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The Change Up

Posted on 19 Nov 2020 @ 4:32am by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt

1,376 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Before the Cause and Effect Post


Fleet Captain Somers was in her Ready Room it had not been long since Lieutenant Arderne had left, she was now left with a quandary, she could not have a Lieutenant JG commanding a full Lieutenant even if that officer was okay with it, but it was not proper so coming to a decision she pressed a button on her desk.

=/\= Captain Somers to Walon, report to my Ready Room, out =/\= she said and pulled up Iria's file and began to work on updating it.

- Intelligence office -

Iria had picked up PaDD's from counselling and brought it with her to get all her paperwork settled together for both departments. She was going over appointments that had been made and to be made along with going over the files that she had been compiling for Intelligence. It was a lot more paperwork than she would prefer. At the sound of the summons from the Captain, she started to respond but the Captain had shut the channel before she could reply. Iria set down the PaDD and got to her feet and headed out of the office. She didn't know what was up but she hoped it wasn't another mission involving her going feline for an extended period of hours.

A short time later there was a knock on her door, the one that led to where Lucy usually sat "ENTER" she said and the doors opened and in walked Lieutenant Walon.

Iria was slightly surprised to not see Lucy on her way into the Captain's ready room, which again she had to stop herself from asking what the room was ready for, she offered up a smile to Jasmine. "You wanted to see me Captain?" she asked lightly.

Looking up from what she was doing "ah, Iria, please have a seat" Somers said and stood up herself tugging down her tunic and walked to the little window looking out into the busy area that was Starbase 51, she was at Parade rest with a straight back. "You have a new Assistant Chief Counsellor from today onwards, a Lieutenant Lamia Arderne, she knows you are a Lieutenant Jg and she is a full Lieutenant and I asked her about it and she is okay with taking instruction from rank lower than her," the Captain paused as she picked something small up off the small table below the window, "while she is okay with that I have a little trouble, protocol don't you know, so anything to say so far Iria?" Somers asked.

Iria shook her head slightly, "Nothing to say other than I will be glad to have Lamia in counselling, she will be a wonderful addition." She didn't have any objections to having Lamia working with her. The mental health of the crew was as important as physical health.

"I have a way to level up the rank disparity, but I am not sure you will like it, but it is a logical answer," the Captain said mysteriously and with a neutral expression.

Iria blinked at Jasmine, she didn't know what to say to that, "Whatever it is I can adapt to Captain," she said lightly, she could adapt she just hoped it didn't include her actually being removed from the counselling department. If it was what Jasmine felt was best for the ship she would abide by it.

The Captain detected a hesitant tone coming from her Chief of Intelligence, so still keeping a neutral expression small box in hand "You are mistaken, Lieutenant Junior Grade Iria Walon my intent is not to remove you as Chief Counsellor, no you will cover both departments as you have been, what I am doing is I am balancing out the scales. *pause* You see Lieutenant everything must have a balance, now with your current rank you are technically junior to Lieutenant Arderne even though you have seniority, so to balance the scales I am promoting you to Full Lieutenant, what do you have to say to that Lieutenant Walon?" the Captain asked still with a neutral expression.

Iria blinked at her a few times speeches for the surprise and contradiction in the words various the Captain's tone and expression. Then she smiled, "I am glad that I am not being removed as Chief counsellor and I am looking forward to the work continuing within intelligence but I definitely wasn't expecting a promotion anytime soon." She looked at Jasmine, "May I stand up?" She didn't want to move before she was certain that it was okay. She was still reeling from the relief she wasn't getting moved elsewhere. The promotion was very expected.

"You may stand Lieutenant as it will be easier to update your rank pin," the Captain said and advanced after Iria was standing she removed her half pip, then opened the box pulling out a full pip and putting the half pip in it and closing the box. Then she pinned the new pip next to the other one and finally smiled "Congratulations lieutenant and thus the balance is restored." as she stepped back "can I offer you a drink to steady your nerves or are you eager to give your partner the good news?" The Captain asked.

Iria shook her head softly, "Thank you no I don't need a drink. I will take a few to let it sink in before I tell Remy. Thank you, Captain." Iria said as she looked up at Jasmine.

"You have also earned this Iria, but what actually pushed it though was Lamia joining your Counselling Department she was full Lieutenant, so now that you are a full Lieutenant too, your say will carry more weight from a CIO standpoint, I will update your service jacket shortly," the Captain said finishing her job or putting the new pip on and returning to her seat "you can sit again Iria" she added with a smile "now what are your plans for reforming Intelligence? Commander Swiftpaws left quite a tangled web in the intel databanks and such, you will need to sort those out first" She intoned.

"I have been sorting through that web since I took over, I have most of it I think but I am also going to bring in some analysts and decryption specialists, beyond that I will keep you posted as things develop," Iria said lightly, though she was a bit taken aback by the Captain's words. If she had deserved the promotion why had Lamia's transfer made it a sudden push through? She would ask about that another time. "For now I will focus on and getting the department fleshed out and make sure that counselling is ready for whatever comes as well."

*studying the woman she squinted her eyes* "in case you are curious my mentioning of push through is that what I have already said while Lamia was okay with it, I could not allow a junior officer like you were commanding a full Lieutenant, so I found a way around it and the fact that you had earned the promotion was all the better" she said and smiled "any further questions Iria?" She asked as she updated Iria's service jacket. "There your service record has been updated and you are all set" she added.

Iria shook her head softly, "No questions, and thank you Captain." she smiled as she looked up at Jasmine. This going to take getting used too, after being used to being a Lt.j.g.

The Captain looks at Iria "You mentioned sometime ago you were happy as Lieutenant Jg, but I think besides meeting current requirements the promotion is long overdue well I personally think so," the Captain said and stood holding out her hand "congratulations Lieutenant, now go an whip intelligence into shape." she added.

Iria shook her hand and grinned, "Thank you Captain," she turned and headed out of the Ready Room, a bounce in her step that was excitement and happiness.

With a final nod the Captain watched Iria leave her office oO Now we will see what she does. Oo the Captain thought to herself and sat back down and finalized her paperwork before she had to leave.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Lieutenant Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor


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