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Cause and Effect

Posted on 31 Oct 2020 @ 6:59pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

3,789 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Intelligence office, various
Timeline: Prior to Phase 2 Mission After Walon's Promotion


- Intelligence office, USS Tomcat -

Iria had completed her decryption of the data rod from Swiftpaws that the Captain had given her. The files that Winchester had turned over did not match the data unloaded from Swiftpaws, which meant he had not been completely honest and had not turned over everything; as he had been told to do. Iria filed the report of Winchester's omissions, the comparison of data he had released versus the data she had uncovered. There were several spaces including one that detailed a virus that could affect the ship and systems. That was both an endangerment of the ship and crew and violation of duty on Winchester's part.

Iria sent the report with copies to Winchester, the acting Captain Colonel Somers, as well as Cahill. She sent a request for them to let her know what they wanted her to do to proceed, as in should she file formal charges against Winchester for his failure to comply with the changes and his disregard for the safety of the ship and crew. Or if they would suggest other punishment for his actions.

It had only been a day since Commander Sterling had departed for her new command and Fleet Captain Somers had left on a task she had to do, thus leaving Alex in charge of Phase two of dealing with the Bluegills, so she had access to the communications from the Department Heads and one from the CIO so still playing catch up she headed to the Intelligence Office, it did not take her long and all too soon Padd in hand she entered the inner office.

"Hello Iria, in case you do not know me I am Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers, I am in temporary command until Fleet Captain Somers returns from her task and she will return, I have briefly read over the report, I cannot understand why Lieutenant Winchester has not given those files over, he is no longer Chief of Intelligence and thus he has no rights to them, can you bring me up to speed before the others get here please?" she asked Walon.

Iria smiled softly up at Colonel Somers, "I have only met you briefly during the Girls night and you brought some wine for my fiancee and myself to enjoy. Besides seeing you during a briefing." She stood up and offered the Colonel her own chair. "I finished the description of files I was given from the Captain she had given the same to Winchester before me, he didn't return everything from what I have uncovered. I don't know his reasons behind it, but those programs can be used against the ship. I am not happy that he kept them, since he isn't in Intelligence any longer or he isn't supposed to be."

The Colonel smiled but indicated that Iria could stay in her seat "I am a Rifleman Lieutenant, I can rough it out" she said with a friendly smile "So Lieutenant Winchester is withholding data, I have read the file, Captain Somers instructed him to hand that data over, and he has not!! Well we need to rectify that then" she said.

"I agree but I am not certain the best action to take. I don't want to tank his career but if he can't be trusted to follow orders," she paused and shook her head slightly but spoke firmly "then maybe he should be doing something else away from the ship?"

"I am sure that he will comply, he will have his sources, as a Security officer his sources are his own, but I think we can get him to share any and all information with Intelligence, but I will not ask either of you to reveal your sources, understood Lieutenant Walon?" the Colonel said.

Iria nodded though she had high doubts that Winchester had very good sources if his only training was from his own James Bond holo-deck programs. "As long as he doesn't interfere with intelligence matters."

The Colonel had to hide her smile at the James Bond comment "understood Lieutenant Walon

With that Winchester entered the room...

Paul had received his summons to report to the CIO's office in response to something which he guessed was to do with the codes that he not given the Chief intelligence officer, he knew that he had a reason and a good one at that. He entered the room and then spotted Alex Somers in the room.

"Lieutenant Paul Winchester reportings ordered," he stated formally coming to a halt.

Cahill got a message she was needed in a meeting and went to see what was up. She enters the room and Col Somers, Walon, along with Winchester already there. She stood back a minute and waited to see what was going on next.

Iria looked from Winchester to Cahill as they arrived, she nodded to the extra chairs she had placed in the room. "Please have a seat Lieutenant Commander Cahill and Lieutenant Winchester. We have much to discuss but first things first. Does anyone want anything from the replicator before we begin in earnest?" She wasn't happy with Winchester for lying to her about the files. He had gone against orders and protocols and lied about it.

Shakes her head "I am good thanks." the Colonel answered.

Paul knew that by challenging Iria like he had, as well as not handing over the test of the codes, and on top of that; not gone to the counsellor sessions like he was supposed to, did not looked good for him, he said, " I would like a coke to please Iria." as he now realised why he had been summoned here.

Iria nodded as she walked to the replicator she glanced back at Cahill, "Did you want anything Doctor?"

Cahill replied, "Coffee black please."

