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Meeting the Captain

Posted on 25 Oct 2020 @ 10:34pm by Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt

1,131 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51 Promenade
Timeline: After Commander Sterling’s departure and just before Phase two.


- Starbase 51, Promenade Coffee Cafe -

Ted decided to try one of the smaller cafe’s. They tended to use real Chefs and food. Rather then replicated which Silver preferred. Although he had heard the Tomcats replicators. Where the best in the fleet. Now she was finally docked he could try them.

Having heard her new ACSO had arrived she decided to go see him, as a Deputy he was not required to meet the Captain, but she figured what the hell so she located him and was now headed in his direction, it suddenly became obvious that he was not expecting to see her, but his reaction.

Sitting down he ordered a Latte. Silver never saw the officer approach until she was a few feet away. Looking up he suddenly went pale. Jumped up almost knocking his cup of coffee over. Stood as straight and as still as his body would allow.

She had to hide her smile, she found his reaction amusing, but it would not be good for her to be seen as taking amusement in his reaction.

“Captain..... Ensign Ted Silver Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Tomcat. Ma’am.” He replied standing to attention.

"Hello, Ensign may I join you?" the Captain asked "and relax before you burst something" she added with a small smile.

Silver relaxed and gestured to the table. Pulling out a chair so the Captain could sit down

“ Of course Ma’am I was just enjoying a nice Latte. They make it with real milk which gives it that extra milky taste.” He explained

"I know this cafe is good with that" she answered as the waitress approached "Raktijino please," she said as the waitress took down her order and with a cheery smile left to get her order, she turned back to him "So I know you have not been here long and to date, your only time on the Tomcat was as honour guard when my First Officer disembarked, but how are you finding things so far?" she asked.

Silver took a sip of his drink. So his voice would not sound all croaky.

“From what I have seen so far. She is a very fine’am. Sorry I mean it’s a fine vessel. Ma’am...Captain.” Ted was a little nervous. He was speaking to the Captain after all.

"Calling her a fine lady is okay, so have you talked to any of the veteran crew from the ship yet? They are approachable so do not be afraid, have you spoken to Lieutenant Thompson, yet?" she asked two quick questions one after the other and only paused to let the Ensign speak and to nod her thanks to the waitress.

Silver took a sip of his Latte. The drink was quite tasty. He saw that the Captain had ordered some of that Klingon goo. Why a drink that in his opinion. Tasted like sour brown tea with added mud. Was beyond him. “Oh yes, Mr Thompson has made me his subject matter expert on life sciences and botany. I love botany that’s my field of expertise. Plus I have met a few of the others.” He explained to her.

Looking back at him "Really, like who have you met? Have you struck up conversations with anyone else besides your fellow Nuggets that were waiting on the Tomcat to return and myself and Thompson, talked at length with anyone else?" the Captain asked as she added some water to her Klingon Coffee.

Ted tried to remember who he had already spoken with.

“Thompson, Walon, Hawksley and Parker. Plus yourself of course. “ he said with a smile.

She smiled back over her mug of Klingon coffee "well do not be shy, the rest will not bite, also I know you have been briefed by Station Security and put into the system, but expect to be vetted by Lieutenant Parker my Chief of Security at some point, I have only met one other besides you and that is my new MCO, but meeting the others will have to wait till I return from my TFCO duties" the Captain said.

Silver nodded.

“ As it happens I have already met Lieutenant Parker. I have now been cleared. Which is just as well. The arboretum is going to need a bit of work. It’s been let run to ruin. The koi pond will have to be restocked.”

We do not have one of those on the Tomcat Ensign, but I admit the ones on the station are somewhat neglected, we have had volunteers do it but this is infrequent same for the Arbouretum there is none on the Tomcat, the ship is not a cruise ship like the Galaxy-class" Somers corrected him.

Silver felt his face flush.

“ Sorry I meant here on the Starbase of course. But you know Captain it is a shame we don’t have one, on the Tomcat. It would help to cut down stress. We could adapt to one of the labs.” Ted replied

"The ship has a hydroponics bay, perhaps that will suffice! Also, the holodeck on Deck 13 can be used to have a holographic Arbouretum if you wish to program it, any plants or samples you bring aboard make sure they clear bio contamination first okay?" the Captain asked,

Silver almost went rushing off to deck 13. He was very excited to hear they had a Hydroponic bay. But he managed to keep his inner excitement under control. After all, he was having a coffee with the Captain.

“A Hydroponic bay.......I did not realise ma’am.....Wow.” He took a gulp of his drink. But it went down the wrong way and he started coughing.

She looked at him concerned "you okay Ensign?" she asked, "something tells me you should have checked the deck listing" she added.

“ Sorry......” He said taking a slower sip of his drink.

Finishing her drink, she paid the waiter with a strip of latinum, she gave enough for both of them, the waiter nodded and left with ant dirty dishes, she looked at him "the drink was on me Ensign, now if you will excuse me it has been a pleasure getting to know you, but I have to get going I have somewhere to be" she said standing up and held out her hand "I will see you when I return Ensign Silver" she said.

“ Thank you ma’am. “ He said shaking her hand.

With a final smile, she nodded once and left the bewildered Ensign to his own devices as she had to head to her starbase quarters to get her travel bag and then leave on the shuttle that was waiting for her.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Ensign Ted Silver
Assistant CSO


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