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Orientation Number Two

Posted on 08 Nov 2020 @ 5:02pm by Captain Patrick Jackson & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt

2,481 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Patrick waited for his time to come up. With the arrival of the Tomcat, he was sure the Captain had a long list of things to attend to that were a higher priority than meeting her new MCO. Debriefing, ship repair authorization, who knew how many calls and meetings with the Admiralty along with other administrative duties she would be required to do and could only do once in Port.

Riding the turbolift to the bridge, he double-checked his uniform to ensure it was pristine and ready for inspection. He knew the Tomcat and the Captain had a history and reputation, and a well earned one, at least what he could read that was not redacted. He crossed the bridge to the Captain's ready room and pressed the door chime.

The ship not having long docked now allowed for the Captain to catch up on some paperwork before she had to attend to some extra duties outside of commanding a ship, so engrossed was she that she jumped when the buzzer sounded, this one came from the bridge side, grumbling all the injustices under her breath. She took this time to straighten up the banners on the wall behind her desk. The flag on the left was tilted to the left and was the Federation banner, the one leaning to the right was the 95th Rifle Regimental banner, in the middle was the Rifle Regiment Emblem super impost on top of a delta surrounded by laurel strands either side and in a crossed pattern were two Phaser rifles in the middle and below the 95th number, above that was the UFP seal.

Once she had completed this task she steadied her breathing and retook her seat and said "Enter!" she said loudly.

In walked a Marine First Lieutenant, his uniform was brand new as was the 95th rifle badge on his right shoulder "ah Lieutenant Patrick Jackson, I have been expecting you, please have a seat" she said with a smile "and dispense with the salute and coming to attention, the ship is docked I do not stand on ceremony" she added.

Patrick's arm was already halfway up in salute after walking in, so he continued his hand to his head and smoothed some hair over his ear. He was surprised but would roll with it. Her ship, her rules. "Yes ma'am, and thank you." He said and moved over to the seat indicated.

"So Lieutenant, what makes you believe you can run my Riflemen sufficiently," she asked "she was seeing what he was made of after all he would have 455 troops to play with. "And what made you join the Rifles? Do not be afraid to ask questions after I have the answers to mine" the Captain said, throughout all this, she kept her tone neutral.

"Well ma'am, the reason I joined the rifles was that it was that or jail." He smirked to himself. "That was what feels like a lifetime ago. I was a troubled youth and got into some trouble. The office that picked me up felt I had more to give than just organized crime for a gang of thugs. He gave me a choice because he was a Marine, and that was to become something of value and significance, or stay nothing. I took his offer."

Patrick straightened up some. "Once I started, there was no ending for me. The Marines gave me family, the rifles became my brothers and sisters. I have a purpose now and meaning. To why I can run your Rifles ma'am, is while I am not the most trained in the corporate management of a group this size, I trained in a trial by fire. I've paid my dues in combat, not just from behind a desk." Before he asked his questions, he checked to make sure hers were sufficiently answered. "Does that answer your questions ma'am?"

*smiles* "Excellent Lieutenant, I need a marine commander who can do frontline duty, your answers are good, now I suppose you will want to know what is expected of you! well go ahead and ask," she said still smiling oO Finally Oo was all she thought.

"Yes ma'am, that is one of my questions is what are your expectations not just for myself, but for the 95th as well? The other questions you may or may not know the answer or may not have the liberty to tell me." He responded, knowing how the Federation did things. It was quite possible that even the Captain wasn't told everything or if she was, maybe under a gag order for any reason the Admiralty chose.

"Let us start with Expectations, my expectations of you are to run my Rifles efficiently and well, you will be expected to do the occasional separate mission, but on the whole, all orders come down from myself or my First Officer, when in the field any tactical choice is yours to make. I expect you to run your Department with a minimum of questions, you will need to sort out the platoons and such, your predecessor started, but he did not stay long so you need to set things up as they suit you. You will find the Rifles a good bunch, most of them are recruits, the few NCOs and SNCOs and WOs we have are veterans and can be counted upon to help you acclimate. *pause* You will see twelve Rifles floating about all of then have a White Band like mine" she said indicating the white band around the base of her shoulders. These Rifles are the only ones not directly under your command, they are essentially my personal bodyguard, but they are specialists and if you feel the need to use them on occasion you may do so and when in the field they will listen to you they can also be relied upon to help you if you ask" she paused.

"It is not an easy thing to earn the White Cord, but it can be done, now as for what you can do I have pretty much the full say in that, we are out in the Mira Sector the Ass end of the Federation and our mandate is to keep the peace and deal with any major issues before they become them. We will be doing Phase Two of the mission we just returned from, you will all be briefed before you go on it. As long as you obey the rules of combat and humanitarian rules not to mention do not do any war crimes I am easy, you will have 455 Rifles to sort out, the heaviest weapons we possess are Assault Miniguns and Heavy Photon Grenades, there are Flashbangs and both smoke and Plasma Grenades, but we do not have any hover tanks or any artillery heavier than a rocket launcher. The Rifles mode of transportation down to the planet is either transporters or the two troop shuttles in the hangar bay when on the ground we have available to us APCs, these are still in their crates not yet used, same for the troop shuttles *pause what other questions you have Lieutenant?" the Captain asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Is there enough body armour for all my Marines, or just special operations?" He had a small smile creeping over his face as the Captain listed the inventory available. "Understood on rules of engagement and humanitarian law. That will not happen from any of my Marines. I will make sure of that. I appreciate the autonomy for running the 95th as well as during operations. I do have a *pause* creative side when it comes to tactics. Anything involving ship resources will, of course, be cleared through you or your XO prior to engagement briefing with the Marines and will follow all rules of engagement and any and all objectives set by your mission parameters." He paused for another moment. "Still in the crate?" He asked a little confused as to why they have not been used, but also a little excited over new equipment.