Iria got the Coke for Winchester, a french vanilla cappuccino with peppermint bits mixed into it for herself and a large black coffee for Cahill, walking back offering their drinks before she walked behind her desk and leaned slightly against the wall.

Iria took a long sip and then looked at Winchester. "I am levelling a formal charge against Lieutenant Paul Winchester for refusal to hand over files dealing with Intelligence matters, hiding said files for reasons yet unconfirmed but I believe he knowingly did this in order to either disrupt the function of our ship and crew or to obstruct my work in Intelligence," Iria said clear and firm as she regarded him.

"Thank you Iria," replied Paul as he took the chilled glass from the Lieutenant, He continued, "and as for the Codes, I am willing to share them with her as I still have my Intelligence informants and will share any information I receive," as he looked back at everyone in the room.

Dr Cahill sits quietly and listens not wanting to judge anything till she has more of the story.

Iria raised a ginger hued brow, "You are not supposed to be involved with any type of intelligence matter, the codes are not yours to decide who gets to use them. Your violation of disobedience and willfully hiding them needs to be addressed."

Colonel Somers looks at Winchester "Mr Winchester, those codes you got during your short time as Chief of Intelligence, YOU will hand them over, your informants or sources you can keep same for Lieutenant Walon, but those codes are for Intelligence NOT Security, now you can keep a copy, but you MUST hand them over so Intelligence has access to them too, understood Lieutenant Winchester?" the Colonel said.

"Colonel, I have just said that I am going to share the codes with her, but my Intelligence informants remain with me," replied Paul looking back at both of them, He continued, "and I will share any information that they send to me as well," as he offered the compromise to both officers.

"Good *looks at Walon* "is that acceptable to you Lieutenant? Lieutenant Winchester will no longer concern himself in intelligence matters, we cannot change the past, but he is willing to give you the codes so you too have access." the Colonel asked, personally she was happy with the arrangement it was the perfect compromise, but would Iria accept it...

Cahill continued to watch what was happening and continue to listen. I feel in matters like this sometimes too many cooks burn the dinner.

Iria raised her eyebrows slightly, "Your sources are yours for security matters, you're not supposed to be getting involved in Intelligence and I know that you were ordered by the Captain to turn the codes and files over to me when I took over. You didn't and you have had plenty of time to rectify that. I don't know what game you think you're playing but it's not something I would expect from a fellow officer."

"Fine," replied Paul pulling the chip out of his security belt and tossed it over towards Walon, he continued," and if you get caught, don't expect me to come to get you," as he didn't pull any punches.

Cahill looked at Winchester and smiled, "Now LT Winchester you know we work as a team on the Tomcat. And we help each other when needed."

Iria gasped at his tossing the data chip at her, she reached out to catch it but instead it splashed into her large mug of hot cappuccino, it splashed the liquid over her hands and wrists making her drop the mug. It crashed to the deck and shattered leaving cappuccino and the data chip half-melted by the hot liquid on the floor at her feet.

"Nice to know that you don't take the leave no man behind to heart Lieutenant Winchester. If you have any other copies of those codes, I expect them to be placed gently on my desk. Otherwise, get the hell out of my office, I have had enough of your childish and unbecoming behavior." Iria said as she looked away from him, in disbelief at the mess her feet, to the burns forming on her hands and wrists.

"Rule 1 in intelligence, if you get caught, you're on your own," replied Paul looking back at Walon, he continued," and it's not leaving a man behind it is how intelligence works," as he stared back at her and finished," and if you can not handle it then say so now,"

"Please gentles, let's keep things civil, I..." she paused as what Walon said about the Captain finally hit home "HE DID WHAT?!" she asked loudly, but with controlled anger "computer download into transcript form the interaction between Captain Somers and Lieutenant Winchester on his move from Intel to Security," she said and her Padd started beeping as she got control of her temper "The interactions in the CRR is recorded, all conversations, the CO and XO have access to them as does Chief of Intelligence," she said looking evilly at Winchester any goodwill he might have gained back evaporated at the mention of disobeying orders the Padd beeped indicating the download had finished.

"Okay, I am quoting Captain Somers here AFTER she told you to hand over every bit of Intel to Lieutenant Walon, the Captain said and I quote "If I find out you still have your fingers in any Intelligence matters, I will bust you down to Ensign Understood? I am not above my Security officers having sources to call upon, but all Intelligence matters are now out of your hands and those contacts that Sheela used to use when she thought I did not know have been made inaccessible to you. I am making this a DIRECT order where Intelligence is concerned, am I making my self clearly understood Lieutenant Winchester?".

