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Checking in with Security

Posted on 01 Nov 2020 @ 3:13am by Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Edited on on 01 Nov 2020 @ 9:26am

974 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: -USS Tomcat, Deck 04, CSO's Office –
Timeline: Current


-USS Tomcat, Deck 04, CSO's Office –

Hawksley was onboard the USS Tomcat. He was enjoying his experience. The feel was different from other starships Leland had served, as the 95th Rifles and Marine detachment mostly dominated the crew. He didn't mind, as he often felt he had wanted to become a Marine himself. However, fate had other avenues in store, as Hawksley had fallen for Flight Control systems of large starships. Hawksley did have some limited training experience on Federation fighters and some Marine combat training, yet nothing compared to real-time.

Rounding the corner in the hallway, he had stopped just outside of the CSO's Office on deck four. He was instructed by Lieutenant Commander Smithson to report to Lieutenant Parker with his ID chip when he had boarded the Tomcat. Pausing, Leland tucked his uniform strait and then chimed the doorway outside the CSO's Office.

"Enter" Parker said as he looked up from his desk, where he had been repairing a broken, phaser rifle. Seeing a new face, he stood and wiped his hands on a shop rag before meeting the gentleman near the entry. "I'm Lieutenant Parker, what can i do for you, Lieutenant?"

“Lieutenant Junior Grade Hawksley reporting in for security department Clearance, Sir.” He paused. The then gave a cutting salute and whipped it aside. Leland’s eyes could not help but see that Lieutenant Parker was working. He was fixing or cleaning the muzzle cowling of a type two phaser.

“Phaser broke, Sir?” Hawksley had raised a brow. The things were usually indestructible, made of black duranium alloys.

"At ease Lieutenant, pull up a chair," he said and mentioned to an empty one. " The power unit failed and I've just finished replacing it. I probably should have had one of my Ensigns handle it but I find the task quite enjoyable. I like working with my hands and there's not much time for that while on the bridge. So what Department will you be in?"

“Department?” Hawksley questioned. He never really thought of Helm or Conn as a department in itself. “I fly the ship, Sir.” He offered. “I guess on the bridge team or department.” He cleared his throat, sitting up in the stiff chair to attention.

“I have found the recoil assembly can fry when the stun setting has been consistently too high.” He had offered. “Although I am no engineer.” He shrugged. He then reached for his ID tag on his lanyard. It had hello kitty logo’s on it.

"Thats typically the Flight Control Department. If your Chief Helm that means we will ne seeing alot of each other on the bridge. You line em up and I'll shoot em down," Parker said in jest.

"I've seen these have issues with the recoil assembly, but this one just had a burned out power supply. It happens from time to time, luckily I was able to salvage parts to fix this one up. I'm gonna take it to the holodeck later for testing."

"Good. I could use some experience targeting. My shot is worth shit." He shrugged. "Sir." He nodded at his superior's explanation of the department.

"Sir, I've already tagged Lieutenant Donovan for some lessons at the helm. From what I have heard, the Reaper has a lot to teach me." He had wanted the Tactical Officer to know he was hitting his boots running.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Hawksley," Cody said sternly, my office is not a barroom sir to be used to toss four letter slangs. If you cannot provide an appropriate adjective consisting of more than four letters, ask and one will be provided for you."

Cody watched the new guy's expression before laughing,"I like to shoot ship too, its why I'm working on this so I can get same Range Therapy. Nothing makes you control your breathing and focus like time on the range. It beats that Vulcan meditation any day!"

"Of course Sir." He nodded. "Will not happen again." He was taking a bit of liberties. He was just happy to talk to someone who he felt was of similar wavelengths. The whole Tomcat crew was dedicated, and he could tell, so was the Lieutenant in his skills. He could learn a lot from Lieutenant Parker.

Seeing the lighter tone, he relaxed. "If you have the time to spare, Sir. I could use some re-adjusting on my marksmanship. When it comes to saving lives, I want to know I've done my best."

"Thats two different requests there LT. One, I can help with the marksmanship, we can schedule some holo time, and Two, I can help you with the combat first aid for saving lives. Its a requirement for my away teams. All of my security officers have had basic first aid and com at mass casualty training. Thank the gods we haven't had to use the latter."

Hawksley agreed. "Acknowledged. I then shall seek both medical and marksman sessions, provided by you Sir."

Parker nodded, "Do you know which watch rotation you will be on yet? I'm usually on the first watch team, and I alternate the late watches from time to time just to be available for my Junior Officers. If we can get our schedules somewhat similar we can schedule weekly training scenarios."

"Sir, I believe I am on alpha rotation." Leland informed. "I should be able to change up a few shifts with some officers, while I receive this important training. I will speak to the Chief of Operations and have him consult your Department, Sir."

"If any issues arise, I am certain, I can use my spare time." He gave a nod.

"Sounds great, I'm gonna get back to work here, but I look forward to training together," Parker said politely.


Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Jg Leland Haeksley
Chef Helm Officer


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