"Yes, until recently we have never needed the vehicles, now with an MCO worth his salt in place I have no doubt they will at some point be used, as for the Body armour, that will be for Special Units, the entire Regiment have the latest in combat environment battle EVA armoured suits, they have been copied from Major Donovan's combat suit, for the armours abilities you will need to speak to her. But body armour is mainly for ships Security and Special Units, speaking of those units when you have settled in I want you to get with my Security Chief Lieutenant Parker and create SAR and Hazard Teams, I feel that such teams are long overdue to be created out here in the wilds. Also, as you will be aboard for Phase two, would you have any issue with taking orders from the acting Captain Lieutenant Colonel Somers who will be covering my absence for the next Phase?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am, I'll be glad to get with Security and help organize those teams. I will also make sure to meet with Major Donovan. As far as taking orders from the Lieutenant Colonel, if that is the person you designated as interim Captain in your stead, then ma'am I have no problems. The 95th will act the same as if under your direct command." Patrick replied. He thought briefly, oO I forgot, another Somers. Is that entire family in active duty right now? Oo

The Captain studies him "you have something troubling you Lieutenant?" the Captain asked noticing something in his face oO I hope we can keep this one!? Oo she asked herself.

"You must be part Betazoid ma'am. No trouble, just observation. Is your whole family Starfleet? I was greeted by a Somers on base and two more are on this ship. Forgive the curiosity ma'am, never had a real family or been with one for any length of time to know if that is normal or not." Patrick stated.

*smiles at Jackson* "I am not Betazoid Mr Jackson not even part, but you don't get to my rank without picking up some wicked skills in observation. as for all the Somers you have encountered Chief Warrant Officer Karyn Somers is Rifles, but she is permanently attached to Security on the Starbase. Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers like Karyn are my Cousins, the Colonel will be covering for me on Phase two of the current mission as I have to attend a departure ceremony elsewhere and it collided with Phase 2. As for if it is usual, no it is not the Tomcat is an unusual ship, to say the least, and while we were waiting for you to arrive Colonel Somers was acting MCO for Phase One, you will need to speak to her about the handover, with you onboard she will be returning to earth after Phase 2, she is slated to take over from me at some point as CO on the Tomcat, but first, she must have practical training and experience then it is back to earth to do her finals, so when she does return the crew will be familiar with her" the Captain answered.

"Understood ma'am. That makes the most logical sense. You will have no issue with me and I will get the rifles in even tighter shape. I am sure the Colonel is a very busy woman, so I will be flexible around her availability. I can only imagine the amount on her plate at the moment." Patrick said with a little shake of his head. Command training, MCO of two companies worth of Rifles, and planning phase 2 of their campaign. He knew she must be one heck of a woman to juggle all of that efficiently. Regardless of rank, he respected that kind of work ethic.

"I will speak a little on the Colonel's background she was raised from the ranks, so she is no slouch when it comes to duty, her work ethic comes from her time in Spec Ops, there was a mission she lost her closest friend on due to bad intel, she has since come to terms with Intel, but she has never fully trusted them since. As for the rest of it, you know as much as I do on that score and she is also an influential diplomats daughter but she mostly plays down her connections for obvious reasons, as per normal when on duty for Phase 2 and until she leaves she is to be known as Captain, she understands this, it grates her, but she understands it regardless, I suppose you could get away with addressing her as Colonel when she is not on the bridge. So have you any questions and such?" The Captain asked as she checked her chrono, she had appointments to keep.

Patrick thought for a moment. "No, ma'am. I believe all my questions have been answered. I will make an appointment with Colonel Somers to take the 95th off her plate." He thought for a moment. "Actually, I do have one question. While we are still docked, before we launch, may I request permission to conduct EVA training?"

"After speaking to Colonel Somers and getting control of the Rifles, they will be yours to do with as you see fit, but do please speak to the Colonel and have the clearances moved to you, but ask her if she will allow it, she will be in command until my return" Captain Somers said.

Patrick nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I will meet with her as soon as possible. Is there anything else you need from me?" He asked as he remembered her checking the chrono and assuming he was eating into her schedule.

"Nothing more I can think of at this moment, I have some TFCO duties to attend to, this is why I look at my chrono, you do not serve as long as I do without noticing others reactions to something," she said with a smile "so Lieutenant I think that is it any further instruction will come from Colonel Somers," the Captain said.

"Yes ma'am. I'll take meet with her ASAP." He answered and moved from her desk.

*nods* "Understood Lieutenant, I will see you when I get back and take good care of my Rifles will you?" she asked standing up and holding out her hand.

"Will do ma'am, they will be in outstanding care and in better shape than when you left." He said standing up and following her to the door.

"Excellent, well good luck to you Lieutenant, I must get going," she said picking up her travel bag and with a final smile leaves the Lieutenant where he was and heads straight to the shuttle bay.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

1st Lt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer


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