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Posted on 20 Oct 2020 @ 9:04am by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 20 Oct 2020 @ 11:01pm

1,227 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various
Timeline: After return to Starbase 51


Lamia was en route from her office in Ops to her new office as Assistant Chief Counsellor, boxes in hand that she’d managed to stack just a little too high. As she walked the top box wobbled before it finally fell off the small stack and spilt it’s contents everywhere. PADDs were strewn across the deck in every direction.

Dodd was just down the corridor when he heard a crash and felt thought of panic. He turned around and saw Arderne standing over a scattered mess of PADDS and still trying to balance boxes.

"Hang on, I will assist." Dodd stated as he approached and knelt down to gather the PADDS.

“Thank you, Remington!” Lamia smiled warmly. “I shouldn’t have stacked my pile so high, I was just trying to save myself a trip.”

"No worries, I got this for you." Dodd stated as he stood up with all of Arderne's PADDs and took the stack of boxes from her. "Where shall I take these for you?"

“I’m heading for my new office in the Counselling department, I’m the new Assistant Chief Counsellor.”

"Really, Iria never said anything about that." Dodd replied. "I bet she would be very happy to have the help since she is also overseeing Intelligence."

"Well she offered me a position alongside my Ops duties but after everything that's happened I feel my heart lies in Counselling." Lamia smiled. "I'm still a computer systems specialist under your command for engineering."

"Well, I do understand where you are coming from on counselling." Dodd replied. "Without counselling, I would likely not be the Chief of Engineering nor would I be with the love of my life." Dodd continued with Arderne as he carried her boxes for her as he could then maybe see Walon steal a quick kiss before returning to engineering.

"I've come to the conclusion that Counselling is where my heart lies." As they arrived at the Counselling offices and her new office Lamia headed inside motioning for Remington to place her boxes on the desk. "As you can see it's something of a bare office so far but I'll soon have it how I like it."

"I know you will have it personalized in no time." Dodd commented. "I know you will be good at your new calling."

“I should be” Lamia nodded. “Counselling seems to come automatically to us Betazoids, our senses make us quite the commodity to our Commanding Officers. It can be a big responsibility at times but now I can be the person I’m meant to be.”

"Well, if that makes you happy like Chris makes you happy, then I am happy for you." Dodd replied. He did not sense Walon in her office so he was shifting his focus to Arderne. "I will say, you make a great friend so I think that will help you make a great counsellor."

“Thank you, my friend” Lamia smiled warmly. “Can I get you a drink or anything? That’s if I’m not holding you up of course.”

"I can stay and chat for a little while. If you would like some company?" Dodd replied.

“Sure!” Lamia nodded. “I just have to get this office sorted so forgive me if I keep moving around. I kind of plan things out in my head as to how I want it then change it if I don’t like it.”

"Sounds like you already looked over the layout of the office before you got in here." Dodd smirked. "I do that to every ship I am assigned to before I even step one foot on them. Sort of helps me know where I am even though I am new to it."

Dodd reached for a box to hand it to Lamia as he sensed her wanting it. While he normally does not do that he just reacted.
"Sorry did not mean to do that." He stated as he had the box in his hands.

“That’s okay” Lamia grinned. “To be honest not being able to be open around non-telepaths is sometimes really restrictive. I am used to it but it’s nice when I do go home to Betazed, to be able to let my mind free of its restraints. That’s another reason I like being around you and Iria too, we’re all telepaths but we’re not afraid of allowing our minds to be open to one another. As for the box ...” She paused as a thought came to mind. “When we were in that slave prison, we did get pretty ... passionate together. We’re not bonded because we’d both know it if we were but maybe it’s left us more sensitive to each other?”

"I know I used to be a basket case always wanting to react to the thoughts of others and not being appreciated for it. Since I got with Iria, I have been able to finally find control over my abilities and got even stronger in both the use and the control of them." Dodd added. "I do feel closer to you since that traumatic ordeal and I for one think it made me appreciate the friendship that developed out of it. I would say that I feel like you are a closer friend than my best friend, Nelson."

Lamia nodded and smiled. "I like that. The way I see it we're family, no matter what I'll always be here for you and for Iria."

"Well, I am moved by that." Dodd replied. "I guess that means I need to get a move on it, as I need to figure out who I want to stand up with me when I make Iria my wife. I take it she asked you to be in her wedding party?"

Lamia nodded and smiled. "She certainly did, something I'm very happy to accept and help with."

"Well, I figured she did." Dodd replied. "I was thinking I don't know many of the guys well on the ship. Nelson was an underclassman I worked with and we got close, so I figured he would be my best man. I was hoping to maybe ask Chris if he would stand up with me."

Lamia smiled warmly. “I’m sure Chris would be honoured. I won’t say anything to him about it though, not until you’ve decided for certain.”

"Thanks, I appreciate that." Dodd replied. "I just have not really gotten to know many of the other guys on the ship. I am going to try to find time on our shore leave to talk to him and maybe some others so I can get an idea of just who I would like other than Clay Nelson.

“That’s a good idea” Lamia nodded in agreement. “It’s always good to make friends, the more the merrier as the old saying goes.”

"Well, I better let you be to get your office set-up." Dodd replied. "Thank you for the chat, and I will be reaching out to Chris to arrange a talk so to speak." Dodd then turned to head to the door to leave.

“Thank you to Remington” Lamia smiled warmly.

"You are very welcome, my friend." Dodd stated and then stepped out the door.


LT Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lt Lamia Arderne
Asst Chief Counsellor


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