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The personal touch

Posted on 03 Dec 2020 @ 4:03pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 03 Dec 2020 @ 5:08pm

636 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Iria & Remington’s Quarters
Timeline: After the Change Up Before Cause and Effect


Having arranged her change of department Lamia made her way to speak to Iria, she was after all going to be Lamia’s department head. Reaching Iria’s and Remington’s Quarters she pressed the chime and waited for an answer.

Iria set down the book she had picked up and walked to the doorway. She pressed the release and looked out to see...

As the door opened Lamia offered a warm smile, “Hi Iria, I hope I’m not catching you at a busy time?”

Iria smiled brightly, "Hello Lamia, I was hoping to see you soon, come in and have a seat." She was bursting with excitement herself. And trying very hard to not project loud thoughts because she was practicing for training against Remy again. Though if Lamia picked up on her surprise well she was certain if she asked Lamia wouldn't say anything yet.

Lamia could definitely sense Iria’s excitement, it was coming off her in waves. She smiled as she walked over to the sofa and took a seat.

Iria walked to the small kitchen area, "I just made some hot chocolate, the real stuff would you like some or something from the replicator?"

“The real stuff please!” She looked at Iria curiously. “So if I may ask, what is it that has you so excited? Apart from the fact that you’re getting married soon.”

Iria grinned cheekily at Lamia, "Hot chocolate first then we can talk. Do you want any whipped cream or anything added to yours?" Iria picked up a small container of crushed peppermint pieces, "Or peppermint?" That was her personal favorite additive to hot chocolate.

Lamia shook her head, “Just as is will be fine for me thanks.”

Iria brought over the two mugs and offered Lamia one still grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“So ...” Lamia looked at Iria curiously. “Tell me what’s got you so excited!”

Iria walked to the kitchen counter and brought over the box she had received from Captain Somers, she grinned at her friend, "I am a full Lieutenant now."

“Congratulations!” Lamia smiled warmly. “Captain Somers did seem concerned that I’d be serving in a department under a junior officer but that’s not a concern anymore. It’s well earned Iria.”

Iria grinned at Lamia, "I wasn't worried honestly more thrown for a loop at getting a promotion out of the blue." she shook her head softly. "So you're moving to Counseling full time?" Iria asked as she sat down.

Lamia nodded. “Yes I am, I’ve come to realise it’s more my calling than Ops. If I can help others then I’d like to do just that.”

Iria nodded, "Well with changes all around I am going to be glad to have you there to help. I have been so busy I haven't checked back with Lili have you spoken with her recently?"

“Actually ... no I haven’t.” Lamia sighed. “To be honest I forgot!” She silently cursed herself. “I really need to get myself back on track. I’m not normally this lax.”

Iria shook her head softly, "We can both check on her, a lot has happened in a short span of time."

“That’s true” Lamia nodded.

"Is there anything you want to help plan for the department or do you just want to see how it goes for a bit and then we regroup and discuss it later?" Iria asked softly.

“We can see how it goes if you like?” Lamia smiled warmly. “I’m sure we can all work it out between us.”

Iria nodded her head, "I agree, between you, Lili and myself we should have things well in hand."


Lieutenant Lamia Arderne
Asst Chief Counsellor
USS Tomcat

Lt. Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counselor
USS Tomcat


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