She finished reading "okay, if you were in my regiment Lieutenant I would bust you down to Private as I hate it when people disobey orders *looks at Walon* Lieutenant Walon the probable reason why nothing was done about this is that the Captain trusted Lieutenant Winchester to do as he was requested, he broke that trust and disobeyed an order, the Captain was unaware of this *she paused as she looked at Winchester* Mr Winchester I will need everyone I have for Phase two so I cannot put you in the brig, I will, however, take another tactic! she paused for effect.

"Commander Cahill, Lieutenant Walon Mark this down," she said still looking at Winchester "Lieutenant Paul Winchester in my acting capacity as Commanding Officer I am hereby giving you a reduction in rank to Lieutenant Junior Grade until Fleet Captain Somers returns, she will then be briefed and she will decide your ultimate fate, but from now until then you Sir are Lieutenant Jg, you will stand Sir," she said getting all formal as she walked over to the replicator and typed in a code and a half pip appeared, she then took it over to Winchester who was now standing and removed his full pip and replaced it with a half Pip and stepped back.

"This will go in my log, and you will have to work hard to get into the Fleet Captain's good graces and work even harder to get back into mine, from this moment one all Intelligence contacts and any such data you have that is for Intelligence, you Sir will hand it over and from now on you will concern yourself with only Security duties and this is a DIRECT ORDER, disobey me Lieutenant and the consequences will be dire, do you understand?" she asked.

"I did say, Sir that I would share everything with her and I have," replied Paul looking back at her, he continued," Computer, Transfer all the codes to Lieutenant Walon and inform SFI That I have been reallocated," he looked back at the colonel and replied "Copy that Colonel,"

"Working" came the voice of the ship's computer as Paul looked back at Lieutenant Walon," I'm sorry if I doubted you, Lieutenant," as he knew that the Colonel was not happy with him

Dr Cahill replied, Noted LTC Somers. Computer acknowledgement of standing order by LTC Somers-Acting Commander. Personal code - Alpha, Gama, Omega LCMD Cahill COM/2XO Tomcat."

The computer replied, Acknowledged and verified.

The Colonel nodded her thanks and sat back down,

Iria was staring hard at Winchester, "You are just now telling Starfleet Intelligence you've been reassigned? What pray tell have you been working on since I haven't assigned you to anything in the weeks I have been in this department." she couldn't believe he hadn't followed orders and was only NOW telling Intelligence he had been moved to security instead. She was furious but she was more upset that he was proving to be more unreliable.

"Lieutenant Walon Starfleet Intelligence was notified of his move over to Security Fleet Captain Somers sought to that, he just did not tell you as at the time you were not CIO," Colonel Somers said.

Walon simply nodded but continued to look at Winchester unflinchingly...

Lieutenant Commander Cahill remained silent throughout all this.

Lieutenant Winchester wisely remained silent, especially in the wake of what Lieutenant Colonel Somers said, he felt he had nothing to say he seriously hoped to keep future events he may do down to a minimum.

"Good" she simply said and tapped her Combadge =/\= Colonel Somers to Lieutenant Parker, kindly report to the Chief Intelligence Office pronto if you will please! =/\= she said and it was not a question.

=/\= On my way=/\= Parker replied as he headed towards the intelligence office.

=/\= Thank you, Lieutenant, Somers out =/\= she closed the link and looked at Winchester "For every action Lieutenant Winchester the is both an equal and opposite reaction and if you have problem with Lieutenant Walon, know this the Captain appointed her CIO as it compliments her duties as Chief Counsellor, so adjust to the face that she is CIO and you are ACoS, got it?" The Colonel asked.

"Colonel, I do not have a problem with the Lieutenant here and never have," replied Paul, he finished," and I will do my duty as a security officer," he concluded.

Shortly after Lieutenant Parker finally arrived, the Colonel looked up with a neutral expression...

Parker walked in and saw the other officers with Winchester, *What did he do now* he thought to himself. "How can I help?" he asked unaware of the previous conversation.

