Ted said smiling


Ensign Ted Silver
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief Security Officer


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