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A locked file

Posted on 03 Dec 2020 @ 4:11pm by Lieutenant JG Ted Silver

823 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: USS Tomcat main science lab
Timeline: After Commander Sterling has left and before Phase Two


- USS Tomcat : Main science lab -

Silver sat down at a terminal. He wanted to get up to speed with any outstanding projects. There seemed to be quite a few that were still pending. Including one dealing with his favourite subject botany. But no sooner had he tried to open the file. The computer started making worrying noises and flashed red.

++ This file is locked ++ The computer replied.

“ Why? “ He asked.

++ Unable to comply please contact Chief Intelligence Officer Lt.j.g. Walon.++ It replied.

Silver sat back and tapped his comm. Badge

=/\=Ensign Silver to Chief Intelligence Officer Walon. Come in please.=/\= Silver said.

- Intelligence office -

Iria was frowning slightly as she read over a file, at the sound of the internal communications she looked up, after tapping her combage =/\= Walon here, how can I help you Ensign Silver?=/\= she retorted though he couldn't see her expression, she was genuinely curious as to why someone from the science department would need her help.

Silver had not heard this officer before. He coughed then spoke.

=/\= Sorry to bother you. I have been going over some pending science projects.There is one a botany project. That appears to locked I can’t access it. Even as ACSO I should be able to shouldn't I? =/\= He asked

- Intelligence office -

Iria frowned slightly, =/\= Unless there's a particular additional restriction you should have access. Give me five minutes to finish my current report, then I will come check it out with you.=/\= she said as her own curiosity at the situation grew. What could be locked out in science?

Ted nodded and continued his work. Leaving out of course to try the locked file. But his curiosity was peaked. Why would a Botany file be locked like this? Soon he heard footsteps.

Iria walked into the lab after a glance around she walked further in, "Ensign Silver?" She asked lightly as she approached. "I'm Iria Walon, Chief of intelligence and the Chief Counselor on the Tomcat, pleased to meet you." She offered with a smile, then she added "Let's see what the file entails."

Ted gestured to the computer terminal.

“ I was trying to find the arboretum control program. When I found this locked file in among the botany files. It has an encryption code I can’t even begin to decipher.” Silver explained

Iria looked at the terminal and tapped a few key codes, then a few more and stood back as the system cycled the codes and after a long series of chirps and beeps it began opening the file and arboretum controls. "I don't get why there was added protocols but it seems to be cleared up now. I will stick around in case something else turns up but I don't see where you should be blocked further."

Silver wanted to look over the stations Arboretum program. Because he wanted to introduce a few new plants to the Deck 13 hydroponics Bay on the Tomcat. He thought it could be a good idea to have the same plants. But as he opened the file Ted noticed something wrong. The list contained a load plants that were obviously not in the stations arboretum. As the were the most deadly and poisonous in the Alpha quadrant.

“ What the? Um.... Lieutenant I think you might want to see this.” He said.

Iria looked at it and then tapped a few keys and brought up the history of the file they were looking at. "Okay, It look's like the previous assistant Chief of Science ordered several plants that were to be part of his experiments but he was transferred before they were delivered, they are available now, we can either accept them and allow others to use them for their own experiments or we can deny and they will be returned to the original seller." Iria looked at him, "If you are not sure why not talk with the current assistant Chief of Sciences and see what they think but if you are up for the challenge I don't see any reason to not accept the order."

Sliver blinked and looked at her. He did not know how to respond. Would she take it with good grace or be angry at him?

“ Um...... I am the Assistant Chief Science Officer. Sorry did I make a mistake and not tell you I was. If so I heartily apologise. As regards for this. As the Tomcat has no Arboretum. I would rather not have anything dangerous growing in the Hydroponics bay.” He replied

Iria blinked and then laughed softly, "Ah well then return the order and sorry for the confusion on your position. Lost track of who was assigned where, my
apologies. “

Silver gave her a smile.

“ I will and thanks for all your help.” He said


Ensign Ted Silver
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Tomcat

Lt. Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counselor
USS Tomcat


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