"Ah! Lieutenant, good Lieutenant Winchester has been stepped down in rank to Lieutenant Jg until the Captain decides his fate, he was demoted for disobeying a direct order from the Captain sometime ago shortly after he was moved from CIO to ACoS, something to do with codes and contacts. Nothing further was done as Captain Somers thought that he would carry it out. I have only recently found out what he has done *looks evilly at Winchester as she speaks to Parker* if he was in my regiment I would bust him down to Rifleman and stick him doing the dirtiest jobs I can find, so I will leave his punishment duties in your hands, Lieutenant, I advise you make a note in your duty log and give him something menial to do, I would put him in the brig but I will need everyone for Phase 2, any questions Lieutenant?" she asked the Chief of Security.

Parker sighed, "I will handle it, ma'am, I believe with the shore leave, the Lieutenant will get to stand a couple of extra watches. He'll get to babysit the drunks and clean up after them. I believe this will be sufficient for the moment until I receive further guidance from our Commanding Officer."

The Colonel nods "excellent *looks at Winchester* Lieutenant Winchester I have a feeling that you will be your current rank for some time, while you are contemplating on never disobeying orders again, understood?" Lt Col Somers asked.

"Colonel, I understand that she is now the CIO, but she does not possess the skills as an Intelligence officer," replied Paul looking back at Walon, "I only had that job for 6 months and was never given the time to set up my network or anything," as he knew that Fleet Captain Somers had moved him into Security. He continued," I understand what is needed to be done and she is a counsellor and she is mad at me for not attending sessions after my crash,"

"Nor do you Lieutenant Winchester, but Lieutenant Walon hit the ground running when she was given the job within the first month where six months had gone and you had done nothing, I read the reports *looks at Walon* quite impressive on your Part Iria," she said then looked back at Winchester "You should have gone, you had a crash and should have seen the Counsellor, but that is in the past, Lieutenant Walon is now the CIO and you need to stop making a flaming ass of yourself Lieutenant, you are in enough trouble as it is!" Colonel Somers said then leaned forward and speaking loud enough for all to hear "If you insinuate or insult the Lieutenant again then as the gods are my witnesses as are these two officers I will BREAK YOU *she pronounced the words with venom* do I make myself absolutely, perfectly crystal clear Lieutenant Winchester?" She asked.

"Crystal Colonel," replied Paul looking back at the Marine, as he wondered if the Colonel didn't have any faith in his abilities and somehow he had to prove himself and how was he to do that now that he was a Lieutenant Junior grade.

Iria shook her head softly, "I follow orders and I learn. I also have some good friends on this ship whom I rely on." she said evenly. Her face flushed slightly at the compliment that was on the back of Colonel Somers' warning to Winchester.

Dr Cahill sat quietly and listened to what was going on as 2XO and Acting XO she felt it better to listen to the proceedings and only make inputs as asked or if she had any questions. She kept it formal but not stiff.

Looking around "Well if there is nothing further *looks at Parker* Lieutenant Parker take Lieutenant Winchester with you and do with him as you will," she said finally looking at Winchester.

Parker nodded, "Let's go, Winchester," he said as he exited the room.

With a nod to the Security Chief Colonel Somers watched the pair leave she looks at Cahill "Well Commander Cahill before we set off on Phase 2 come visit me in the CRR prior to the briefing, I have need of you for a job during Phase 2" Somers said.

"Very good Commander, now you can return to your previous duties," the Colonel said as she pulled out her Padd and tapped something on the screen.

Dr Cahill replied, "Understood Colonel Somers I will be by once I get something from my office." As she left.

Simply nodding at Cahill's departure she finally looks at Walon as she presses the final button on her Padd "well everything that was on the data chip is now in your database Lieutenant, Captain Somers had some bypasses to breakthrough Commander Swiftpaws codes, Sheela liked to think she was one step ahead of the Captain, but the Captain knew what she did, but everything Winchester had during his short stint as CIO and what was on that data chip is now yours, the Intelligence Department is your get it running smoothly" she said.

"I will do my very best. Thanks for coming down to help sort this out." Iria said as she looked at Colonel Somers.

Smiling "Not a problem Lieutenant, I shall leave you to your duties, oh and a message from the Captain, she has reassigned Lieutenant Arderne over to Counselling, she may have mentioned something about it, but it is confirmed the paperwork just cleared so Arderne is all yours to work with closely," Colonel said.

Iria nodded her head, "Lamia and I are both aware yes and I am glad to have her in the department." she said evenly.

With a smile "I will see you in the next mission briefing Lieutenant" she said and with a polite nod left the Intelligence Office and headed back to the CRR, she was privately dreading commanding only one ship, Command seemed easier when there was overwhelming force behind her as support, her cousin was correct she did need to experience this.


Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security

Lieutenant Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO


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